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24 juill. 2021
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Blue Jackets de Columbus
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Wild du Minnesota
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Forum: NHL8 juin à 9 h 28
Thank you @borinBrian for great goalie Depth topic. I did got read half of it, will continue read it to end later, but i enjoy it a lot. My biggest idol has been Antero Niittymäki, so i always been following goalies extra closely. Goalie is my favorite spot to follow. Jake Oettinger is first goalie since Antero Niittymäki who i really liked. Yes it take long to find next idol from goalie spot. I was Wild fan, when Koivu was playing in there and i did like Niklas Bäckström a lot too. I did follow Mikko Koskinen too and Pekka Rinne in his last playing years, but non i could call as favorite player or idol. I just liked to follow they game. Ofc i am biased too, but i see Oettinger being one of best goalies in NHL and i hope he can win Vezina some year. This year was probably hardest year for him in NHL, but i think you have to play bad before you can play great. So i wait some bouch back year too, but he was strong in playoffs.

Skinner, i do see high potential on him too, as long as he work with mental side, thats his biggest weaknest, but playing in Edmonton or Canada market, can be hard for goalie. It take bit time from Price too, if Skinner can win Edmonton fans behind him, it would give him boost what he need to shine.

Saros trade to Edmonton is brave prediction, i understand when ppls see Askarov in the system and saw what Tampa done with Vasy its easy to try same with Askarov. NSH is usually loyal to they players and Saros did take huge pay cut in last contract, i do think he will stay. I think they should give Askarov look at NHL before trading Saros or Askarov (in future) It would be huge risk to trade Saros, before seeing how Askarov doing in NHL. Maybe they could keep Askarov and Saros as tandem next 2-4 what could give them best tandem in price what they can pay. They could give games 50/50 in regular season and run hotter goelie in playoffs. Like Bruins did with Rask and Tim Thomas. I hope Lankinen will get chance to fight for starting role in some other team.
Forum: NHL7 juin à 12 h 2
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Rolfadinho</b></div><div>In what world did Edmonton have a more difficult road to the finals than Florida? Did they have to go through Vasy, Swayman, &amp; Igor to get there like Florida did? Also, no way Bob is worse than Skinner.</div></div>

I mean adversitys. I didnt mean to say that FLA had easier teams to win :) I didnt see all FLA (Full)games from first two round, didnt watch EDM full games from first round, but against Vancouver they was closes to get eliminated. Edmonton had they difficult periods against Vancouver and they had to fix(make modifications) to they game style. Dallas serie was huge momentum changes from both side, both team did lose 2-0 leads in games. Florida did win games more with they "basic game", they been so good and strong. In games what i saw, FLA didnt never look that they was totally outplayed and slow, what Edmonton did look sometimes. Florida never had to push panic button, Edmonton had to do it(Skinner and Nurse). That i mean when i say Edmonton had "harder" route to Finals. It can be good thing to have those difficulties before Finals, if you dont have them, are you able to do changes and fixes to tactics etc...? We dont know, so i see thats potential risk for Florida. So thats i mean when i say Edmonton been more as momentum team. Stanley Cup playoffs are full of surprises because hot goalie and momentum can lead team to long run.

Bob is Vezina finalist and Skinner after third Vancouver game had worst career playoff GA% and SV% from past 15 year or so? I know, but Bob playoff stats was bad too before last season when he found his confident. Skinner won all games in must win situation (2 vs VAN) this year and won every eliminination games (LAK, DAL). He had adversitys and got huge amount of critic, but look like he has momentum now when he has won last three game with good records. I am huge believer on ice time management, cap management and momentum, for having those, you can win teams who looks better in paper. Maybe i am wrong with Skinner having momentum. Let see. Maybe i just over value Skinner too much, i do see his potential, can he blossom out these playoffs or later? We will see. Thanks for feedback :)
Forum: NHL7 juin à 11 h 19
Antero Niittymäki. My biggest idol, who's career i started to follow when was playing in Finland as "junior". Was not able to follow his career when he was playing in AHL (Phantoms) Did see almost every NHL game and then followed his career in AHL and Finland. He had to end his career at age of 32 because hip injuries. He was MVP of 2006 Olympic Tournament. He was also AHL playoffs MVP when Phantoms won AHL championship in lock-out season, when many team had future NHL stars in they roster. He never got true chance to be starter in playoff team. When Flyers was Playoff team, he didnt get true chance to fight starter role against Biron. It was common that coach choose/favor one goalie and starter was playing 70+ games. He outplayed Mike Smith in Tampa Bay in 2009-2010 season and was Tampa Starter. Its still my all time favorite NHL season (2009-2010). He then signed to SJ to get chance to be starter in playoff team, but even that he outplayed Niemi in start of the season, he didnt got trust from coach McLellan who did use Niemi, even that Niemi strugled in the playoffs that year and Niittymäki was changed to goal couple time, he didnt get any playoff start that year. After several hip injuries, he had to retire after playing one season in home Turku Finland. If he would been 10 year younger and would be playing NHL now, he would get a lot more starts and games. I like current NHL more, because now days back up goalie can get more starts too, its not one guy who play 70+ games no matter if back up is better or not. I still hope that teams would use two goalie tactics more in playoffs too.
Forum: NHL5 juin à 8 h 21
Hey, i been doing NHL predictions in gaming clan where i am. This is first time when i post my "predictions" in here. I am from Finland and i have dyslexia. I never learned English in school. I did learn it from TV and internet. So please forgive my typos and errors, i do those a lot in my native language too. If you like, i can post my Team news/predictions for 2024-2025 season in here too, when i do those for clan. I think site rules forbit to add links? So i cant add Link to news what i made for this season. I had couple year break in news when i had two work and i was working crazy hours.

