

Membre depuis
1 sept. 2020
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Canadiens de Montréal
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Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 9 h 22
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 0 h 40
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Bedsy_Burner</b></div><div>Yeah. I don't listen to steve dangle often, but I have heard all that before. The NHL wants stupid uninformed fans who fork over their money. As long as the players have access to the information, they are technically fulfilling that part of the agreement.

Sucks it's all gonna be gone. I wish I could export it all to a document or something. The amount we've written on here could probably put some actual sports writers to shame. lol. I'm sure they are on here too and have taken ideas from us. I know I would be on here looking for ideas if I were a professional writer.</div></div>

I know with complete certainty that there are writers and bloggers and radio hosts in Montreal who have drafted, either directly, or indirectly, from my ideas here.
With that said, I’m not a total narcissist in thinking that I’m the only one who’s come with my ideas. They can evolve in multiple separate locations simultaneously…
But I know I’ve definitely started debates here over the years, that many others have elaborated upon, in many other locations too.

Also, as impossible it is to correctly predict future trades, despite how many among the commentariat here consistently mock many of my ideas…the trade value that both Bergevin and Hughes have been able to receive for many of our players has proven me right far more often than wrong.

Of note, the return in trade for:
Lehkonen (still wish we never traded him, but happy for him he won a cup, much deserved)

I’m still surprised there wasn’t more of a market for Jake Allen.

Called the Slafkovsky, Reinbacher, Kotkaniemi, and Caufield picks a month in advance for each.

Called Subban getting traded the entire year prior to it happening.

And called that Carey Price would become a hall of fame level goalie, just by watching his rookie season. Some people still laughably argue that he’s not. But then again, some people also still argue that the earth is flat.

One last prediction, that I want more than any other…

Sidney Crosby finishes his career in Montreal. Cup # 25 in 2025. And 87 in the rafters next to his childhood idols.
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 19 h 53
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 19 h 29
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 19 h 26
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 19 h 24
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 17 h 11
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 17 h 6
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Bedsy_Burner</b></div><div>Well, I guess it is also important to note that, for CHI, our pipeline still needs EVERYTHING. haha. So BPA works, and I think there should be clear BPA's at both of CHI's 1st round picks. But yeah, if it is at a point where it isn't so clear, I am hoping for a big forward, preferably center because we need them and C's can always move to wing, or a big defensive RD like Emery. But I also think there is a chance we could take a shot on a skill guy with big upside that might be more of a project. Prospects can always be moved, so if you take BPA you can always move them down the road to help fill needs and feel more secure that you will be able to recoup on the back end.</div></div>

I agree with you completely on big centre, but anyone you get in that range, doesn’t project to be anything more than a lottery ticket for someone who can occupy that role on cup contender long term.

You have Bedard, and Chi is a desirable destination overall, so I think you’ll be able to fill that spot in either the UFA market, or trading for an established soon to be UFA looking to pick his destination of where to sign long term via trade.

In that draft pick range, I think you’re better off going for gritty middle 6 wingers, with both speed and skill. Or a super smart bottom 6 centre oozing with character. Or a lottery ticket goal scorer, who’s overall game still needs work, only way he’d drop that far.

Arturi Lehkonen is one of my favourite players all time. Love those types of picks in the late first round, second round, early third round. With Oliver Kapanen it looks like we’ve found another gem from Finland as well.
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 16 h 59
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 16 h 54
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Bedsy_Burner</b></div><div>Oh, you are mistaken. Just like anyone else, I do look at rankings and read other opinions of players, sure, but I actually watched ALL of these players at length, as well. You asked "who are options I want CHI to take?" and I listed them for you. Sorry if you didn't like my answer.

What box do I want to fill? That doesn't matter, you take the best player available, and yes, it is a loaded question because we don't know who will be there. Also, I would not call Eiserman a power forward and if I were CHI I would let some other team take him.

As for the trade with the Islanders, I think people are reading too much into it. I think they were probably talking about another trade and then the pick swap just kind of fell into place. The pick they gave up to move up to both 18 and 50 was almost the exact value it should have been. It was just a fair trade to get ahead a little bit. I'm sure KD is interested in doing more, but I don't think it was for anything specific. I think he is just motivated in general to add quality over quantity and take advantage of opportunities to move up if it makes sense.</div></div>

And re: the pick swap, I agree. I see it as a smart move, gives KD more options. And totally possible that he was looking to do something else, that may or may not have fallen through. I think it’s interesting though that Chicago and the Islanders were the two other teams involved with Hughes in the Dach Romanov basically three team deal. Hughes is active right now. I’m sure he’s been talking with both clubs.
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 16 h 51
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Bedsy_Burner</b></div><div>Oh, you are mistaken. Just like anyone else, I do look at rankings and read other opinions of players, sure, but I actually watched ALL of these players at length, as well. You asked "who are options I want CHI to take?" and I listed them for you. Sorry if you didn't like my answer.

What box do I want to fill? That doesn't matter, you take the best player available, and yes, it is a loaded question because we don't know who will be there. Also, I would not call Eiserman a power forward and if I were CHI I would let some other team take him.

As for the trade with the Islanders, I think people are reading too much into it. I think they were probably talking about another trade and then the pick swap just kind of fell into place. The pick they gave up to move up to both 18 and 50 was almost the exact value it should have been. It was just a fair trade to get ahead a little bit. I'm sure KD is interested in doing more, but I don't think it was for anything specific. I think he is just motivated in general to add quality over quantity and take advantage of opportunities to move up if it makes sense.</div></div>

I hear you on the comment of « best player available. »
Personally though, I find it so overused. I think you build off of organizational need, and group players in tiers, and select from need out of that tier.

Fair point for Eiserman, not a prototypical power forward, kind of a lazy description on my end. I was thinking back to the scouting report on Mike Bossy. Wasn’t ranked overly highly, because the knock on him was « All he can do is score. »
Not the worst thing in the world when you’re able to score like that.

To each their own if you don’t view team bundling the same way, there’s nothing wrong with having different outlooks on how to put the pieces together. I also view this stuff sometimes as, « I want 2-3 solid prospects with 2nd line LW potential alongside X centre who I really see there long term…

It’s how I look at the Habs anyways. The overall puzzle is starting to look pretty clear, but we’re a lot further along in the rebuild as compared to Chi.
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 16 h 21
Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 16 h 16