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Forum: Armchair-GM17 févr. 2016 à 12 h 57
Sujet: Two moves
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Rosatoa1367</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>FutureNHLgm</b></div><div><i>The Chicago deal is solid. I love Ryan Hartman and his style of play. I think Eriksson + Subban is more than enough to get Hartman + 1st. Don't need Runblad, he's another bottom 6 defenseman and we have enough of those. The Arizona deal is hit-or-miss. I'm not sure Arizona would do that. Michael Stone is a decent top 4 defenseman right now. They'd be downgrading at the position. Us throwing a first for him seems like a bad use of assets on our end, since you traded Eriksson, thus saying we're still going for it, but may still miss the playoffs (and they have a better chance to miss w/o Eriksson). With that you gave up a potential lottery pick (and if they don't win the lottery who knows where they'd fall) and at worst an early (top 15) first. Not sure Stone is worth that. Also, could have sworn Downie was placed on waivers already. Could have claimed him for free.</i></div></div>

Thing is that Rundblad is a bottom 3 on a strong Chicago team, bringing him in would help our weak right side. So before the ARZ deal we'd have 3 1st rounders. So I'd use our 2nds to get Stone and Downie, sending Kevan Miller instead of Trotman. So in the e the CHI deal stays as is and the ARZ deal becomes K.Miller and 2 2nd 2016 for Downie and Stone. Unless there's a way to make it so that Boston can get both Stone and Boedeker. Which I'd think would be a 1st, a 2nd, Trotman and Griffith. Thanks for not ripping into me for once.</i></div></div>

I only rip into you when you come out with head scratching A GM. This one was actually solid (though i don't overly care for the ARZ one -- I can see your point).
Forum: Armchair-GM16 févr. 2016 à 22 h 36
Sujet: Two moves
Forum: Armchair-GM16 févr. 2016 à 16 h 1
Forum: Armchair-GM16 févr. 2016 à 14 h 49
Sujet: No cup
Forum: Armchair-GM13 févr. 2016 à 19 h 4
Honestly. Do you make terrible trades just to see my reaction? That St. Louis deal is one of the worst. You destroyed the Bruins in that one for a side-ways move. Gunnarsson is just as good, maybe slightly (SLIGHTLY) better than Seidenberg. Morrow &gt;&gt; Bortuzzo. So you downgrade at the bottom 6 position, maybe slightly upgrade (and I'd argue stay the same) with the Seidenberg and Gunnarsson swap, and add in a young cost controlled forward who looks to like he has great goal scoring gifts, AND a first round pick? Kevan Miller sucks but he's better than Bortuzzo as well.

Now, Minnesota is falling out of it. So why in the fuck would they trade a young defenseman with top 4 upside, a solid #3-4 in Scandella, AND a good center/wing in Coyle for that junk? Chara doesn't help them (and he ain't waiving to there anyway), Eriksson is a UFA and leaves at seasons' end, Koko is an unknown and Trotman is (contrary to your belief of a future #3, I've seen you say that before) is probably nothing more than a #5-6 who maybe can slide up if needed for a short amount of time. Then you throw in their first 4 picks in this years draft. I think I'm getting the hint. You aren't this dumb, and you are doing this to see what I say b/c no one would make these trades and think they work.

CBJ trade is meh. Bruins get another small forward who is somewhat inconsistent and has a blah cap hit for what he is. In the process you give up two young forwards with upside, and a solid goalie prospect who could be used in a different deal for a better play.

You once again have made the Bruins slightly better, while weakening their prospect pool, and giving them NOTHING in terms of drafting. WHERE YOU BUILD YOUR TEAM THROUGH. Well done. Like the guy above said perfectly, these three trades are all atrocious, but other than that, it looks really good.
Forum: Armchair-GM12 févr. 2016 à 21 h 40
Forum: Armchair-GM12 févr. 2016 à 15 h 31
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>zleach77</b></div><div><i>I really like Lauzon too, but he is a purely offensive defenseman. Like a Krug 2.0. And Matt Grzelcyk plays the same way. Lauzon may turn out to be really good, but from an organizational depth point of view, I think getting Holden would be worth it. I think Holden is ready to take the next step as a top 2 d-man, but Beauchemin and Johnson fill those spots in Colorado. If the Bruins gave him the chance to succeed, I think he would thrive and there would still be plenty of young defenseman in the system to come up even without Lauzon. Kevan Miller is gone after this year anyway so no loss. Essentially like when the Bs gave the Avs Soderberg.</i></div></div>

I know Lauzon is putting up over a PPG as a defenseman for the RNH. but he's more than just an Offensive defenseman. He plays with a lot of grit and physicality, and while his defensive game needs work, it's not a weakness (like it is with true OFD). He's just good size, and has #2-3 upside. He's definitely offense-first, but he has all the makings of a solid two-way defenseman who moves the puck efficiently, can score, and brings a physical game. He logs huge minutes with RNH, easily 25+ a night playing all situations. I'd prefer they hold onto him, unless it's for a bigger fish than Nick Holden.

