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Membre depuis
10 août 2023
Équipe favorite
Sénateurs d'Ottawa
Deuxième équipe favorite
Oilers d'Edmonton
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Forum: Armchair-GM25 janv. à 4 h 13
Sujet: Re-Tool 2
Forum: Armchair-GM25 janv. à 4 h 0
Sujet: Devo7
Forum: Armchair-GM25 janv. à 3 h 45
Sujet: Devo7
Forum: Armchair-GM25 janv. à 3 h 42
Sujet: Devo7
Forum: Armchair-GM18 oct. 2023 à 19 h 29
Forum: Armchair-GM18 oct. 2023 à 18 h 26
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Xspyrit</b></div><div>Keeping Chabot in Ottawa is a LOT LOT LOT more important for winning games than keeping Kubalik who would put modest numbers this season because no PP time and who would walk after the season because he is UFA and Ottawa won't have the cap space to re-sign him (unless that's what you would want to do with the 5-6 M$ in cap space Ottawa will have?)

When you have a 2 M$ problem (that shouldn't even exist, just sheer incompetence by the GM), you don't trade one of your core players to fix it.

That bottom-6 is terrible again.

Chartier is a 4th line player, that line wouldn't produce much offense.</div></div>

The Chabot issue is to figure out the 3 LD playing in the top 4. Seems it's Chabot that is getting squeezed out. If they are removing Chabot from his offensive duties? He's not worth $8M. I'm a huge Chabot fan, but I am a Sens fan more. I would trade anyone and everyone to bring a cup to Ottawa. But if they are paying Chabot $8M to just be a 4th defenseman? Send him somewhere he will get his PP time, and be played in the role that got him to the NHL. His defense isn't good enough to pay him $8M to just take regular 5 vs 5 reps. Might as well add a guy like Parayko who can kill penalties, be a defensive presense to one of Sanderson or Chychrun.

Based on how Joesph is playing he should be good for 15 goals and Kubalik for 20. With Norris hurt Kubalik will get PP time to add some goals. There aren't many teams that have 3 centers that can play in the top 6. The teams that do are cup favourites.

Plus it would look more like this;

Tkachuk - Stutzle - Tarasenko
Greig - Giroux - Batherson
Joseph - Pinto- Kubalik
Chartier - Kastelic - MacEwen

That is still a formitable top 9
Forum: Armchair-GM18 oct. 2023 à 16 h 31
Forum: Armchair-GM18 oct. 2023 à 16 h 3
Forum: Armchair-GM18 oct. 2023 à 15 h 56