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Membre depuis
21 juill. 2017
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Canadiens de Montréal
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Forum: Armchair-GM4 avr. à 16 h 24
Forum: Armchair-GM4 avr. à 15 h 13
Forum: Armchair-GM4 avr. à 8 h 57
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>CaseyFlyman</b></div><div>You know...I'm kind of interested, especially if Columbus ends up at 4OA, and MTL at 6OA, That's right in the pocket of missing out on the one surefire pick (Celebrini), the elite players that could fill a need (Levshunov, Lindstrom, Demidov), and the next best players available would be a LD like Dickinson or Silayev, or an offensive RD like Parekh, that line up with a lot of what Columbus already has.

I'd be open to it, if for no other reason than we'd probably look to take the top forward available in that range anyway...and that's probably Catton at any of those picks, maybe Lindstrom if we're lucky. If the guy we'd pick at 4 is available at 6 anyway, yes you trade back, but you make it painful for the other team.

I'd preface it with: if Columbus is in the top-3 the trade is off the table (Celebrini, Levshunov, or Demidov), and generally MTL and CBJ are bad trade partners because we have similar things, need similar things (top-end talent), and have similar desired timelines to compete...but if we're landing at 4 and think, for example, Arizona and Montreal want to take D-men, I'd definitely trade back to 6 for:

MTL 1st (6OA)
WPG 1st (assume 25 OA)
COL 2nd (60-ish?)

Anything else Montreal wants to throw in is gravy, but anything else is likely too much to effectively leapfrog one specific team. Again, I'd only see it happening if Columbus is set on Catton or Lindsrom and they think Montreal and Arizona are going with some combination of Parekh/Dickinson/Silayev.

But then again, if Lindstrom is available at 4OA with Columbus on the clock...we probably just do that.</div></div>

TBH - the top 6 is such a toss up especially before the end of the playoffs, the Memorial cup and the WJC - that a trade up will probably be to secure a very specific player that would be available :


CLB picks 4th, ARI picks 5th and MTL picks 6th.

Celebrini/Demidov/Lindstrom go 1, 2, 3.

Lets say Eiserman is available at 4 and MTL and ARI REAALLLY wants him, while CLB not so much. Then I could see CLB accepting a deal from MTL to leap frog ARI to secure Eiserman.

It's going to be a draft floor trade for sure.
Forum: Armchair-GM3 avr. à 11 h 54
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>squashmaple</b></div><div>I could maybe see the Jackets biting if there's a player in the late first range they're targeting and they want to make sure they can secure him (such as the younger Jiricek), especially if they really like a likely 5-10 player like Dickinson (especially as Mark Hunter is currently the favorite to get the GM job), Catton, maybe Buium. Barron is not interesting, but multiple firsts could be. Columbus is so hard to predict for this draft because we don't know who the new GM will be yet or what their priorities will be, and the prospect pool doesn't have any glaring areas of need except for "quality." Even now, I could see them equally favoring Lindstrom/Demidov with their pick as much as Levshunov/Silayev.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>squashmaple</b></div><div>I could maybe see the Jackets biting if there's a player in the late first range they're targeting and they want to make sure they can secure him (such as the younger Jiricek), especially if they really like a likely 5-10 player like Dickinson (especially as Mark Hunter is currently the favorite to get the GM job), Catton, maybe Buium. Barron is not interesting, but multiple firsts could be. Columbus is so hard to predict for this draft because we don't know who the new GM will be yet or what their priorities will be, and the prospect pool doesn't have any glaring areas of need except for "quality." Even now, I could see them equally favoring Lindstrom/Demidov with their pick as much as Levshunov/Silayev.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>CHAR</b></div><div>The Ducks biggest need right now is game breaking top end talent. It doesn't really matter so much if that comes from a forward or a defenseman so they can take BPA at #3. Why risk losing the guy they want by dropping down to #6.

Tuch is kind of on par with Colangelo. Barron is a middle pair guy at best. The 2nd is redundant with the three other picks they have in the 1st and 2nd round. You aren't giving them anything they "need" here. Honestly the play for the Ducks should be trying to trade the Edmonton 1st up in the draft.</div></div>

I'm picking up that SJS and CLB are more likely trade candidates than the Ducks and CHI.

Although, I'm suprised with Ducks fan - They have so much talent upfront and on the back end - I would see them make a switch towards getting a "gamer" like Iginla to balance talent with Grit... and getting paid for it. but hey - I don't follow them as closely.