

Membre depuis
7 juin 2016
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Flames de Calgary
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Forum: Armchair-GM22 juin 2016 à 23 h 25
Forum: Mock-Draft15 juin 2016 à 17 h 24
Forum: Armchair-GM15 juin 2016 à 16 h 43
Forum: Armchair-GM15 juin 2016 à 16 h 24
Forum: Armchair-GM11 juin 2016 à 1 h 50
Forum: Armchair-GM10 juin 2016 à 17 h 54
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>F50marco</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>skrollins</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>F50marco</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>skrollins</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>F50marco</b></div><div><i>Any takers on my proposal??</i></div></div>

if the Habs are really that desperate to move Emelin, sure.</i></div></div>

Hmm curious. I guess that means CGY is willing to part with 2 of their best prospects in exchange for approximately 7M+ in cap relief for one year. Interesting.</i></div></div>

neither of those players are "top prospects", especially not Janko

at any rate i find it an unlikely proposal</i></div></div>

Ok maybe not Matthews or Laine "Top prospects" but they are former 1st rounders and not that long ago. Anyways i know its not realistic, i'm just trying to gauge what it would cost to take expensive players with only 1 year left on their contracts, off a teams hands. Everyone is trying to get rid of those players and are willing to give picks and prospects in order to do so. If a team knows they won't be able to attract high end talent, this is the best way to use up the extra cap space they wouldn't be using anyway and in the process get picks and prospects.

Essentially buying picks and prospects. The Bickell situation in Chicago, the Wideman one in Calgary. Vanek is Minny. If a team has the money to keep these guys on the roster as depth players and money isn't a problem for the owner, this is a brilliant idea. One that the Leafs are currently doing pretty much. Shanahan would be doing it more if only they had more cap space to do it.

So to make it clearer at what i'm trying to get at instead of Janko and Poirier, what about 2017 1st rounder and a 2018 1st rounder (lottery protected)? Both Janko and Poirier were 1st rounders and since they are protected they'd be 16th at best which is pretty much where Janko and Poirier got drafted so the value is pretty close.

So its not because i'm desperate to trade Emelin, its because i want fix your cap problem in exchange for picks/prospects. Our team would still be able to make the playoffs if Price stays healthy so the only thing we would be sacrificing is not going out and getting a Okposo or a Backes etc for one year and spending that money next year instead.</i></div></div>

I've done several rosters based on different options for Wideman, Bouma and Stajan (buyout, trade, remain on roster) and ultimately I don't think the Flames are quite desperate enough for cap space to include a 1st. They might dangle the 2017 1st in a different deal but not purely for cap space. It'll be very tight but I've found there are ways they can fulfill their needs - albeit perhaps not that efficiently, but plausibly - by only trading Engelland, for instance.
Forum: Armchair-GM10 juin 2016 à 2 h 20
Forum: Armchair-GM8 juin 2016 à 16 h 4
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>trdeJong</b></div><div><i>I believe the NHL has stated that NMC's are void in the expansion draft (if or when) - only players safe are ones protected or with 2 years or less as pro's.... So lets hope the NHL approves expansion for both Quebec and Vegas this year as waiting 1-3 years would expose more of our young players....

As for this team... I'm going with BurnEmUp - trading up should cost 1 or 2 2nd round picks or maybe a really late 1st.... That being said the second tear in this years draft (picks 4-7) is not that bad... Not 100% sold on the value of the 2 Fins... If Calgary can get Tkachuk / Dubois / Nylander / or Juolevi I will be happy... Both the Fins are playing with men and thus there development is closer to peaking while all 4 I listed have lots of upside!

Calgary should keep there picks this year... Stock the cupboards and look to get ride of some bad contracts and 2017 UFA's while bringing in some 2016 UFA to fill in our weak spots... RW and Goal...</i></div></div>

When discussing trading up, it's important to note that no team in the top 10 has traded up since Toronto traded up from 7 to 5 in 2008. There's a reason for this - teams have realized that the typical tier drop after 1-3 and sometimes 4-5 is almost never a good gamble for a few extra picks in the 2nd and 3rd. Therefore if Calgary were to trade up from 6 to 3 I think the deal would have to be more complex than just throwing in a few 2nds and 3rds. True, that's generally how trade-ups work, but in the mid-round 1st and later, when the tiers become more of a wash and it's a better gamble to just stockpile picks.

Actually, all reports are that NMCs are NOT void in the expansion draft, in fact they are automatically protected in the draft and even worse take up one of your protected slots. It was negotiated with the PA. The only NMCs exempt from this are ones that are impending free agents at time of the draft (ie. Wideman).
Forum: Armchair-GM8 juin 2016 à 15 h 50