

Hockey Addict
Membre depuis
16 juin 2023
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Penguins de Pittsburgh
Deuxième équipe favorite
Oilers d'Edmonton
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Forum: Armchair-GM26 janv. à 2 h 48
Forum: Armchair-GM24 janv. à 14 h 22
Forum: Armchair-GM24 janv. à 14 h 11
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>SwarmChair</b></div><div>Do you even watch the games? Holloway IS scoring depth. He’s creates lots out there. And selling him now would be selling him at his lowest value. And if the Oilers want MORE scoring depth they can spend a 1st and get a 2RW. They can target Mantha, Tarasenko, Duclair, Okposo etc etc. there’s lot of rental RWers available for picks.

Seeler is not better than Desharnais in no shape or form. I know his game well. Good defensive D with a bit of a snarl but Vinny is better in every respect including puck movement.

Ceci on fire? Wtf are you talking about. Dude does an okay job on defence but couldn’t score to save his life. He’s on the longest goalless streak in the entire team. And yeh offence matters on his spot when the Oilers consistently set him up for shots and offensive zone puck touches that he does absolutely NOTHING with. Did you watch him last night? He gave away the puck at the offensive blue line with a bad pass. He shot directly into a defenders chest when set up for a point shot. This is his game, every game. Meanwhile Kulak hits a post and gets an apple on a smart pass into the slot.

You’re bad at assessing hockey, just plain bad.

Walker is also better than Ceci. I know his game well. That’s the upgrade the Oilers need. Not this imagined upgrade of Kulak to Seeler.</div></div>

Holloway - 16GP 2G 1A 3P -2 0.19P/GP
Career - 67GP 5G 7A 12P -2 0.18P/GP
WTF are you talking about??? He's been mediocre. Plays on the 4th line with no important roles on PP or PK... You're glorifying his importance to EDM way too much!

Seeler/Walker combination is the attractive part of the deal since they're familiar with each other and EDM needs depth on defense!

Ceci isn't on the top line to score goals... he's there to play defense! IDK if you've noticed but EDM is on a historic winning streak with Ceci at 1RD... Ceci&gt;Kulak PERIOD!

Seeler wasn't implied as an upgrade to Kulak... WALKER IS! Kulak is the cap dump and Holloway is the return to get Walker! Seeler is insurance and depth for a playoff run! He's leading PHI in EV GD which is HUGE for a deep playoff run!!! He's also playing more than Kulak or Desharnais on a weaker team in PHI.
You got some Oilers blinders on!