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18 déc. 2016
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Forum: NHL13 juin 2018 à 3 h 31
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>awatt</b></div><div><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"></a>

This is 2 years old...

Not sure how relevant this still is but if it is still relevant. Hossa's contract is most likely not going to see LTIR which means hawks don't have anywhere close to that $20 mill in cap space you are projecting they will have.</div></div>

Did you even look at the link I provided? its straight from this site......

In what universe are the Hawks NOT going to LTIR Hossa? that is ridiculous.....

1. Hawks can spend 10% over the cap in the off-season, and Bowman will do exactly that.
2. Hossa will be placed on LTIR on the first day of the regular season, hence getting the Hawks cap compliant.

It's that simple... This isn't opinion, this isn't hope or homerism - this is FACT...

What is it with some of you posters ....... You're all like But, but, but, but there has to be some way Hossa goes against the cap NOW and during the regular season.... I get it, it's what you want - you want the Hawks to have significant cap issues because you hate the Blackhawks, but your wishful thinking is just that - wishful thinking..

Hossa's contract is an issue for the Hawks no more......I could see the Hawks trading him to a team at the cap floor but only for some sort of asset coming back..

The Hawks will have around 20 million to make improvements...... I mean, some of the guys presently taking up cap space on the roster probably wont be on the team next season (or start the season in Chicago)...

These 16 players are the only ones guaranteed to make the team, and with a cap at 80M the Hawks will have $15,375,705 and yes, that includes HInostroza, Hayden and Duclair re-signed.

<a href=""></a>

So the Hawks have $15,375,705 to fill 9 spots which is basically 1.7M per roster spot... And there will be several players that make the team with cap hits way less than that...

And lets not forget Anisimov is going to be traded so, who knows what Bowman gets out of that - he will either get more cap space or get players that can improve the team...

The Hawks will be much improved next season.
Forum: NHL13 juin 2018 à 3 h 9
Forum: Armchair-GM13 juin 2018 à 2 h 57
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Hockeyplayer1</b></div><div><a href="/users/HawksFan28" target="_blank">@HawksFan28</a>
Thanks. I can read.

But you clearly have no clue that Pronger was owed $575,000 salary for 2 years when his contract was trade to Arizona. His contract was MUCH more valueable to the Coyotes than Hossa's would be. If you can do the math that's a larger "cap coupon" as you like to call it than Hossa's is and the cap was less back then.
In the case of Datsyuk, Arizona literally didn't have to pay a dime of salary to have him on their books. Yet they got next to nothing out of the trade with Detroit.

As far as Hossa having ZERO implications on the cap as you so desperately want to get across you're missing the point. YES the hawks can go over the cap by 10% and then place him on LTIR to be cap compliant. BUT this will drastically reduce their ability to recall players during the season. If you are over the cap by Hossa's cap hit at the start of the season (6.6%) and you place him on LTIR at that point to become cap compliant, that's all great and dandy until you want to send someone down/bring someone up. If the person you are sending down had a $750,000 cap hit for example but you want to bring someone up on a maximum ELC ($925,000) you CAN'T. Not only that but if someone with a $750,000 contract gets injured mid season, you cannot bring anyone up that has a contract higher than $750,000.

This is the exact reason Bowman didn't spend over the cap last offseason.

THERE ARE CAP IMPLICATION. So again, the Hawks don't HAVE to move Hossa's contract, but it is beneficial to them to move it.</div></div>

The Hawks don't have to trade Hossa, so I laugh at people that propose trades like the Hawks sending pick 27 with Hossa to get rid of him..... Not going to happen.

The Hawks will have space to send down and promote players that's the beautiful thing about ELC's ... Sure the Hawks need a little bit of leeway but not 5.275...

You can bet Bowman will be spending 5 million of that this summer.....

Look, Bowman has A LOT of flexibility this summer and you can bet Anisimov will be traded in a package for a top 4 defenseman (think Faulk or someone similar).... And say the Hawks did trade Anisimov for Faulk - well they solved one issue right there without using any cap space so they still have 16.5 million dollars to sign a couple of bottom 6 veteran two-way forwards, a #5 defenseman and possibly a #2 LW and a legitimate backup goalie..... Yea, 16.5 million can get it done...

The Hawks aren't nearly as screwed as some ignorantly believe they are...

