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Forum: Armchair-GM4 avr. 2019 à 14 h 16
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>gaudetster</b></div><div>show me another winger who got 92+ points in his ELC contract year, the last one to do it was Ovechkin</div></div>

You have to look relative to year.

In Gaudrea's RFA year he had 30 g and 78 pts. While this sounds like less than Marner you have to look at the year. The highest points that year was 106 points by Kane and Gaudreau was 6th in the league in points. <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"></a>

In Tarsenko's RFA year he had 37 G and 73 pts. Again sounds like less but when you consider the year, he was 13th in points, and the most that year was Benn with just 87

While Marner's total points look better than them, he is no better relative to the league. Scoring is up this year. He has 25 goals and 97 points. He is 11th in points, and the player with the most, Kucherov has 125 points.

So to compare

Player---Pts----place in year----Leader that year pts

Then you also realize the two above players had better years because they scored a lot more goals

Tarasneko 37 goals tied for 5th
Gaudreau 30 goals Tied for 19th
Marner 25 goals tied for 68th

Marner also has a huge advantage on Tarasenko and Gaudreau in their contract years as he is playing with a player who is so much better than anyone they played with (Tavares) it isn't even funny.

In the 6 years before he became a Leaf, Tavares was tied for 3rd in goals in the league (with 188), and 7th in points with 419 (<a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"></a>)
Marner does make Tavares better, but Tavares certainly makes Marner better and people seem to forget that.

Marner's best comparables on previous contracts are Gaudreau and Tarasenko, and frankly I think he deserves to be a little behind them, that would bring his contract in around 8 million.

Now if/when Rantanen signs, his contract will be the best comparable. And Marner should be BEHIND Rantanen. He had a better pts pace than Marner (but got injured a couple weeks ago, as of now he has 5 less points in 6 less games). He scores way more goals. And his production in the last two years is significantly better. And you can point out the awesomeness that is MacKinnon and I'll again point out the awesomness that is Tavares.
Forum: Armchair-GM5 déc. 2018 à 3 h 8
Forum: Armchair-GM5 déc. 2018 à 1 h 53