<div class="quote">Quote: <i>I feel like the Devils don't give Larsson enough credit, as evidenced by the fact that, like the Bruins, they keep looking for top 2 defensemen. His offensive stats are down a bit, but he's a shutdown d-man. The Bruins don't have the perfect pieces to give NJ what they want, but Morrow is a great trade chip and it's embarrassing how little depth the Devils have on the right side in their system, so they might be desperate. They're not getting a top RW in the draft this year with a pick in the 13-15 range. Griffith is ready to succeed at the NHL level right now. Throw in a 2nd rounder, a prospect, and a Russian who they might be able to sway into coming overseas and it's not the worst deal in the world, especially if the Devils don't consider Larsson a top end guy.</i></div>

Didn't the Devils just resign him to a team friendly long term deal? I think they consider him to future #1 of that defense, and probably #2, right now, behind Andy Greene. They value this kid a lot. He, like Hedman, took a little longer to develop (a lot of defense do though) than expected, but he is certainly coming into his own, and would cost a fortune.
Forum: Armchair-GM10 févr. 2016 à 21 h 54
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>palhal</b></div><div><i>No it doesn't. Horrible deal for Minni. A young, good, cap friendly forward, a former first rounder and third rounder for a UFA, a Dman who probably couldn't make Minni's team and a 1st rounder.
Even without Tuch...way too much for Minni to give up. Coyle, being a BU boy makes a trade imperative?</i></div></div>

Thanks for saying what I was going to say. Brutal trade for Minnesota. To say Trotman is a future #3 defenseman is a joke. Guy is a bottom 5-6 and nothing else. Just b/c Julien uses him up in the lineup doesn't make him one. I get sooooooooo nauseous when fans of Boston use where the player is from (in MA or New England) or where they went to college as a reason why they want to come here. If that's the case then get ready for Shattenkirk to sign here in 2017 b/c he's from CT and went to BU. Should i pre-order my Eichel jersey when he ditches Buffalo to "come home." Johnny Gaudreau went to BC, he coming here soon too? Enough of this shit. Its like Yandle all over again. From Mass, sign him, yada yada. Horrible deal, makes no sense.

Your Winny deal sucks here too. You aren't getting a stud like Trouba ALONE for that. I swear someone who watches winnipeg just said Clitsome is probably done with back injuries. Why are you including him? You don't pay attention to anything. Then you throw in a pretty good upside piece in Petan. All while throwing shit at them. Koko is a future top 9, or a AHL lifer. He has no value, and with Eriksson that's what they're going to be left with.

There you go throwing around draft picks again. At least you didn't sell the farm this time. Glad to see no Senyshyn, Zboril, Gabrielle, Lauzon, Carlo, etc. in your terrible proprosals. C+ on that move.

I'd rather keep the young powerforward and continue to see what he has instead of dumping him for a bottom 6 defenseman, something the Bruins have a disgusting abundance of. By the way, THE BRUINS ARE ALSO REBUILDING. So your trade explanation makes no sense.

Forum: Armchair-GM10 févr. 2016 à 20 h 20
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>F50marco</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>FutureNHLgm</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>F50marco</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>FutureNHLgm</b></div><div><i>I've come with my usual fork and knife ready to cut into this arm-chair GM. You really serve them up good, Rosatoatoaoata.


For Drouin, you aren't coming close to getting him for that. TBL has no use for a defenseman like Seidenberg. Pretty sure they need to clear some space b/c they have some pretty big pieces to resign coming up, and his contract (even retained) doesn't help them on that. Now, while I don't think Drouin has this crazy amount of value right now due to everything happening, you aren't getting him for crap. That's what you've offered. CRAP. A crap deal to better the Bruins; shocker? I think not.


You flip Drouin, who's value magically sky-rocketed up? to Minnesota for a top 6 forward AND a top 4 defenseman. Damn, you are something special. You literally turned CRAP into exactly what the Bruins need. Are you the savior? I think so with this trade! I also love when you just throw draft picks into trades. Most of which have no rhyme or reason to them.

