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12 mai 2024
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Red Wings de Detroit
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Forum: Armchair-GMil y a 22 heures
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 10 h 17
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 0 h 45
Forum: Armchair-GMdim. à 17 h 56
Forum: Armchair-GMdim. à 1 h 38
Forum: Armchair-GMsam. à 14 h 28
Sujet: For Fun
Forum: Armchair-GMven. à 21 h 1
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>SharkTank</b></div><div>Yuck on the Bert and Big Z contracts. 😬

Bert isn't going to age well and I love Big Z's game but I wouldn't give him anything over 5 mil.

I realize teams will jack his price up and he may get 6 mil in Silly Season but that's too much in my opinion.

Rather sign Matt Roy for that.

Your guess is as good and mine what Yzerman will do at goalie? 🤔

I like the Trenin addition and Kalieyev could be worth a gamble.

I think Bergy gets ragdolled in the top 6. 😬</div></div>

Why yuck on Bert? 4 year deal put him at 33yo. That's about the time where his game might slow down and contract is over. Till then he should be good. Remember, his uncle played into late 30's and played reasonably well so 33 is about right I think. As for 5.5m... maybe it's 0.5mil too much but c'mon...too picky at this point.
Big Z I agree. it's silly season so hence 6mil but I think it's not gonna happen as reports are he wants a long 6-7 year deal at 7+ mil. Not sure he's gonna get that and I think he will settle for 6 mil but term I'm not so sure. He'll probably find someone who'd sign him for 6 years. 6x6 I think is what he's gonna end-up with but not here tho so you may as well change his name to Matt Roy at 4year at 6mil
Burgers needs to be with Kasper and ideally on 2nd line with Raymond this way they both get some physical protection. I just don't think "the genius" Lalonde is gonna start the season with Kasper and Burgers on the 2nd line.'re right. No clue on what Yzerman would do but I have a nasty feeling that SY will just stick with Husso the seeve. I think Guss is the best option as SY is not going for Ullmark or Saros. Hollowed are thy draft picks! They are not for trading to improve the team. No way. They are to be used for a crap shoot (draft at mid 1st and lower)
So he's not giving up those picks. Hence we're not getting an elite level goalie. After that Guss is the best option IMO as Gibby has too high cap hit and his numbers suck last couple of seasons. Not sure all can be blamed on crappy defense. I think he is slowing down too. Elvis is out of market. Tristan Jarry sucks the rest is scraping bottom of the barrel and not worth it. Did I miss anyone worth mentioning?
Forum: Armchair-GMven. à 11 h 23
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>colby</b></div><div>thats not how ret% works. If they want to pay them to Ret% then they can but the team doesnt Pay to NOT ret%. thats never how any ret% has ever worked. U pay a team to take on the cap of a player ur moving. Boston also has 20M in cap space, moving ullmark gives them 5m extra but there in no need of the cap to have to pay someone to take it on let alone from a superstar vensa goalie on a cheap 5m cap hit. My point with fabbri was if ur whole plan was just dumping his 4m then just add him into the ullmark deal. they would still be able to go get lindholm which seems to be there main target and resign sway and bring back there few UFAs and then if hes bad they let him walk if not they can get a decent scoring 3rd/4th liner.
Ullmark isnt a cap dump. Hes an elite goalie who has a cheap caphit that boston is looking to move to give the net to sway and get a good package back. there not forced to move him at all and ullmark would much rather it seems stay in boston. I dont think u understand how teams free up cap or what contracts teams pay to move.</div></div>

Thanks, I know how retention works. Point is Calgary retained money on Markstrom trade so to compare to Ulmark deal Boston would have to retain 30% as well. Therefore I will ask for 3rd rounder to wave that retention.
On Fabri... Again Boston does not want any cap hit in return and especially for Fabri so forget adding him. As nice of a deal as it is for Detroit it is NOT be a good deal for Boston so not gonna happen.
Fabri would have to be dumped in a separate deal as I have it or similar.
Forum: Armchair-GMjeu. à 23 h 35
Forum: Armchair-GMmer. à 10 h 55