

Membre depuis
29 juill. 2020
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Oilers d'Edmonton
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Forum: Armchair-GM9 avr. à 16 h 5
Forum: Armchair-GM8 avr. à 6 h 38
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>NucksnOilers</b></div><div>Yes they do, Broberg isn't going to more valuable than a 2nd for us. He's going to be 23 by the start of next year and still in the AHL, if are goal is to win now I don't trust him on the bottom pairing. We can use that 2nd and flip it for an upgrade in the middle 6.</div></div>
Firstly, he's only in the AHL still because he's been behind a deep and absurdly healthy LD group. It's not some huge shortcoming on his part. Further, this is his 22 year old season; there's no harm in him being there. Our now-beloved Ekholm only made the NHL consistently at age 23.

Secondly, if you can't trust him on the 3rd pairing, where can you trust any rookie ever? Apart from maybe the 4th line, there aren't any roles on a team that are 'safer' for young players. Do you only intend to allow rookies to actually play when an injury arises? It's exactly this rigid mindset that holds teams back in my eyes. Young players need chances to play and show you who they are. In the event they're not up to the task, then you know a.) you can trade him without concern (3LD aren't hard to find at the deadline) and b.) if your valuation of him was already a low-2nd, then you're not gonna lose much in terms of asset value. The upside is you have a young 3LD and likely heir apparent to one of the LD slots ahead of him alongside an extra 1.75mil in cap space. The cost? Whatever difference in goal differential would exist between Broberg and Kulak's performance and a slight dip in his potential value as a trade asset (from a low-2nd down to a low-3rd or high-4th).

Lastly, the potential cap space difference between Kulak and Broberg is a valuable component of upgrading the positions most in need of it: 2RD and 2RW. Even if your hypothetical gives us an extra low-2nd to work with, we'd be hard-pressed to fit both upgrades into a full roster. Further, I don't think a low 2nd is going to be a piece that's enticing enough for another GM to send us a meaningful, low-cap hit upgrade to the middle-6.
Forum: Armchair-GM30 mars à 7 h 12