Anyway here. Hopefully you enjoy!

Notes from Conference finals


Did watch all the games, but had to skip some parts for games 3 and 4. I think story of the serie was Carter Verhaeghe. Barkov and Florida was able to shutdown NYR offence what was dangerous in first two round. Shesterkin was Rangers mvp in this round. Goodrow also show why he did won Cups in Tampa. He is build for Playoff hockey. Last two goal what NYR scored was 6vs5 goals. Last even strenght goals came in game 4. Laviolette didnt shuffle lines a lot, but when he did those, it didnt give boost for team. I liked how Laviolette gave small joke in his interview at game 6. That kid was behind glass in earlier games too. I always liked Laviolette as coach a lot, but ofc i dont know how he treat players and staff when cameras are off. Zibanajed did disappear and Trocheck wasnt able to score either. Kakko was healthy scratch in one game and probably will be traded in summer.

NYR TOP 3 players of the playoffs

1. I. Shesterkin (G)
2. V. Trocheck ( C )
3. C. Kreider (LW)


This serie was a lot better to watch. Ofc for me its was more interesting to watch. My wristwatch did alarm me about high pulse what was 145-155 most of games. I enjoyed this serie a lot. Edmonton was better, no questions asked. I think Oettinger did keep Dallas hope alive. So many Dallas veterans dissapeared in this serie. Benn, Duchene, Hintz, Pavelski, Seguin, Suter, Robertson all played very poorly. Seguin had one good game where he scored couple times and Robertson had hatrick in one game, but rest of time you didnt even notice they was playing. Tanev was true warrior. I started to like his game instantly, its not happened often, but he did eat puck and lost teeth and probably had broken leg, but he was still playing. Ofc i think doctors shouldnt allowe players to play, if they have to use drugs to be able to play. Players have dream to win Cup, and its doctors duty to make sure its safe to players to play and not get addicted to pain killers. Johnston will be interesting player to follow. He has huge potential and what i hear his head is in right place too.

DAL TOP 3 players of the playoffs

1. Miro Heiskanen (D)
2. Jake Oettinger (G)
3. Wyatt Johnston ( C )

Stanley Cup Finals Predictions


Florida win if:

Is Florida able to do what Dallas wasnt? Can they defence and shutdown McDavid, Draisaitl, Hyman and Bouchard? This serie will be baddle of two of world best players in they own role. McDavid is world best offensive player, and Barkov is world best two-way player. Can McDavid score a lot or is Barkov able to shutdown Edmonton stars. They both been great so far in the playoffs and in big roles why they teams are in Stanley Cup finals. Is Florida able to shutdown Edmonton as it done for Tampa, Boston and Rangers? Biggest concern and question mark is that, they won past series bit easily and havent gone through adversitys. Gustav Forsling has been great. Tkachuk havent been same powerhouse as he was last year. Maybe he has take bit easy now to avoid injuries? Will be interesting to follow his and Hyman baddles. Bobrovsky hasnt been so sharp as he was last year. I do give minor advange in goal to Edmonton, because Skinner had his strugless, but he has been strong in last couple games. Can Florida solve Edmonton PK? Florida didnt had best PP in the playoffs or regular season. For Florida its key to keep game in event strength and avoid penalties. Players probably want to play for coach Paul Maurice, he has most games coached without Stanley Cup. Can Maurice win rookie coach Knoblauch? This year Maurice did reduce Barkov ice time a lot. Maurice was able to manage ice time a lot better. That might play key role in these playoffs, because McDavid and Draisaitl did had a lot more 21+ min games in regular season and playoffs. So Florida stars should be more fresh. If serie go to game 6 or 7, team who has more legs could win Cup.

