

Membre depuis
7 déc. 2023
Équipe favorite
Maple Leafs de Toronto
Deuxième équipe favorite
Canucks de Vancouver
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Forum: Armchair-GMil y a 18 heures
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 17 h 2
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 13 h 21
Sujet: New ideas
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>RipNasty</b></div><div>The Leafs get essentially no offence from the Blueline apart from Rielly and Liljegren (when Keefe had no choice but to play him). That is an absolute necessity next year, they need at least 1 more puck mover. Preferably Montour who is physical and a terrific skater. I would be happy with either Roy or Pesce as well and I wouldn't spend any money on forwards this year. Maybe Domi if he comes in at under 5 for 4 years or less.

Getting more stay at home guys will further nullify the skill and speed the team has up front.</div></div>

I'd like Joshua and Domi, I think Joshua can be a cheaper replacement for bertuzzi. I watched a lot of Canucks and he was their TEAMS x factor outside the JT Miller, Brock, Quinn. He's the reason they had depth. Guy drove that line and they really felt it when he was hurt. I feel like hed be amazing on the leafs top 6. Would ensure no one gets bullied too.

Domi works and I think their is mutual interest. I think he passes too much but has great potential if a coach can push him in the right direction.

Skinner at a minimum would be a no brainer ... No? 50 point guy with over a ppg ceiling? Imagine him on a line with Mitch or Domi? 2 great set up men with am34 and Skinner? Would be great on the second Pp too.

I just love McBain and think he's Adam Lowry but younger. Would be elated if he lock up the 3c for the time being.

I agree I like Montour but boy is he struggling this series.

I disagree though with your last point. All they need to do is make the first pass. The skill and speed up front can be advantageous after that. You don't need the Blueline back to the redline breakout, there are ways around that.

A puck mover is nice, but I guess my point is that the Leafs troubles have never been offense. A puck mover isn't a problem. It's always the Dmen playing poorly. Albeit Boston really highlighted the puck movement problem.

I'd imagine just keeping lily instead of Borgden would be sufficient. Rielly is always exposed for poor D and I think needs someone like pesce to make that top line legitimate. Montour would be great but I don't think you can pair those two together. Who do you put Montour with? McCabe? Benoit?
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 11 h 35