
Rule Changes To Improve NHL

19 nov. 2023 à 21 h 14
average joe
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1. The game is 60 minutes. Either call it a tie after 60, or decide a winner. Bring in 2.5 pts. for Reg. win, 2 pts. for OT win, 1.5 pts. for SOW, 1.0 pts. for SOL, 0.5 pts. for OTL, 0 pts. for Regular loss. More incentive to win in Regular time, or failing that, in OT. All games are 2.5 points. (Baseball has 1/2 games and people understand that). Or bring in 3-2-1 points, but that treat OTW same as SOW.

2. Leave OT and SO as is (I think kids like SO), and either you decide a winner or just call the game tie after 60. Don't switch ends for OT, so teams get the short change - reduce that meaningless cycling which has no intention of scoring, just tiring opponents so next shift can score.

3. Playoffs within Conference in 1st round and across League in 2nd. Make it harder for teams to have guaranteed spots locked up with little incentive to win (e.g. Boston, Leafs, TB). More fair for travel as every teams has possibility of large travel. Now, Patrick Division (Metro) is guaranteed to have little travel while the other 3 (and mostly the West 2) Divisions have lots of travel. Also increase chance of top teams in the League meeting in Finals. (Back in the 1980's, it was almost the Symthe Finals were the series that decided the Cup and the rest was let-down. In 90's, I recall Dallas, Detroit, Colorado was the real Final in the West and the only reason the East had a change was because the West tired each other out.

4. Reduce preseason and give teams an extra 3% salary cap and 1 roster spot for first 4 games. Also can dress 21 in first 4 games.

5. 4 Games in Division, 3 in Conference, 2 in Other Conference. 84 games total (note reduced preseason).

6. Participation in Olympics every 4 years in February. Participation in World Cup of Hockey every 4 years (staggered 2 years from Olympics) in September. Probably 12 teams in Olympics (since must be finished in less than 2 weeks. Probably 16 teams (countries, not gimmick all-star teams) in World Cup lasting just over 2 weeks.
22 nov. 2023 à 11 h 53
It's Just a Guess
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Rejoint: nov. 2023
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Quoting: Rajvinder
I've been. Thinking lately about some potential rule changes that could be interesting and increase entertainment/viewership.

1. Changing the Salary Cap

I would advocate moving towards a system that mixes what the league currently has with what exists in European soccer. In European soccer under Financial Fair Play the max spending of clubs is a % of their revenue. As we all know the NHL's cap is a % of total league revenue split evenly amongst all teams.

So how to combine them? Have some revenues count as team specific and some as league specific. So TV rights are league revenues, sales are league revenues, league sponsors are league revenues, ticket sales are 50/50 league and team revenues, team sponsors are team revenue.

What this should result in is a salary cap that allows teams like NYR, TML, MON, etc to spend more than teams like Arizona but not WAY more. So instead of everyone having a $85M cap. Arizona's could be $75M and Toronto's could be $95M.

Why do this? (i) it will incentive teams to grow their own markets, (ii) there will be less cap circumvention trades with small market teams, (iii) this will help small markets by increasing league revenues if bigger teams are in the cup finals and there is larger TV revenue, (iv) it lowers the bar for small market teams. Every team isn't expected to win a cup anymore so smaller markets can get big storylines and press around their run to the playoffs, their cup run. We've seen this work with Vegas to attract fans and money. Even Arizona or Buffalo fans are thinking of winning a cup that's what Betman told us any team could do. Imagine if the amazing goal of the Sabres was to just be the underdog that finally broke the streak and made the playoffs. They could have prime time games all season and grow their fanbase. The Salary Cap being equal robs fans of those stories.

So there is my salary cap proposal the cap is 50% of league revenues + 50% of team revenues so.

2. Changing the power play. Here are a few suggestions

A) Penalty ends on a SHG. This would encourage way more teams to play their top forwards while shorthanded.

B) PPG don't end a PP. This would again when combined with the suggestion above make PKs more aggressive and reward good PPs and high skilled players.

C) Scoring on a Delayed Penalty does not negate the PP.

3. Overtime

A) Change to a 10 minute 3 on 3.

B) Remove the shootout.

C) Remove the rule that you lose the 1 point for an OTL if you pull your goalie and the other team scores. Would love to see more coaches pull the goalie for a 4 on 3 and risk it in OT.


A) change the points to 1-2-3 system to encourage teams not to play for a draw in regulation.