The Hawks will be a very good team next season....
Forum: NHL13 juin 2018 à 2 h 44
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>krakowitz</b></div><div><a href="/users/HawksFan28" target="_blank">@HawksFan28</a>

CapFriendly currently says that Chicago has roughly $5.3M in cap space. If the cap goes up to the estimated $80M, that makes roughly $10.3M. After signing Hinostroza, Duclair, etc. that number dwindles down to anywhere between $5M and $7M.

Even if they go over the cap by 10% in the offseason, they still have to be below the cap ceiling when games are actually played. And if Johan Franzen, David Clarkson, Nathan Horton, etc. still count for full cap value, so does Marian Hossa. And you yourself said that one or two rookies will be used to fill out the roster. This will leave the Blackhawks with anywhere from $3-6M to spend in free agency. A team still needing at least one top four defenseman, a top six winger and some more secondary scoring. This is also anticipating that both Saad and Toews have bounce back years, where the former produced at a third line scorers rate and the latter produced like a second line center. I'm not going to expect that they both go back to producing like top line players. Not to mention, this team still needs to keep in mind the big paydays coming for Schmaltz and Debrincat.

I ran a little projection for you of a team with the holes filled in the lineup. <a href=""></a> notice the fact that this team is over $4M over the cap with all the lineup holes filled.</div></div>

You forgot about the fact that Bowman can spend Hossa's cap hit this summer so add 5.275 million to that and you get 16.5 million IF the cap is at 80M (I think it will be a little higher but 80 is good for right now).....

In the summer teams can go 10% over the cap as long as teams are cap compliant come the first day of the season, and the Hawks will be because Hossa will be placed on LTIR..

So Hossa's cap hit is moot - the Hawks have that 5.275 to spend this summer, capgeek just doesn't show it because you cant "officially" LTIR a guy in the summer but you can go 10% over the cap..

The Hawks have 16.5 million to spend...

They will get Hinostroza, Hayden &amp; Duclair signed for 4 million combined.

Now, look at the Hawks defense and who's on the present roster? well some of those guys aren't going to be on the team next season so that's some additional cap space there.

The Hawks also have some trade bait too, I think Anisimov is as good as gone (and probably in a package for a top 4 so)....

My point is the Hawks have a lot of flexibility this summer and the Hawks are going to be able to make the tweaks they need to have a contender next season....
Forum: NHL Trades11 juin 2018 à 20 h 19
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>MrBooth</b></div><div>Sorry to burst your bubble. Unless my eyesight is completely off, according to CapFriendly the Blackhawks will have $6.23M of cap space before free agency.

They do have to re-sign Hinnistroza and Duclair due to their RFA status; assuming each gets around $1.8M for a total of $3.6M. That makes the Blackhawks offseason cap space to be approximately $2M-$3M.

I’m not sure which math teacher told you 3=20, or how you even got the 20M figure, but I’d double check on the calculations if I were you</div></div>

Yea at 75M they do, but add at least 5 million to that because the cap is going to be 80 million and then add Hossa's 5.275 million to that because Bowman can spend Hossa's cap hit because he will be going on LTIR on the first day of the regular season, because teams can exceed the salary cap in the off-season by 10%......

6.23 + 5 + 5.275 = 16.5 million.... That's what the Hawks will have if the salary cap rises to 80M if it goes up to 82M that's 18.5M..

This is what the Hawks have right now w/16 players signed: <a href=""></a>

Getting Hayden, Hinostroza and Duclair signed will only cost 3.5M - so that brings the roster total up to 19 - the Hawks have AT LEAST 11.5 million to sign 6 players - 2 or 3 of which will be RFA's making less than 1M per......

And not all those defenseman are going to make the team either so - that's just more cap space...

My point - Hawks have plenty of cap space to get the players the NEED to contend next season.

Here is the citation to prove that Hossa's cap hit can be spent during the off-season.

<a href=""></a>

<strong>"Can LTIR be used in the off-season?

Yes, LTIR can be used in the off-season while the 10% off-season cushion is active. LTIR in the off-season is calculated using the basic equation outlined above, which permits a team to exceed the off-season salary cap. To use off-season LTIR the team must provide doctors proof that the player in question will continue to be injured at the beginning of the regular season for 10 NHL games and 24 calendar days.

