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Forum: Armchair-GM10 juin 2018 à 17 h 9
Sujet: Canes deal
I would consider that if Carolina ate 50% of Darlings salary...

Hossa's contract holds some pretty good value to a team that wants to save $cash$ - at least a 2nd round pick..... Hossa's contract doesn't hinder the Hawks at all and now he's basically a "4.275 salary cap cash coupon" to any team that wants to save 4.275 million a season...... I don't know what 4.275 million every season over 3 seasons is worth to a team but I would suspect at least a 2nd round pick...... I mean that's 12.825 million over those 3 years - that's a lot of money a team could save..

Factor in the Canes would LOVE to dump Darling (who would be a cap dump)....... You would have to figure taking Darling on would lower the asking price on Faulk just a bit (if the Hawks took Darling at full salary)...

How about Hossa, Forsling, Duclair & Forsberg for Faulk & Darling (25%) retained?

Also, I think Anisimov could get more than a 2nd round pick...... Heck, Shaw got (2) 2nd round picks and Anisimov is superior to Shaw in every way shape and form when it comes to skill....

I would love to package Anisimov with the 27th overall pick to move up to a top 15 pick... But on his own I think Anisimov is worth a late first round pick & 3rd round pick..... Look at what Ryan Hartman got, and offensively just like Shaw - Anisimov is way more offensively gifted..

Heck, if the Islanders are losing Tavares, send Anisimov to the Islanders with the 27th overall pick for the 12th overall pick... Toss in one of the Hawks AHL prospects or the RFA rights to Duclair if need be to get it done....... The Hawks could take Ty Smith or Joe Veleno at 12th overall....
Forum: NHL10 juin 2018 à 16 h 31
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>phillyjabroni</b></div><div>Unless the Salary Cap Ceiling is going up to about 90M, I don't understand how you will have 20M when FA rolls around.</div></div>

Because the blackhawks can go 10% over the salary cap in the summer knowing the Hossa is going on LTIR come the first day of the season. So Hossa's cap hit does not affect the Hawks whatsoever. When people project the Hawks cap space for this upcoming season they continually add Hossa's cap hit to that total, when Hossa's cap hit is irrelevant considering Bowman can go 10% over the salary cap to fill Hossa's LTIR void for next season....

<a href=""></a>

"Can LTIR be used in the off-season?

Yes, LTIR can be used in the off-season while the 10% off-season cushion is active. LTIR in the off-season is calculated using the basic equation outlined above, which permits a team to exceed the off-season salary cap. To use off-season LTIR the team must provide doctors proof that the player in question will continue to be injured at the beginning of the regular season for 10 NHL games and 24 calendar days.

At the start of the season the teams LTIR relief &amp; ACSL is recalculated when the 10% cushion is removed."

In short the Hawks can spend an extra 5.275 over the salary cap this summer knowing that Hossa will be placed on LTIR the first day of the regular season, hence will get under the cap when they do that.
Forum: NHL10 juin 2018 à 16 h 27
Forum: NHL10 juin 2018 à 15 h 49
Forum: NHL10 juin 2018 à 15 h 42
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>BeastModeUnknown</b></div><div>Okay so Lightning has a good point. The youngsters are coming up to contend for the spot. Well the last 5 seasons Lightning have been in conference Finals. 1 our the 5 they made finals. That was when they played the Blackhawks. Now your team has maybe a few young guys, but none of them are going to be huge impact players. Except DeBrincat. And you really can’t build a contender when you are spending big money on Seabrook. I can’t around the fact that your core players are getting older. Kane is the only one I would keep. Toews is dropping off and getting 10-11 million dollars a year. Duncan you might keep but BlackHawks Re-build. The only reason I say Blues won’t rebuild is because that’s what Doug Armstrong said. He is going to spend big money. Blackhawks don’t have a lot of cap space to make huge signings. So you guys stick to draft for a few years.</div></div>

Dude, first off Schmaltz is a stud - a legitimate #2 ceneter, and second - the Blackhawks have 20 million in cap space.

The Hawks have lots of options to drastically improve this team.

There were a few reasons why the Hawks failed last season. The Hawks played 20 rookies last season, that's a lot - why did they play 20 rookies? because Bowman didn't have the cap space to improve this team via free agency, so he was stuck picking through the UFA bargain bin. Also, Corey Crawford got vertigo in December and up until then the Hawks were a playoff team, not only that but the team as a whole had a down year (it happens) but the biggest reason why the Hawks had a lousy season was mainly because they were stuck playing rookies - especially on defense... The only defenseman the Hawks had that played more than 50 NHL games were Keith, Seabrook and Murphy - that's not good..... Not to mention in goal Forsberg &amp; Bureube had almost no NHL experience at all and the same can be said for the bottom 6......Wingels, Sharp and Bouma (who was eventually sent down to the AHL mid-season) were the only bottom 6 guys with any significant NHL experience - the rest of the bottom 6 were basically rookies.

