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30 sept. 2021
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Canucks de Vancouver
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Hurricanes de la Caroline
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Forum: Armchair-GM1 août 2023 à 23 h 14
Forum: Armchair-GM27 juill. 2023 à 23 h 56
Forum: Armchair-GM27 juill. 2023 à 17 h 54
Sujet: Big swings
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Knuckl3s</b></div><div>That's the previous regime's fault, not the current regime's. FFS, people need to start being able to separate the wrong-doings of the previous regime that was here and give the new regime the fair shake that they deserve. The new regime was dealt an atrocious hand being brought in mid-season of 21-22, so being able to unload salary without severely compromising the team's long-term future was going to have to wait a little bit. They could buy out OEL in 2022 because he was due a signing bonus, but since he wasn't owed anymore signing bonus money after that, they could buy him out in 2023. I understand many have questioned why new management spent cap space before they could clear it, but it's important to understand HOW they spent it. They didn't commit cap space to luxury or redundant pieces, they spent it on players who actually fill obvious spots on the roster and play well-defined roles for the team. J.T. Miller's slow start to last season was an issue of lacking accountability and standard of excellence, that's a discussion point for another time however, but Rick Tocchet does seem to have a better handle on how to motivate players and make them accountable than Boudreau ever did. As for player development, there is a REASON that management beefed up the staff assigned to fostering the upbringing of up and coming talent in the organization, because it obviously wasn't good enough before, so we have to give them at least 2-3 years worth of runway before we can assess the fruits of their labor, so no more bagging on the organization's player development until then</div></div>

That’s fair, however very few front office groups get to leave on their own terms. One thing that has hurt the Canucks in that regard is lack of stability from the top down. It’s incredibly hard to get a role on a team when you’ve had three staright seasons with new coaches. That doesn’t lend itself to success especially for the development of young players in the NHL. We’ll see if Tochet can change that narrative, and if he doesn’t there is something fundamentally wrong with the roster.
Forum: Armchair-GM26 juill. 2023 à 16 h 1
Forum: Armchair-GM26 juill. 2023 à 14 h 44
Forum: Armchair-GM26 juill. 2023 à 23 h 22