At the start of the season the teams LTIR relief &amp; ACSL is recalculated when the 10% cushion is removed."</strong>
Forum: Armchair-GM11 juin 2018 à 20 h 5
Sujet: Canes deal
Forum: Armchair-GM11 juin 2018 à 19 h 50
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Hockeyplayer1</b></div><div>The Hawks don't HAVE to move Hossa's contract, but it sure makes it a lot easier to manage the cap without him.

As far as the Hawks getting "an asset" for Hossa's contract I think you're a little mistaken. Take a look at the Pronger, Bolland, Datsyuk deals that Arizona has made for cap hits.
Pronger deal was Grossman for Gagner. Basically a wash.
Bolland deal was Lawson Crouse (11th overall) for 2 third round picks. Clearly in Arizona's favor.
Datsyuk deal was 16th OA for 20th OA and 53rd OA. Nearly a wash.

If a deal is made with Arizona to move Hossa's contract is made its going to end up being basically a wash. Like a 5th, 6th, or 7th round pick for Hossa. Maybe that's what you meant by asset but I personally don't think anything after a 3rd round pick is an asset.</div></div>

Hossa's contract does not affect the Hawks cap situation at all - Bowman can spend Hossa's entire cap hit this summer....... The Hawks have 5.275M more to spend then what capfriendly has officially listed because players cant "officially" be placed on LTIR during the summer but teams CAN GO 10% OVER THE SALARY CAP as long as teams are cap compliant come the first day of the season - which the Hawks will be - because Hossa is going on LTIR the first day of the season........... SO Hossa's cap hit really doesn't exist for all intents and purposes.... The Hawks can use Hossa's "cap hit" to sign other players...

So yes, Hossa's contract has value - the difference between Hossa and Pronger (and the rest) is the fact Hossa's salary is 1 million dollars but he carries a 5.275 cap hit, which would basically allow a team to circumvent the cap floor by 5.275 - Hossa's contract would allow a team to literally save 4.275 million in real cash money)......So teams are not doing the Hawks ANY favors by taking Hossa off Bowmans hands. It would be Bowman doing a team a favor if he decided to trade Hossa to a team interested....... Hossa is basically a "4.275M cap coupon"......... What is 4.275M worth? IDK, but considering Bowman doesn't need to trade Hossa I would suspect perhaps a 2nd round pick? maybe more? I know budget teams would be interested........ He would certainly be a nice "sweetener" in a trade...

Look, the point is that Hossa is not a burden to the Hawks cap situation and the Hawks don't need to pay a team to take his contract because the Hawks can spend his cap hit this summer so....... If a team wants him then fine, take what you can get but his 1M salary and 5.275 cap hit with a significant raise in the salary cap this summer (hence the cap floor) would be awfully appealing to a team like Carolina, Arizona or even Ottawa..

<a href=""></a>

"<strong>Can LTIR be used in the off-season?</strong>

<strong>Yes, LTIR can be used in the off-season while the 10% off-season cushion is active.</strong> LTIR in the off-season is calculated using the basic equation outlined above, which permits a team to exceed the off-season salary cap. To use off-season LTIR the team must provide doctors proof that the player in question will continue to be injured at the beginning of the regular season for 10 NHL games and 24 calendar days.

At the start of the season the teams LTIR relief &amp; ACSL is recalculated when the 10% cushion is removed."
Forum: NHL11 juin 2018 à 19 h 39
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>krakowitz</b></div><div>Where did all this space come from? They have no major pending UFAs to free up space for them.</div></div>

Yea, they have no major UFA's .... They have 3 RFA's HInostroza, Hayden and Duclair but they're not anything major......... The cap is going up to 80M - and lets not forget that Hossa's contract is moot - meaning the Hawks really have 5.275 (Hossa's cap hit) more than what capfriendly says, because the Hawks (any team) can go 10% over the salary cap in the off-season as long as they're under the salary cap on day one of the regular season which the Hawks will be because that will be the day Hossa is placed on LTIR..

So at 80M the Hawks will have around 18M in cap space, at 82M they will have around 20M with only Hinostroza, Hayden &amp; Duclair to sign whom are all RFA's...

