

Membre depuis
12 déc. 2023
Équipe favorite
Capitals de Washington
Deuxième équipe favorite
Blackhawks de Chicago
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Forum: Armchair-GM10 janv. à 8 h 51
Forum: Armchair-GM2 janv. à 10 h 54
Forum: Armchair-GM2 janv. à 10 h 29
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>qc14</b></div><div>Would do the Frost deal in a heartbeat but hard hard hard passes on the rest of them.

This teams biggest problem is scoring and a lack of elite talent, especially at forward. I do not see them making any significant moves unless they result in an elite scorer making their way to DC. Ryan Strome, Crouse, Luostorianen are all fine players but are not elite scorers (that's even before getting into what you have as the returns for these guys). I don't even see a guy like Lindholm being a target for them for the same reason. Good 2c, probably even on a contender, but he's been an elite scorer exactly once in his career and that was when he was playing between at the time probably 2 of the 5 best offensive players in the league.

I don't really see any in-season additions that make that much sense unless someone shakes loose that wasn't expected. Does OTT move on from someone like Batherson? BUF from Cozens/Middlestadt/Tuch? PHI from Konecny? STL from Thomas or Kyrou? I highly doubt it, and even if they did I'm not sure the Caps would be able to meet the asking price, but those are the only types of guys I can see them being truly interested in. Otherwise, just wait until UFA when you can offer Nylander or Reinhart an absolute boatload of cash.</div></div>

we don't need elite scoring/talent, we need depth scoring/talent. Our 3rd and 4th line are basically useless and i think the trades that i did are very fair for both teams and added depth in the bottom 6 and consistently good top 6 by adding Crouse and Ryan Strome.
Forum: Armchair-GM2 janv. à 10 h 19
Forum: Armchair-GM2 janv. à 10 h 16