A) remove the "every player in every rink" mandate. Teams should play those in the other conference one time per year instead of 2 (alternate home and away each year).

B) make the additional 16 games a year all inter-divisional games so teams can face their own division rivals at least 5 times each season.


A) Let teams pick their playoff opponents. So let's say Boston finished #1 in the East and Atlantic like they did last year. They should get to pick their opponents
They can pick either #2 Atlantic, #3 Atlantic, #1 Wildcard, #2 Wildcard. I'd last year they got to pick between Tampa, Toronto, Florida and Islander who would they pick? Then the #1 in the Metro would get to pick between the #2/#3 in the Metro and the remaining wildcard team. If both wildcard teams were picked it would be 2v3 if a #2 or #3 from a division is picked the remaining team gets to pick their opponents. So if Boston picked Tampa and Carolina picked NYI then Toronto auto gets Florida but if Carolina picked NYR then Toronto can pick between NYI and Florida.

This would reward to places in the regular season more and create more drama around the playoffs and motivation for those lower teams.

I've got more ideas but will leave it at this for now. Thought?

Love most of what you said, especially about the Cap. Regarding the cap I just posted a question on here about teams being able to designate a player as a "Franchise player." A franchise player would have to be a player that was drafted by that team and then their salary would only count a certain percentage against the cap. A franchise player could only be designated if a certain portion of the team had drafted players by that team. Why do this? To not penalize teams like Edmonton who drafted really good players but can't afford to complement those players because of salary cap restraints. I am not an oilers fan by the way. Once a designated franchise player is in place then when signing UFA'S that should be restricted to a certain amount, perhaps an amount less than the highest paid player on the team. Also, RFA'S should not be eligible to teams that have a designated franchise player. Curious what you think because you put a lot of thought into your scenarios, and I really haven't. Also I love that you said that a delayed penalty that results in a goal should not preclude a team from still having the power play.
22 nov. 2023 à 13 h 34
Lifelong Leafs Fan
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Quoting: Boltsbeathabs
Ahh the Toronto fan crying about the cap screw everyone but the big markets or teams with owners who this is a toy for. How about getting guys more worried about winning than getting max dollar. When you're top 3 guys make over 40% of your cap you can't put a good enough team around them to win. (That 40% is now it was even higher as percentage when they were signed . Manage your cap better Toronto.
This also again seriously drives up salaries making it harder for lesser revenue teams become better driving down their revenue making it a truly uneven playing field

How dare Dubas not predict a worldwide shutdown that would flatten the cap for multiple years right after signing his core!
22 nov. 2023 à 13 h 43
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Quoting: LeafsForLife
How dare Dubas not predict a worldwide shutdown that would flatten the cap for multiple years right after signing his core!

No but paying 3 players 45% of salary cap at the time of signing is bad cap management which was if you had the reading comprehension ability of a 2nd grader clearly what I was saying, but go ahead and burry your head up your rectum.
22 nov. 2023 à 16 h 3
Lifelong Leafs Fan
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Quoting: Boltsbeathabs
No but paying 3 players 45% of salary cap at the time of signing is bad cap management which was if you had the reading comprehension ability of a 2nd grader clearly what I was saying, but go ahead and burry your head up your rectum.

Wow, you got pretty defensive there to something that was a joke, talk about reading comprehension. The cap often goes up every year, the flat cap was an anomaly. A benefit of signing the long term deals was supposed to be that they would take up a smaller % of the cap each year as the deal progressed. The Core 4 (minus Tavares) have got better since those deals were signed. This is evident in a flat cap situation, so imagine how good those deals would’ve looked if the cap went up like it was projected to. It was actually very good cap management at the time, hindered by consequences beyond his control.
22 nov. 2023 à 20 h 30
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Quoting: LeafsForLife
Wow, you got pretty defensive there to something that was a joke, talk about reading comprehension. The cap often goes up every year, the flat cap was an anomaly. A benefit of signing the long term deals was supposed to be that they would take up a smaller % of the cap each year as the deal progressed. The Core 4 (minus Tavares) have got better since those deals were signed. This is evident in a flat cap situation, so imagine how good those deals would’ve looked if the cap went up like it was projected to. It was actually very good cap management at the time, hindered by consequences beyond his control.

No just don't understand your inability to actually comprehend what was said. Also don't like my words twisted into a lie or moronic statement.
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