The Hawks can fill their needs with 18-20M

<a href=""></a>

"<strong>Can LTIR be used in the off-season?</strong>

<strong>Yes, LTIR can be used in the off-season while the 10% off-season cushion is active. </strong>LTIR in the off-season is calculated using the basic equation outlined above, which permits a team to exceed the off-season salary cap. To use off-season LTIR the team must provide doctors proof that the player in question will continue to be injured at the beginning of the regular season for 10 NHL games and 24 calendar days.

At the start of the season the teams LTIR relief &amp; ACSL is recalculated when the 10% cushion is removed."

So Hossa's contract doesn't affect Bowman at all - it gives the Hawks an additional 5.275 million to spend over what capfriendly has listed....
Forum: Armchair-GM11 juin 2018 à 14 h 12
Sujet: Canes deal
Forum: Armchair-GM11 juin 2018 à 14 h 4
Sujet: Canes deal
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Caniac2000</b></div><div>Hossa's contract isn't fully insured so there is still a cap hit I believe</div></div>

No there is no cap hit at all...... Insurance covers salary not cap hit, besides Hossa's salary is 1 million (which makes his contract extremely useful to another team)....

Teams can go 10% over the salary cap in the off-season, but teams have to be cap compliant by the first day of the regular season and on the first day of the regular season the Hawks will place Hossa on LTIR - so Hossa's cap hit is irrelevant to the Hawks this summer because they can go 10% over the cap...... Hossa's contract doesn't handcuff Bowman in any way shape or form...... The Hawks technically have 5.275 million more to spend this summer than what capfriendly has officially listed.

The Hawks have no reason to trade Hossa, and if they do it will be because a team wants to use his 5.275 cap hit (1M salary) as a "cap coupon" to save 4.275 in real cash..... And that has value to a team, so if Bowman were to trade him I'm sure he would want an asset coming back in return, because Hossa's contract holds value...

<a href=""></a>

"Can LTIR be used in the off-season?

Yes, LTIR can be used in the off-season while the 10% off-season cushion is active. LTIR in the off-season is calculated using the basic equation outlined above, which permits a team to exceed the off-season salary cap. To use off-season LTIR the team must provide doctors proof that the player in question will continue to be injured at the beginning of the regular season for 10 NHL games and 24 calendar days.

At the start of the season the teams LTIR relief &amp; ACSL is recalculated when the 10% cushion is removed."
Forum: NHL11 juin 2018 à 13 h 55
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>krakowitz</b></div><div>Yeah the core is good. But are we really going to call this team a legitimate Cup contender with the holes that they have in the lineup? If Bowman goes out and fills most of those holes, maybe. But right now, no way.</div></div>

The holes the Hawks have are easy to fill - they're not lacking much in their top 6 except for a legitimate #2 LW (which can be addressed via UFA)...... The "holes" the Hawks had were in their bottom 6 which were basically all rookies.... The "holes" the Hawks had were on defense - the Hawks lacked a legitimate experienced #4 defenseman and a legitimate and experienced #5-6 defenseman - both of which again can be addressed via UFA.

And look, It didn't help that Crawford went down in December - the Hawks were a playoff team when Crawford went down.... And guess who replaced Crawford? right a rookie goalie, and who backed up that rookie goalie? right a rookie goalie....

The Hawks have a the major pieces to contend - they just didn't have the supporting cast to contend because Bowman had no cap space to sign those players last summer, but this summer he does - he has cap space to bring in the pieces that will make this team a contender next season..

This should be obvious to anyone that followed the Hawks this past season......... The inexperience really killed the Hawks...... But what other options did Bowman have? his only option was to play the kids (who were ready to take the next step, just not all at the same time)....
Forum: NHL11 juin 2018 à 13 h 46
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>mhockey91</b></div><div>not a hawks fan at all but they'll be back next season. do I think they will win the cup? no. but I think they'll once again be a premier team in the west. people on this site LOVE to use recency bias for players or teams. yeah the hawks sucked this year but like HawksFan28 says they have plenty of cap room to improve their roaster and some good trading chips. people saying hawks are done are the same guys saying caps should trade ovechkin, pens should buyout Fleury, etc.. at some point in their career. they look at SUCH A SMALL SAMPLE SIZE!!!! one bad season doesn't define a player or team</div></div>

The Pens are a good example, everyone thought they were done then they win 2 cups back to back....

