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17 mai 2024
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Forum: Armchair-GMjeu. à 13 h 24
Sujet: Next Year
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>exo2769</b></div><div>This is a really good conversation to have. I have a small issue with current management. I say small because I don't see what I'm about to talk about frequently, BUT Lukas Reichel is my example of my issue with management. I'd like more purposeful development of our prospects. Again, Vlasic was done very well. I feel like EDM is going swimmingly. Kurashev too. I'm not a fan of how Management has handled Reichel and I want to avoid this going forward. What do I mean by that? I do like that Reichel spent time in Rockford. I don't want to send many (if any) prospects directly to the NHL...Of course Bedard is the exception. YES, every spot is earned AND if they do earn that spot I'm not standing in the way of that. HOWEVER, it needs to be a high bar. Oliver Moore should not be in the NHL next year imo. Just like Nazar IMO should be in Rockford this year...Barring some amazing training camp where he can prove <strong>without a doubt </strong>he's a better option than Mikheyev/Kurashev/Hall/AA/Riechel. Nazar CANNOT be on the bottom 6. He's not that type of player and even if he becomes a 3rd pair winger in 10 years...he's not that grinder today. Even if the Hawks believe him to be the 5th best forward on the team...He should go to Rockford and be their #1 RW or #1C or wherever the Invision him. That's my beef with Reichel. They played him mostly at center in Rockford and then when they brought him up they put him at wing...mostly. It's a hard enough transition from the AHL to NHL. Changing their position on top of the better opponents isn't setting up our prospects for success. YES, I agree with KD that it's good to have "swing" positions for forwards, BUT let's take that 1 step at a time. Wherever we see Nazar as an him there in Rockford. Get him to the NHL and then work on swing positions.

To the Dach/Lud...etc... We don't know if those guys are going to pan out or not. Certainly 1 extra year on JGP/Laff shouldn't hurt their development. Lardis/Hayes/Lud should probably play mutiple years in Rockford. They're going to have a lot of turnover this summer anyway.

The Campbell trade also helps with injuries. Mrazek was fine last year, BUT unfortunately that rarely happens for Mrazek. If Campbell sits for most the's for the picks anyway.</div></div>

I have nothing wrong with Nazar, Slaggert, Moore, or any other prospect spending time in Rockford, if that’s what’s best for their development. I have a problem with them spending time in Rockford when it isn’t best for their development. Nazar was taken at #13, is a very good prospect, spent two years at Michigan after being drafted, and looked very good in three games with the Hawks last year. Maybe time in Rockford will help his development, but maybe he would be dominant in the AHL and the NHL is a better development location. If we sign expensive FAs, it’s harder to send them to Rockford, and we just have less flexibility. I’d rather risk needing to play Raddysh and Anderson every game because Nazar and Slaggert could actually benefit from time in the AHL than risk Nazar and Slaggert being ready for the NHL but not being able to play everyday because we can’t or won’t send Donato, Foligno, Mikheyev, or another forward to Rockford.
Forum: Armchair-GMjeu. à 12 h 7
Sujet: Next Year
Forum: Armchair-GMjeu. à 9 h 35
Sujet: Tavares
Forum: Armchair-GMjeu. à 9 h 22
Forum: Armchair-GMjeu. à 0 h 53
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>labonjam</b></div><div>Kane had 13 more goals and 13 more points, also hawks are looking to upgrade on their wing side, and a rebuilding team isn't attrative to players unless they overpay and overterm. I dont see why hawks would not roll the dice on kane, both Mikheyev and Kane come off the books at the same time so they can still upgrade after those two are gone.</div></div>

Mikheyev is considered a better defender and is coming off a down year. Kane might be slightly better next year, but it’s not a huge difference. Assuming the Hawks sign Lafferty (whose UFA rights they just traded for) and Nazar starts the season in the NHL, the Hawks will have 12 forwards already on the roster. They’ve got at least on RFA forward (Joey Anderson) who would make sense as a 13th forward and a handful of prospects in Rockford (Dach, Hayes, Lardis) who could make the NHL sometime next year. I expect only 0 or 1 more forwards to sign (or be traded for) making much more than a million dollars, so overpaying isn’t a huge deal for the Hawks. Maybe they do take on Kane, but he’s both taking up cap space and a roster spot for 25-26 too, and next offseason appears to be when Davidson makes a FA splash. I wouldn’t be shocked if the Hawks took on Kane, but there are a handful of reasons they may not.

Also, I would be shocked if they take Kane and it doesn’t take a 2nd round pick. You gave a lot of reasons why it’s like the Mikheyev deal but that involves a 2nd round pick, and the Hawks have made and will make so many high picks that a 3rd round pick just doesn’t move the needle much.