With 20 million in cap space the Hawks can go out and get the vets they need to fill out the team..... Lets not forget the Hawks also have trade bait to bring in some assets as well....... Anisimov is no longer needed, I'm sure the 27th overall pick is in play for the right player and Crawford could be traded as well (or potentially go on LTIR).... I don't know what's going on with him really...

The Hawks have all the important core players they need to be a contender next season, in Toews, Kane, Keith, Saad, DeBrincat, Schmaltz and Seabrook (if he can regain form)....... All the Hawks really need is a legitimate #2 LW (Wahlstrom, Kovalchuk, TVR etc) to play with Schmaltz and Kane, a couple of legitimate veteran defensive/two-way specialists (Wingels, Bozak, Vermette etc) that can win draws in the bottom 6 and 1 top 4 defenseman (J. Faulk) and a veteran #5 defenseman (John Moore)........ And depending on the goaltending situation and Crawfords health a legitimate veteran backup (Hutton, Ward etc)..... And the Hawks will be fine.

The Hawks are nowhere near Detroit status, the Hawks run isn't even close to up yet - sure it's getting narrower but the Hawks have maybe 5 years left..

Look, if the Hawks were done I would admit it and think about the best rebuild possible - but they're not close to rebuilding yet...

The Hawks downfall last season was 80% cap related and 20% the fact that the core didn't have anyone to play with that knew the system because the were ROOKIES....

Yes, I am aware many hockey fans hate the Hawks and they would love to see the Hawks window closed and locked - but that just isn't the reality of the situation. Wishful thinking is not fact or reality....... I've been a hockey fan for 35 years since I was about 3-4 so I have seen plenty of contenders come and go so I know what a team looks like when it's time to rebuild and this Blackhawks team just isn't one of them....... The salary cap finally made it difficult for the Hawks to build a competitive team last season, and a lot of people questioned the trades Bowman made (but really didn't need to make last summer) but Bowman made those moves for a reason - so the Hawks wouldn't be in "cap hell" ever again or at least not in the near future and guess what? it worked - the Blackhawks now have 20 million in cap space to get the players they want - not the players they can afford...... Besides this past season of sucking got the Hawks the 8th overall pick in one of the deepest drafts in nearly 40 years so..... And I think the Hawks could draft a guy like Wahlstrom who could step right into the NHL considering Wahlstrom played on a line on the USDP program with a Patrick Kane clone named Jack Hughes (who will be taken 1st overall next draft).....SO...... The Hawks have a lot of options to make improvements this summer and they certainly will and I fully expect the Blackhawks to be a contender next season - there is zero doubt in my mind there, just as long as they address the obvious issues that plagued them all last season...

Sorry, but this is a cap era and very good teams can take a temporary step back due to cap constraints but then turn around a season later and be a contender like nothing happened...

The Blackhawks will be fine.
Forum: NHL Trades8 juin 2018 à 22 h 15
Forum: NHL8 juin 2018 à 22 h 5
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>krakowitz</b></div><div>Contend for the Cup? They just missed the playoffs by a long shot, got swept the year before and didn’t make it out of the first round the year before that. They have massive holes on defense and in the forward group. Not sure where they’re going to find they defensemen they need as well as the secondary scoring</div></div>

Dude, they won the Western Conference in 2016-17, and yea - they got swept - SO WHAT - it happens.

Yea, Bowman didn't have the cap space last summer to make the changes he would have liked to have made, but guess what? the moves he made last summer got the Hawks out of cap hell - now they have 20 million to spend and get the guys that WILL INDEED make the Hawks a contender in 18-19...

The Hawks have the core players it takes to be a contender and win a Cup, however this season the Hawks didn't have the supporting cast to contend because Bowman had no cap space so the Hawks were stuck playing rookies 19 of them to be exact.......

Besides, the Hawks were a playoff team until Crawford went down in December, and from there it was all down hill - Hawks used 7 goalies this season.

The Hawks problems aren't "major" and the Hawks aren't slipping into the abyss of NHL mediocrity........ This UFA class has everything the Hawks need to be contenders next season....... Yes, this past season sucked for the Hawks, however they got an 8th overall pick and in this deep draft they're guaranteed a stud, lets not forget the Hawks already have 2 young studs already in Schmaltz and DeBrincat...