On top of that:

ST. LOUIS. IS. NOT. GOING. TO. GIVE. UP. SHATTENKIRK. FOR. LOUI. ERIKSSON. I'm not sure how many fucking times this has to be said on here. This deal is thrown around on here a lot by Bruins fans and I don't get why. It's not going to happen. NO. NO. NO. He's a legit top 2 defenseman with a year left at a good cap hit. Why are they trading that for the main piece being a UFA? They also just lost a huge d-man in Pietriangelo. A team in the hunt isn't going to give up a top 4 defenseman when another just went down. Come on, man. PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND THE LEAGUE. Then you throw in Koko, and more draft picks. Bruins are going to have no propsect pool (again) after all these trades.

Any deal for Trouba starts with Pastrnak. He's a young RFA top 2 upside defenseman. Bruins are in no position to be giving up Pastrnak since they have nothing close in the pipeline right now, and you've traded all their 1st and 2nd rounders so there is no way to get a high end forward prospect.

On that deal itself. Serious question. Do you know who Gabrielle is? Do you know who Senyshyn is? Honestly. You going through the minor league menu on here and picking them out doesn't count! While these guys aren't overly close, can we hang on to our young forwards with upside. SINCE YOU BUILD THROUGH THE FUCKING DRAFT?! We finally drafted some high end potential kids (one of which we grabbed in the 4th round) and you're trading them not even a year later.

Then why the fuck did you go and sign Michael Ryder? What the fuck kind of shit is that?

Get real, man. This isn't NHL 16, and I don't think any of these are realistic in that game, unless you're forcing the trades LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Take a seat, please.</i></div></div>

Your absolutely right on every single point. I used to write essay-like posts like yours when ever somebody posted bad trades then realized there are too many of them on here. lol</i></div></div>

Thanks! I have two targets on here, Rosatoa and GM_rodden (or w.e the fuck his username is) b/c they both usually post complete crap, and never ever back it up (besides maybe a post from Rodden trying to come at me, but i usually just shut him down; haven't heard from him since).

Until one of them sacks up and responds to me like a man on why they actually think these deals are plausible, i will continue to crap on their arm-chair GMs. They make Bruins fans look like idiots on here, and i want people to know not ALL b's fans are this dumb.

Come on Rosa!!! Serve me up another one!!!</i></div></div>

Lol didn't know posting an armchair GM team merits an explanation. (Not that I don't agree with you though)

<strong>"Until one of them sacks up and responds to me like a man on why they actually think these deals are plausible"</strong> Hahaha. Yeah come on guys, sack up and give us some logical analysis to debate the plausibility of your trades..... like. real. men. do.

Wherever Milan Lucic is right now he just got the sudden urge to start pounding his chest for some reason.:rockon</i></div></div>

haha, I think these types of arm-chairs merit an explanation since they just don't make any sense.
Forum: Armchair-GM10 févr. 2016 à 18 h 10
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>F50marco</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>FutureNHLgm</b></div><div><i>I've come with my usual fork and knife ready to cut into this arm-chair GM. You really serve them up good, Rosatoatoaoata.


For Drouin, you aren't coming close to getting him for that. TBL has no use for a defenseman like Seidenberg. Pretty sure they need to clear some space b/c they have some pretty big pieces to resign coming up, and his contract (even retained) doesn't help them on that. Now, while I don't think Drouin has this crazy amount of value right now due to everything happening, you aren't getting him for crap. That's what you've offered. CRAP. A crap deal to better the Bruins; shocker? I think not.


You flip Drouin, who's value magically sky-rocketed up? to Minnesota for a top 6 forward AND a top 4 defenseman. Damn, you are something special. You literally turned CRAP into exactly what the Bruins need. Are you the savior? I think so with this trade! I also love when you just throw draft picks into trades. Most of which have no rhyme or reason to them.

On top of that:

ST. LOUIS. IS. NOT. GOING. TO. GIVE. UP. SHATTENKIRK. FOR. LOUI. ERIKSSON. I'm not sure how many fucking times this has to be said on here. This deal is thrown around on here a lot by Bruins fans and I don't get why. It's not going to happen. NO. NO. NO. He's a legit top 2 defenseman with a year left at a good cap hit. Why are they trading that for the main piece being a UFA? They also just lost a huge d-man in Pietriangelo. A team in the hunt isn't going to give up a top 4 defenseman when another just went down. Come on, man. PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND THE LEAGUE. Then you throw in Koko, and more draft picks. Bruins are going to have no propsect pool (again) after all these trades.

