

Membre depuis
27 juin 2017
Équipe favorite
Maple Leafs de Toronto
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Forum: Armchair-GM4 juill. 2017 à 12 h 25
Forum: Armchair-GM4 juill. 2017 à 12 h 23
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>palhal</b></div><div>OK, you say the Leafs aren't Cup contenders. Probably 24 teams aren't Cup contenders. So the 24 teams trade all their upcoming UFAs to the 9 teams that are Cup contenders. Is that the logic? There is value is having a team doing well and in contention for the playoffs. Don't you think that the Leafs young players deserve the best shot at doing well? So many Leafs fans seem to think that finishing out the playoffs is OK and gaining draft picking and then suddenly it's a Cup victory. It just doesn't work that way. Leafs really don't have a log jam at centre and the wing. They might have numbers but so many of these log jammed players aren't and likely aren't going to be NHL difference makers....Moore, Fehr, Sosknikov, Leivo and just about all the Marlie forwards.</div></div>

There are a lot of wingers who need ice time to see what they have before we trade them for nothing. Bozak will get a nice return, instead of using him for one more year to let him walk and only gain some playoff expierince. You mentioned pens in your first comment, with the pens keeping their UFAS its totally different they are a top team with a win now mentality, so trading for depth and keeping UFAS are what they should be doing because they can win now. Leafs need to get what they can they are not at that stage yet. Bazooka was a homegrown undrafted player and getting high pick or picks for him would be a major win especially with how much he has contributed to the team in his time.
Forum: Armchair-GM4 juill. 2017 à 12 h 17
Forum: Armchair-GM4 juill. 2017 à 12 h 3