

Membre depuis
12 déc. 2020
Équipe favorite
Maple Leafs de Toronto
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Forum: Armchair-GM31 déc. 2020 à 12 h 20
Forum: Armchair-GM31 déc. 2020 à 12 h 18
Forum: Armchair-GM15 déc. 2020 à 0 h 44
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Campabee</b></div><div>Quick question, what are Burakovski's stats and how much is he paid? Never scored more than 20 goals never scored more than 45 points has been in the league 6 years just like Drouin and was just resigned for 4.9 Mil. BTW Burakovski scores at a rate of just .49 ppg and Drouin puts up .6 ppg. Just cause Drouin has the talent to be elite and hasn't reached those heights doesn't make him overpaid or overrated. He is actually paid like a 50-55 point winger just look at may others around the league. You just expect more from Drouin and he frustrates fans so much with his lack of effort sometimes that it seems like he is overpaid.</div></div>

I went through the first 6 teams in the list and compared their players who make 4.5-6 mil here are the results.

Anaheim Silfverberg 5.25 Mil never scored more than 24 goals or 49 points.

Arizona Dvorak never scored more than 18 goals or 38 points but earns 4.45 Mil (Keller could be here too never scored more than 24 goals and scored 65 points once but not more than 47 any other season. I leave him out though cause of his higher salary at 7.15 Mil)

Boston Coyle never scored more than 21 goals or 42 points but earns 5.25 Mil

Buffalo Reinhardt never scored more than 25 goals but has 3 seasons over 50 points at 5.2 Mil

Calgary Lindholm 2 seasons over 25 goals an 50 points and is paid 4.85 obviously this is great value

Carolina Teravainen 2 seasons over 60 points but not more than 75 and never scored more then 23 goals and earns 5.4 Mil (This is likely the closest player that Drouin tops out at)

Those first 6 are just a guideline for they type of production you pay 5.5 Mil for. Obviouslysome are better values than others but as a GM you expect 45-60 points per year from your wingers at 4.5-6 Mil. So exactly what Drouin produces.
Forum: Armchair-GM12 déc. 2020 à 22 h 42