

Membre depuis
29 juill. 2020
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Oilers d'Edmonton
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Forum: Armchair-GM17 avr. à 14 h 49
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>NucksnOilers</b></div><div>I fully support the positive viewpoint of Nurse and I really really hope you're right but this past month has been pretty rough for him. That's 3 d-partners in a row now that we are using as his scapegoat on why he isn't a top pairing d-man, I fully agree that Ceci and Barrie were not the answers but it isn't also all on them. Nurse has been pretty brutal in his own zone for the past few seasons and as of recently he has struggled on the rush, he's elite in the transition game for us but I don't see how that's worth more than 4.5-5 million dollars?</div></div>
I don't really agree that he's been all that awful in his own end. I think he makes a particular kind of glaring error (misplaying 2-on-1s, whether on the rush or in-zone) commonly enough that people are almost blinded to the things he does well (1-on-1 defending, whether on the rush or in-zone; board and often net-front battles). He's also been victimised on some poor pinches but that's not always solely on him. That's also the argument that I'd levy in the case of the main weakness I pointed to: the fact that he's put in a 2-on-1 situation doesn't fall on him. How often have the errors been the result of Ceci losing his own 1-on-1 battle, whether by skating or puck handling? I'd hazard a guess that it's quite a lot more often than the other way around. Sure, I'd like to see him play 2-on-1s more effectively but players are going to have flaws.

I'd also push back on your suggestion that we're using his partners as scapegoats for why he isn't a top pairing Dman. For me, it's not even a question: he is a top pairing Dman. He showed he was capable of it for years and, while his play dipped a bit this year, he's still #2 on the team for TOI. Year-to-year variance in performance happens to everyone. Why do we attribute a lot of the blame to his partners? Because his partners have always been either (or both) mistake-prone or slow skating, borderline 2nd pairing D.

I can fully understand wanting more from a guy making 9.25mil, but I think people get too blinded by cap hits to see what they really have.
Forum: Armchair-GM17 avr. à 3 h 1
Forum: Armchair-GM15 avr. à 8 h 18
Forum: Armchair-GM15 avr. à 5 h 41
Forum: Armchair-GM12 avr. à 10 h 13
Forum: Armchair-GM11 avr. à 12 h 27