

Membre depuis
10 sept. 2020
Équipe favorite
Sabres de Buffalo
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Forum: Armchair-GM18 sept. 2020 à 21 h 2
Forum: Armchair-GM18 sept. 2020 à 20 h 44
Forum: Armchair-GM10 sept. 2020 à 13 h 4
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Kotkaniemi15</b></div><div>As long as you aren’t a team that uses it’s lines weirdly, Domi can play on the quote unquote 3rd line. (Since there shouldn’t be much difference between your 1st &amp; 3rd line on a good team) The problem for the habs is that they don’t even have room for him there.

And cap space shouldn’t be a problem, since ideally we’re trading him for a similarly skilled winger.</div></div>

There are very few teams in the league that don't have a considerable difference in talent (and ice time) between their 1st and 3rd lines. Montreal has been one of them, largely because they've lacked that serious high end talent, and they've made it work very well. But even with the Habs, with the way Suzuki is developing if you guys find a true #1 winger for him you're going to start to see a much more noticeable difference between your top lines. Because at that point it makes sense to do that.

It's all about roster contruction. Speaking from the Sabres perspective, there will never be a point where their 3rd line will have similar ice time to the first line. And that's just cause Eichel is so talented we're better off when he's on the ice as much as he can. So from my standpoint, it doesn't make sense to trade Reinhart if we're only projecting Domi as a secondary scoring line center.

Hopefully that makes sense. I think Domi and Reinhart have similar value, but I don't know if Domi has the defensive chops or consistency to fill the #2 center role in the way that I would like. So that's why I don't think I'd pull the trigger on a one for one trade.