

Membre depuis
25 mai 2018
Équipe favorite
Penguins de Pittsburgh
Deuxième équipe favorite
Golden Knights de Vegas
Messages dans les forums
Messages par jour
Forum: Armchair-GM29 juin 2018 à 8 h 27
Forum: Armchair-GM29 juin 2018 à 6 h 9
Forum: Armchair-GM27 juin 2018 à 1 h 16
Forum: Armchair-GM27 juin 2018 à 1 h 13
Forum: Armchair-GM25 juin 2018 à 21 h 57
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Rodzikhockey93</b></div><div>I can tell your knowledge of hockey is at a minimal. Here is the thing rookie. No point for the leafs to go all out on a star defence man especially with the price it is today. Hamilton alone costed Hanfiin and Lindholm. The best way to build a D corps is to start from the farm system. Reilly right now is a 1D. By next season Lijgren will make the lineup and man the kid is phenomenal. Was one of the leading ice time for the Marlies as a rookie this year. Dermott shows he can replace Gardiner and will be better defensivly then he was. Z will bounce back especially once he gains his weight and strength this offseason from his injury and illness last season. Bottom pairing interests me the most. Cole is a great bottom pairing that can help mature Carrick and develop him. Is this D the best in the NHL . Aboslytnty not. But you don't have to have the best D in the NHL when u have a top 3 offensive unit constantly keeping the puck in the offensive end.</div></div>

Based on this reply and other people's comments, it's you that don't know hockey or your team very well.
Lilijgren is still rusty defensively in the AHL and will not develop into a top pairing in 2 years (and he will make the lineup next year?? you mean a call up right LOLL).
Rielly made a nice jump this year but hasn't proved he's a true 1D yet.
Zaitsev seemed to have lost his confidence, and I don't know why you assumed defensemen will magically bound back or improve themselves.
I know Cole pretty well from Pittsburgh, he's looking for at least a 4*4 contract, otherwise he would have stayed in the Burgh.
If your view on winning a Cup is based on the 2017 Penguins
They actually had a very underrated defense carried by veterans like Daley and Hainsey, while Murray and Fleury both played lights out.
Indeed, you don't need a true first pairing to win a Cup, but the Ds on your team are all bottom pairing on a good team (with Rielly as the exception).
Forum: Armchair-GM22 juin 2018 à 1 h 48