Edmonton win if:

Edmonton window to win is now. After Draisaitl and Bouchard cheep contracts end it will be a lot harder. Even that we give a lot critic to Peter Chiarelli, he made great contract to Draisaitl. I never been huge Edmonton fan, even that i did follow them and cheer them to win when Mikko Koskinen was playing in Edmonton, i always got crazy when i did see how lazy some of players was in defence zone. So this year i give a lot credit to Edmonton and they stars, they are playing good defence game and make wise choises with puck. Also i did like a lot, when they put Skinner back to net in second round. I always valued Skinner in same lvl as Swayman and Oettinger is and its shame he not get same recognasation than those two young goalies get. When you play offensive game, you will give more goals and its never easy for goalie. All goalies strugling and have bad periods, and those look a lot worse, when you already give 0,5-1 goal more per game because offensive game style. Edmonto has got more production from they bottom six too and they defence been solid. They use penalty kill specialist in PK and thats why its best PK of the playoffs. Players feel they are part of team, when they get ice time in key sitations too like PK or PP. They dont use same guys in PK and PP anymore and you can cleary see it in numbers. Players are more fresh when you have good ice time management. Canada team havent won Cup since Montreal 1993. I see Edmonton have all the tools to win it. Edmonton can won small goal games and they can win goal racings too. We cant even imagine how huge pressures McDavid and Skinner have now. Almost whole Canada is cheering them.


I think who came more ready to play after break win this serie. Its not easy when there is week without games and then you have to start play for Cup. Basicly you lost all the momentum and i think Edmonton did run with bigger momentum than Florida. Florida did play more as they regular game and had bit easier route to Finals. When Edmonton was more as momentum team, they did win Vancouver because momentum shifted to them and whole Dallas serie was momentum changes after momentum changes. Can Edmonton find any momentum against Florida or is Florida able to keep game ”bit lame” and not give momentum and drive to Edmonton? Florida have experience from last year and Edmonton playing with huge pressures, is those pressures too much for them? Or are they able to stole one game in Florida and then come home having that great fan base behind them and cheering them to victories? I have bit mixed up opinions, this could easily go to Florida or Edmonton. Either Florida walk through Edmonton and win 4 – 1 or Edmonton win this in game six 4-2.

FLA MVP players so far: A. Barkov and G. Forsling
EDM MVP player so far: C. McDavid and E. Bouchard
FLA Surprise players might be: E. Rodrigues and E. Luostarinen
EDM Surprise players might be: D. Holloway and S. Skinner
Offence to: Edmonton
Defence to: Florida
Goalies to: Edmonton
Overall widness: Florida
Coaches: Florida

May the best win!

Note: I am ex Wild fan, but now follow my idols and favorite players. My biggest idols has been Antero NIittymäki and Mikko Koivu, so i love to follow goalies and two-way players, instead of big stars. Now i am Big fan of Granlund, Kunin, Oettinger, Brodin, Dumba and Aho (CAR). My opinions might be strong, but i just love hockey and would like to share my opinions and passion. There isnt just one right way to play or win. Cheers!
Forum: NHL Trades8 mars à 14 h 18
Forum: NHL Trades6 mars à 15 h 59
Forum: NHL Trades6 mars à 15 h 43
Forum: NHL Signings3 mars à 14 h 44
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>aadoyle</b></div><div>I mean lets be full on honest

If Huberdeau was still doing what he was doing in FLA and Weegar continued this performance for 4-5 years it would be fine. Huberdeau's seismic drop which still is hard to pinpoint is the reason it looks bad along with FLA's Cinderella run

Cause Weegar has been one of the better defenders this year and has 15 goals rn. Hes been basically the reason its not been a seismic mistake. If Huberdeau was still 80+ point guy and Weegar was doing his thing nobody would be complaining and some would argue fair trade</div></div>

Its look bad now, but lets wait couple more year. FLA has window open now and if they bring Cup and Huberdeau will be bought out, then we can see who is winner, but for now its look like bad for Trevling. I fully understand your points tho. Ppls in here Capfriendly did vote 232vs41 win for CGY when trade was done (35 fair votes). Things can change very fast in hockey and you cant predict everything.

In my mind, Dubas was part of creating culture in Toronto where they are giving very high cap hits for they stars, so now i see that every RFA or free agent want max value when signing in Toronto. How much Shanahan had influence on those contracts stay question mark.

I like Pettersson new contract, i think he left money to table, that way you give your team more flexibility to build Stanley Cup team. I hope they can re-sign Lindholm and Hronek too. Maybe they let Myers walk? and use that extra 6 milj to re-sign Hronek and Lindholm
Forum: NHL Trades23 févr. à 14 h 25
Forum: NHL Signings9 janv. à 6 h 30
Forum: Edmonton Oilers12 nov. 2023 à 13 h 3
Forum: NHL Trades9 nov. 2023 à 7 h 54
Forum: NHL Trades24 juill. 2021 à 15 h 34