Any deal for Trouba starts with Pastrnak. He's a young RFA top 2 upside defenseman. Bruins are in no position to be giving up Pastrnak since they have nothing close in the pipeline right now, and you've traded all their 1st and 2nd rounders so there is no way to get a high end forward prospect.

On that deal itself. Serious question. Do you know who Gabrielle is? Do you know who Senyshyn is? Honestly. You going through the minor league menu on here and picking them out doesn't count! While these guys aren't overly close, can we hang on to our young forwards with upside. SINCE YOU BUILD THROUGH THE FUCKING DRAFT?! We finally drafted some high end potential kids (one of which we grabbed in the 4th round) and you're trading them not even a year later.

Then why the fuck did you go and sign Michael Ryder? What the fuck kind of shit is that?

Get real, man. This isn't NHL 16, and I don't think any of these are realistic in that game, unless you're forcing the trades LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Take a seat, please.</i></div></div>

Your absolutely right on every single point. I used to write essay-like posts like yours when ever somebody posted bad trades then realized there are too many of them on here. lol</i></div></div>

Thanks! I have two targets on here, Rosatoa and GM_rodden (or w.e the fuck his username is) b/c they both usually post complete crap, and never ever back it up (besides maybe a post from Rodden trying to come at me, but i usually just shut him down; haven't heard from him since).

Until one of them sacks up and responds to me like a man on why they actually think these deals are plausible, i will continue to crap on their arm-chair GMs. They make Bruins fans look like idiots on here, and i want people to know not ALL b's fans are this dumb.

Come on Rosa!!! Serve me up another one!!!
Forum: Armchair-GM10 févr. 2016 à 15 h 50
I've come with my usual fork and knife ready to cut into this arm-chair GM. You really serve them up good, Rosatoatoaoata.


For Drouin, you aren't coming close to getting him for that. TBL has no use for a defenseman like Seidenberg. Pretty sure they need to clear some space b/c they have some pretty big pieces to resign coming up, and his contract (even retained) doesn't help them on that. Now, while I don't think Drouin has this crazy amount of value right now due to everything happening, you aren't getting him for crap. That's what you've offered. CRAP. A crap deal to better the Bruins; shocker? I think not.


You flip Drouin, who's value magically sky-rocketed up? to Minnesota for a top 6 forward AND a top 4 defenseman. Damn, you are something special. You literally turned CRAP into exactly what the Bruins need. Are you the savior? I think so with this trade! I also love when you just throw draft picks into trades. Most of which have no rhyme or reason to them.

On top of that:

ST. LOUIS. IS. NOT. GOING. TO. GIVE. UP. SHATTENKIRK. FOR. LOUI. ERIKSSON. I'm not sure how many fucking times this has to be said on here. This deal is thrown around on here a lot by Bruins fans and I don't get why. It's not going to happen. NO. NO. NO. He's a legit top 2 defenseman with a year left at a good cap hit. Why are they trading that for the main piece being a UFA? They also just lost a huge d-man in Pietriangelo. A team in the hunt isn't going to give up a top 4 defenseman when another just went down. Come on, man. PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND THE LEAGUE. Then you throw in Koko, and more draft picks. Bruins are going to have no propsect pool (again) after all these trades.

Any deal for Trouba starts with Pastrnak. He's a young RFA top 2 upside defenseman. Bruins are in no position to be giving up Pastrnak since they have nothing close in the pipeline right now, and you've traded all their 1st and 2nd rounders so there is no way to get a high end forward prospect.

On that deal itself. Serious question. Do you know who Gabrielle is? Do you know who Senyshyn is? Honestly. You going through the minor league menu on here and picking them out doesn't count! While these guys aren't overly close, can we hang on to our young forwards with upside. SINCE YOU BUILD THROUGH THE FUCKING DRAFT?! We finally drafted some high end potential kids (one of which we grabbed in the 4th round) and you're trading them not even a year later.

Then why the fuck did you go and sign Michael Ryder? What the fuck kind of shit is that?

Get real, man. This isn't NHL 16, and I don't think any of these are realistic in that game, unless you're forcing the trades LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Take a seat, please.
Forum: Armchair-GM10 févr. 2016 à 10 h 53
Forum: Armchair-GM10 févr. 2016 à 10 h 52