Look, the Hawks have the foundation to be a Cup contender next season - they just need to add the right players and they will be there..... Bowman knows what he's doing - he's rebuilt the Hawks over and over again on the fly and every time he rebuilt the Hawks they were contenders again....

I don't know how many times I have heard "oh the Hawks are done"....... lol.... You can believe that all you like but you would be wrong....

I've been watching hockey for 35 years and if I felt the Hawks were actually done and it was time for a rebuild I would agree with you and say it but the truth is that this core has another 5 years left in them (minus Seabrook, because he's slowing down) but I'm sure the Hawks will nab Dobson or Bouchard at the draft and by the time Seabrook is done one of those kids will be primed to take over......

If the core transition goes smoothly over the next 5-6 years or so and the Hawks continue to draft the right players the Blackhawks will be contenders for a very long time..
Forum: Armchair-GM8 juin 2018 à 21 h 50
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>WALaxer19</b></div><div>That just won't happen. Ryan and 4th for 8th and Anisimov maybe, with money retained on Ryan.</div></div>

OH hell no - 8th would be out of the question...... 27th and Hossa for Bobby Ryan (6 million dollars in cash savings for Ottawa) and 4th overall..

If 8th overall was the counter proposal I would hang up the damn phone and not pick it up again if it was Ottawa.

Hossa's salary is only 1 million dollars, Ryan's salary is 7.25.

Why would Ottawa want Anisimov when his salary is like 4.50?

With Hossa Ottawa basically saves like 6 million dollars in real cash..... With Anisimov they save 2.75 million...

The whole point of that trade is to free up cash (because Ottawa is on a budget) so Melnyk can get Karlsson re-signed..

It's not like Hossa is hurting the Hawks at all - his contract doesn't handcuff Bowman on what he can spend this summer considering Bowman can go 10% over the salary cap in the off-season.

So Hossa has a lot of value, weather a team wants to dump a more expensive salary for Hossa's 1 million dollar salary, or even if teams want to use Hossa to circumvent the salary cap floor - because from a salary cap position Hossa is basically a 4.275 million dollar "salary cap coupon"... But in this trade Hossa would be used to free up real cash to get Karlsson re-signed ..... So yea, trading for Anisimov does nothing for Melnyk's $$$$ problem.....

Sure, if they wanted a warm body thrown into the trade (that can play) along with Hossa - I would toss in Duclair no problem.
Forum: Armchair-GM8 juin 2018 à 21 h 30
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LoganOllivier</b></div><div>It almost doesn't matter what Chicago does, they are finished as contenders. The only hope they have is if the insane rumours about Montreal wanting Toews are actually true. He's a solid player but already declining and owed so much money. He's the best centre Chicago has but his injuries and age are catching up to him. Same goes for Seabrook and, to a lesser extent, Keith. Apart from their super expensive core, they also have very little talent. They are the blueprint for why bridge deals are horrible for long term cap management. Chicago is paying their core for what they did in their 20's not what they can do in their 30's.

Watch Pittsburgh make a couple of minor changes this off season and bounce right back into being a truly elite team. Chicago will make some moves and then lose because they are older and slower than the year before.</div></div>

The Hawks will be contending for the Cup next season...... I've been watching hockey/following hockey for the past 35 years - the Hawks are nowhere CLOSE to

Last season the Hawks were a playoff team until Crawford got injured.... Not only that but Bowman had no cap space to bring in free agents that would have helped the Hawks contend....... This summer is going to be different - Bowman has 20 million in cap space with only a few minor RFA's to re-sign (Hinostroza, Hayden &amp; Duclair).......

This UFA class has all the players the Hawks need to contend next season and Bowman has more than enough cap space to sign the guys he needs.... Bowman also has some trade bait too like Anisimov...

But yea, I get it - you HOPE the Hawks are done contending, lol..... It's wishful thinking on your behalf, lol..

The Hawks have the foundation/core to win a couple of more Cups, but that core needs to be surrounded by the right players to make it happen....

The Hawks are in a pretty good situation right now actually:

- Drafting 8th &amp; 27th overall.
- Have $20,000,000 in cap space.
- Don't have any major contracts coming up until next summer (Schmaltz).
- They have 2 studs in DeBrincat &amp; Schmaltz, and one on the way in Henri Jokiharju.
- The have a plethora of young NHL ready bottom 6 players with a bit of upside.
- They still have an effective core that knows how to win Cups.

The Hawks are in a better position than the majority of teams in the NHL.......