As a hockey fan (especially a Hawks fan) I know what's wrong with this team and the problems can be easily fixed with a few solid free agent signings..

Look, in the cap era you just cant contend every single year, Bowman did a fantastic job keeping this team a force for basically a decade but the Hawks were in "cap hell" for several seasons and last season was a good time to get out of that "cap hell" get contracts in order and organize the future..... And Bowman did that - the Hawks have plenty of cap space this summer and beyond......With that said, I'm not worried at all..... Sure the core players are getting older but they still have a good 5 years left before Toews becomes a 3rd liner and (maybe) Kane starts putting up 50 points a season or Keith (maybe) becomes a #3-4...... 30 isn't that old in 2018 - not with the way these guys condition and work out.....

I'm confident the Hawks will be fine, and slowly they're building a new core.... DeBrincat, Schmaltz, Henri Jokiharju and the stud they draft this year at #8 (Wahlstrom, Dobson, Bouchard etc) will be excellent players to build around ....... The future for the Hawks is pretty bright....... Funny, they miss the playoffs once in 10 years and all of a sudden it's "over".. lol... No, it's not over with the amount of talent (both olderish and younger)....
Forum: Armchair-GM10 juin 2018 à 19 h 32
Forum: Armchair-GM10 juin 2018 à 19 h 25
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>ChiHawk</b></div><div>Hawks won't take Darling at over $3M, I think the Canes have to retain another $500K for the Hawks to be interested. As such, Hawks will need to throw in Duclair. The NYI need defense so AA, #27 pick, and either Rutta or Murphy should get back the Calgary pick. Hawks need to dump either Rutta or Murphy...both don't work especially if they get Faulk and pick up Moore or (DeHann, Cole, etc.)

I agree Moore will likely cost $2.75M for a home town team at a minimum. Bozak is a bad signing when you have Derek Ryan or Riley Nash both available for at least $1M less.

I like Wingels and Vermette signings but both will get a bit more, likely $1M.

Biggest issue is the hawks have to be under the cap with bonuses so this wouldn't work.</div></div>

Well obviously these are just estimates....... And honestly I'm just trying to fill the Hawks needs with players that fill that criteria.

The Hawks need a few bottom 6 guys that are above 50% at the dot, that can play a two-way game and can play in "situational" situations and are specialists at one thing or another...

I'm not overly concerned about the top 6....... Because they could draft Wahlstrom and I think he would fit right in and have instant chemistry with Kane and Schmaltz because Jack Hughes is so much like Patrick Kane that Wahlstrom will be thinking he's still on the USDP team.... If the Hawks cant/dont draft Wahlstrom there are a few UFA's out there the Hawks could pursue that could fill that #2 LW spot...

Of course the Hawks need a top 4 defenseman and at least 1 or 2 #5 defenseman..

Bowman has the cap space and the trade bait to make all that happen.

What really concerns me is goaltending.... What's the deal with Crawford? can he play? if he does will he be the same? .... That's something the Hawks will need to figure out in the next month or so, because you don't want to be going into October with a questionable Crawford and the same goalies we used last season.. That would be a disaster waiting to happen........ And obviously by then it would be far too late to sign a legitimate starting goalie or a 1b type like Carter Hutton..
Forum: NHL Trades10 juin 2018 à 19 h 10
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Daryl</b></div><div>In a very very very very very competitive Central Division.... with Pacific teams on the rise....</div></div>

Dude, the Hawks have the core players for a contender, they just need the "help" and last seasons "help" were a bunch of rookies and that's what did the Hawks in (and Crawford's injury/vertigo)..... The Hawks can go out and sign the vets they need come July 1st to make this team a contender next season.... They're not that far away from being a contender (again) - they really aren't...

Take a look at the Hawks roster last season.... Lots of rookies right?..... Yea, well those kids had no idea what the hell they were doing.... I will say this much tho, a few of them did get better as the season progressed, but for a lot of them this was their first extended taste of the NHL.... They didn't know Q's system.... They're kids..... And sure, some will make the team in the fall but there will be significant improvements made over the summer because Bowman has the cap space to go out and get the players he actually NEEDS, which is something he wasn't able to do last summer.......I don't think people realize that at all - that Bowman had almost no cap space to build a proper team last summer so he had to go with the rookies, and like I said - that isn't going to happen this summer....

