

Membre depuis
11 mars 2019
Équipe favorite
Jets de Winnipeg
Deuxième équipe favorite
Devils du New Jersey
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Forum: Armchair-GM25 juill. 2023 à 13 h 4
Forum: Armchair-GM25 juill. 2023 à 12 h 12
Sujet: Winnipeg
Forum: Armchair-GM19 juill. 2023 à 11 h 34
Sujet: Helley
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juill. 2023 à 15 h 56
Sujet: brad
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>aadoyle</b></div><div>I mean it is

Has our star goalie said he wants out. Or did a guy we traded Laine for (who didnt want to leave) say I dont want to extend 2 years later. Or did we just buyout any of our top end talent. Heck did one of our players decide **** it I dont want to play leaving 7.6m behind. Nope

In the end what's WPG done, not a whole lot im afraid and all that above not a great look and it potentially is only gonna get worse.

We got cups sure 1967 but hey we got em. WPG is just burning money for the NHL rn and seems to not be a place players want to stay at this rate relocation might be a real possibility. While Toronto is one of the original 6 teams an original franchise who with 5 others helped make the NHL.

<div class="yt_out_cont"><div class="yt_cont"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe></div></div>

None of the stuff that happened in WPG has happened here plus climate's better keep trying cause in the end when u think of Canadian hockey teams MTL, TOR, EDM, and VAN come more into the spotlight even stats back that up</div></div>

You are right, smallest market in Canada, horrible climate, tough to get premiere players to sign or stay. We have an excuse, your team and city just suck year after year after year. Please provide the proof that Buff left because he was in Winnipeg. Guys still has a cabin here, he must really hate this place. We went to the Conference final in 2018 with this bad team. Toronto, was it 93? You have a lot of cups for sure, must have been tough to win with 6 teams. I don't know if that is what i would be proud of.
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juill. 2023 à 15 h 19
Sujet: brad
Forum: Armchair-GM17 juill. 2023 à 15 h 15