I'm not worried at all, and I look forward to this offseason because I know it will be exciting and I have faith in Bowman because he knows how to build a team that can contend AND win Cups -- especially on the fly......
Forum: Armchair-GM8 juin 2018 à 21 h 7
Forum: NHL Trades8 juin 2018 à 20 h 35
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>rangersandislesfan</b></div><div>Sure, it was just one year, but it was a pretty bad year. 25th in the league, less than 80 points i think (75 or something like that). Their top guys are getting older, and i've been saying for a while that they're close to being bad ... this season is a sign that it's now time to rebuild, and that they're not that good anymore.</div></div>

The Hawks were on pace to make the playoffs until Crawford got injured (or got vertigo) and from there the team went down hill...... Besides, the Hawks were stuck playing lots of rookies this season (18 or 19) due to the Hawks salary cap situation so....... Yea, the Hawks had a bad season but it's not like the Hawks are "losing their mojo" - Bowman just didn't have the cap space to add the players he would have liked to add..... Now the Hawks have 20 million to spend this summer and they have a few players that are attractive trade bait so expect to see a much improved Blackhawks team come the fall.

The 2018-19 Blackhawks WILL BE a contender for sure..... All the pieces the Hawks need to fill out the team to be a contender are UFA's.... And the Hawks need nothing major, they don't need a John Carlson or John Tavares, but a Kovalchuk or James van Reimsdyk would be welcome (I would prefer Kovalchuk because they can get him on a 1-year deal, and he's similar to Panarin)......... The Hawks need a top 4 defenseman and maybe a #5 and a few bottom 6 veteran forwards that play a two-way game, can can win draws and kill penalties - if the Hawks can do that they will be back to contending as usual...... And the Hawks have more than enough cap space to get it done and they have assets to trade as well if Bowman wants to go that route ...

Also, to be honest, I knew this past season wasn't going to be a good one for the Hawks, but Bowman had to get out of "cap hell" and make sure the Hawks wouldn't be back in "cap hell" in the future....... And I was and am fine with that..... The Hawks ended up with the 8th overall pick in a really really deep draft (perhaps the deepest in 35 years) and they have the 27th overall pick to boot..... So there are a lot of opportunities for Bowman this summer to really improve this team and draft some really really good young players that will certainly play a role on this team in the near future and I'm excited about that...

You have to remember - the Hawks still have a Stanley Cup caliber core/foundation - all the Hawks need are the right players to compliment the core and they're winning more Cups...... So the Hawks aren't even close to rebuilding....... Sure, the Hawks have a rough season next season - THEN you start thinking about "maybe it is time to make some significant changes" but as of right now, last season was an anomaly - as a matter of fact it was forced because of the cap, but the Hawks and Bowman are past that now and I really think the future is bright for the Hawks, sure the vets are aging but Toews, Keith, Kane, Saad and Seabrook can still play and are above average legit NHL'ers - especially Kane..... Toews took a step back offensively last season but he's still an elite defensive center........ I just think this past season was the "worst case scenario" for the Hawks...... Give them another season before you write them off..
Forum: Mock-Draft8 juin 2018 à 17 h 27
Forum: Mock-Draft8 juin 2018 à 17 h 12
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>PJM</b></div><div>Toews : 30 years old
Schmaltz : Yeah I mentioned Schmaltz
Anisimov : 30 years old
Ejdsell, Hinostroza and Hayden : These players are 23-24 years old. You think one of them will be a top line center?

Sorry, but the depth and the future of the Hawks centers is not super strong...</div></div>

So what if Toews is 30, he's still an excellent center....

Anisimov will be traded anyway - like I said - the Hawks have centers coming out of their eyeballs..... Go look at the roster...... The Hawks are set at #1 Toews and #2 Schmaltz.... Toews is no where CLOSE to falling off a cliff.... Sure Toews had a difficult time last season in the offensive category - however Toews is still and elite defensive center that can score 60 points a season...

Ejdsell is basically a clone of Anisimov and he's young, and I see him being an ideal #3 center for years to come...

The Hawks don't need to draft a center....

The Hawks are going to draft a defenseman if Tkachuk doesn't slip to 8 (which is doubtful), Ill concede this - they MAY draft Wahlstrom if he slips to 8 as well, but IMO - the Hawks are going to take Dobson or Bouchard at 8.... The Hawks need D WAY more than they need a center and you can't pass on a defenseman in this draft especially at 8...... At 8 the Hawks will get a sure-fire top 4 or perhaps top 2 defenseman...

I will say this much tho, I wouldn't be shocked to see the Hawks trade up to take Veleno if he starts slipping in the draft...... Or package up the 27th overall with someone to move into the top #15 to snag a forward if they don't take one at 8th overall. But I think Veleno is a guy that coach Q would love to have and I'm sure he's drooling over the notion the Hawks just might be able to snag him (at the right price)...
Forum: Armchair-GM6 juin 2018 à 19 h 53