When Bowman has cap space he will build a contender...

Damn, Bowman basically built 3 entirely different Stanley Cup Championship teams...... The only things those teams had in common were Toews, Kane, Keith, Seabrook, Sharp (retired) &amp; Hossa (retired) - and Crawford, but only for 2 of the 3...... Everyone else (most) was different on those 3 teams.... Yes, the Hawks don't have Hossa or Sharp and you cant replace Hossa - but what they do have is DeBrincat and Schmaltz..

Has Bowman not proved himself already to be a wizard of a GM?

Should I have any reason to doubt that he can build a contender when he has plenty of cap space (and assets to trade) to do so?

Sorry but I trust the GM with 3 cups, coming out and saying that the Stanley Cup is the goal every year (and they've gotten pretty close even in the years they lost, except for Nashville, but WTH - sometimes nonsense happens..... Look at what happened to the Hawks in 1991)...
Forum: Armchair-GM10 juin 2018 à 18 h 54
Forum: NHL Trades10 juin 2018 à 18 h 7
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>rangersandislesfan</b></div><div>You missed the word 'not' between the words 'absolutely' and 'make'.</div></div>

Well, you're wrong........ Wishful thinking on your part...

This team has all the piece it needs to make another run, the Hawks just need the supporting cast to do it and this summer they have the cap space to find those players they need to make a run...

But I know, I understand you would really really really love to see the Hawks bottom-feed...... Well, that's just not going to happen with Toews, Kane, Keith and up and coming studs Alex DeBrincat and Nick Schmaltz on the rise - along with defensive stud Henri Jokiharju on his way as soon as next season.... And of course whomever they draft at 8th overall could very well make the team (Wahlstrom)...

But yea, I heard it all before several times "the salary cap will screw the Hawks - they're done man"....

See, I'm a Hawks fan, have been for 35 years and I know my team very well, and when they're ready to toss in the towel - I will admit it - but they're not even close to throwing in the towel...... This team just has too much talent....

When Kane, Toews, Keith etc start asking for trades or if they're a lottery team next season then I will say "ok, maybe it is time to rebuild".... But it's not even close... I mean I think they had 109 points in 16-17 - the salary cap screwed them in 17-18 and now Bowman has cap space to rebuild this team back into a contender....

In 6 months you're going to feel like a fool for insisting the Hawks won't make the playoffs....

Quit using your emotions, quit "hoping" the Hawks won't make the playoffs and actually LOOK at the position the Hawks are in..... The Hawks are going to have a very good team this fall.......

But hey, you can believe what you like. I know what's up....
Forum: Armchair-GM10 juin 2018 à 17 h 22
This is crazy - why are Hawks fans so eager to get rid of Hossa? Hossa's contract DOES NOT HINDER BOWMAN OR THE HAWKS SALARY CAP POSITION AT ALL..

Bowman can spend Hossa's cap hit this summer because teams can go 10% over the salary cap in the summer just as long as they're cap compliant come the first day of the regular season and they will be because Hossa will be placed on LTIR..... So Hossa's cap hit is basically moot at this point - it's like his cap hit doesn't exist this summer...

The only reason to trade Hossa would be to help another team out so they can circumvent the cap floor or save $$$$$..... Hossa's contract is basically a "4.275 cap &amp; cash savings coupon"........ And since Hossa's contract doesn't affect the Hawks cap situation at all (they have 5.275 more cap space than officially listed because teams can go 10% over the salary cap in the off-season/summer) they have absolutely no reason to trade him unless they're getting an asset in return..

<a href=""></a>

"Can LTIR be used in the off-season?

Yes, LTIR can be used in the off-season while the 10% off-season cushion is active. LTIR in the off-season is calculated using the basic equation outlined above, which permits a team to exceed the off-season salary cap. To use off-season LTIR the team must provide doctors proof that the player in question will continue to be injured at the beginning of the regular season for 10 NHL games and 24 calendar days."

So basically a team will need to give up an asset if they want to use Hossa's contract as a "cap coupon" because Hossa's cap hit does not affect the Hawks cap situation at all.... Like I said it's basically like Hossa is on LTIR during the off-season so they can use that 5.275 to sign free agents...