

Membre depuis
1 déc. 2017
Équipe favorite
Maple Leafs de Toronto
Deuxième équipe favorite
Predators de Nashville
Messages dans les forums
Messages par jour
Forum: Armchair-GM22 sept. 2020 à 13 h 21
Forum: Armchair-GM22 sept. 2020 à 13 h 32
Forum: Armchair-GM20 sept. 2020 à 4 h 44
Forum: Armchair-GM20 sept. 2020 à 5 h 17
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>anduril</b></div><div>Demelo and Hamonic are likely to be signed by WPG. They desperately need D. Hamonic is from WPG and it is where he wanted to be dealt when he moved from NY to CGY because of family. I'd be shocked if he doesn't sign there. He also underperformed in CGY and so I question whether TOR would really want him anyway. I feel like EDM dodged a bullet when CGY beat us out in the Hamonic sweepstakes. WPG liked Demelo and I don't see why they won't be able to reach a deal. He's a decent option if he reaches the market but I don't think you get the same toughness from him that you do from Larsson, which has been part of the criticism with TOR---namely, their D aren't hard/physically demanding to play against. As for Braun, I don't see him as good as Larsson by a significant margin. He's an aging, 3rd pair dman. Larsson is six years younger. So, knock yourself out on Braun, I guess, if you disagree. The fact that you think the value is "laughable" isn't supported by comparables. So, while I'll admit the 1st is a reach, it's not out of line with the two picks or picks and a prospect that other mostly lesser or older dmen have yielded, especially given TOR's needs and Larsson's age, contract, player type, handedness, and what's available on the market. Two 2nds or Dermott (b/c of 3LHD logjam in TOR) are other possible returns but I'd need to rework some things to get a contract done for Dermott. I'm sure, even if it were ultimately a no from TOR, the ask is reasonable and would be met somewhere in the NHL. Adam Larsson is a bonafide second pairing dman on all but maybe a handful of NHL teams that are unusually stacked on right-D. He has played top pairing for most of his time in Edmonton and is capable of that in the defensive-minded support role.</div></div>

Winnipeg does not have the money for both a new 2nd line center and a new backup plus resigning all there rfas

In general Larsson is not who we need. He is asking upgrade over ceci as they both such at transitioning the puck. At most all dubas would give is johnsson nothing more nothing less

In general your values on players are way off. Dubas has finances on his side and if players want stability Toronto can give it to them. Plus they get big signing bonuses meaning more money in the end on a lower cap hit.