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Forum: Armchair-GM8 avr. 2016 à 16 h 38
Sujet: Duchene
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>coga16</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>F50marco</b></div><div><i>This years draft pick which is a lottery pick so it could be anywhere from 1st-9th, our 2 years ago 1st round pick (Sherbak), Next years 2nd round pick, our 3 years ago 2nd round pick (De La Rose), and a whatever 5-6 dman in Emelin.

There's an argument to be made that MAYBE its not equal value for Duchene or as peterman explained, not what Colorado's looking for, but definitely not a slap in the face guys. Remove the Duchene goggles please.</i></div></div>

De La Rose hasnt been doing much in the AHL, and 1 point in 22 NHL games this year...thats not really an attractive stat line. Scherbak is having a decent AHL season but still nothign great. Emelin is a terribel shot blocking dman with a bad contract. The only 2 things of value are the draft picks...could be the 9th-11th overall.

Duchene is a 30 goal scorer signed long term...would you trade Pacioretty for the Avs 1st round pick, a 2nd, Nick Holden, Martinsen &amp; Agozzino. Since thats the simliar package for a 30 goal scorer</i></div></div>

The reason I proposed this trade is because a high end LD prospect is going to be available with that pick. Is that not what Colorado is looking for? I then threw in Emelin for cap reasons, obviously he doesn't have value. Scherbak is a potential top 6 forward, not just a throw in. The package you are saying is comparable is not close.
Forum: Armchair-GM16 févr. 2016 à 11 h 28
Forum: Armchair-GM14 févr. 2016 à 19 h 29
Forum: Armchair-GM11 juin 2015 à 9 h 12