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9 févr. 2016
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Ducks d'Anaheim
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Forum: Armchair-GM20 juill. 2019 à 2 h 28
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>BigDog91</b></div><div>First we are not trading for guy to kill penalties. We were 12th last year which was better then ducks (20th) we also added vesey and johnsson who both kill penalties and improved our defense so much we are looking to trade our #1 dman.
2 I think Thompson will be better then silverberg as early as next year.
3 Nelson was one of our best dman last year and using him as a throw in and has more value then that.
4 silverberg is a third liner and is salary dump. He has 0 value and getting to point where it is negative value. We traded a third for vesey how is silverberg worth so much more that we need to trade Thompson Nelson and risto for him.
5 you guys are out to lunch. You like him so much keep him.</div></div>

can i report a post for someone being a blatant homer and lying?

1) You're not trading him for just his PK ability. You would be adding him to bring a strong 40-50 point winger who is also strong, near elite defensively. He would be an improvement on your top 6 both offensively and defensively.

2) you think the guy with a career 21 points in 106 NHL games is going to be better than the consistent 40+ player who has been a part of the Ducks shutdown line of (Cogs-Kesler-Silf) while we also a top team in the league. Silf has more career playoff points (45 points in 68 games) than Thompson has in those 106 games. Silf has always been a near elite defensive winger who can put up 20+ goals when given offensive opportunities. He has yet to play with an strong offensive center since joining the Ducks.

3) If Nelson, a 27 year old who hasn't played more than 40 games in an NHL season was your best D man, than maybe that's why the Sabres were worse than Ducks (we had our worst season in our history)

4) Silf is not a third liner, he's a top 6 winger. in near reality is a 40-50 point winger who is strong defensively a cap dump, especially when his contract is only 5.25$. market rate for players like him. you literally prove how clueless about Silf and about hockey in general you are by saying he has 0 value. I'm not commentating on the trade itself (i wouldn't do it as Ducks fan because Risto horrendous defensively and I'm not giving up our best RW for a PP specialist, a 27 year old rookie D and prospect who hasn't proven anything in 100+ NHL games). But you're ignoring that Sprong has the higest potential of anyone in this trade.

5) Those aren't even Ducks fans you're responding too, LOL
Forum: Armchair-GM12 mai 2017 à 13 h 45
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>T_Bone_21</b></div><div><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Larkinisking</b></div><div>The JVR for Manson trade has already been shot down numerous times. And no way is Murray trading both Manson and Vatanen it's one or the other. And more then likely Vatanen.</div></div>

You geniuses do realize that they're going to lose one of Vatanen or Manson if they don't trade them right. Would they rather get something tangible in return or lose them to Vegas for nothing? They can't afford to lose Silfverberg for nothing either so something has to give. The way their roster looks they're better off keeping Silfverberg over Vatanen

I admit the Tampa trade is a bit lackluster. My point was Vatanen should get traded for prospects/picks cause its better than losing him to Vegas for nothing.</div></div>

So we should give up a cost controlled defensemen who we have no replacement for because why exactly? We'd be better off losing Vats for nothing than losing Silf or Manson or trading Manson for a winger that will be here for a year. JVR is an overrated one dimensional winger. Not anywhere worth Manson.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Rodzikhockey93</b></div><div><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LeafsFan</b></div><div>Have to say getting tired of Ducks posts, Ducks fans think they're getting a King's Ransom for their defenseman.

If Anaheim loses in Finals because they couldn't score past the Preds defense I bet you Bob Murray would probably push hard to get JVR</div></div>

Agree. Ducks fans overrated the s*** out of their D. The only D on their team that can bring in heavy talent would be Lindholm, or Theodore. Fowler isn't worth more than a top 6 forward. Manson can bring in someone decent but ducks would accept a guy like JVR even tho he only has a year left.</div></div>

No, we just don't want to give up valuable pieces for rentals, or spare parts when we don't have to. Yeah, I'm sure JVRs 15 goals in his playoff career (52 games) would be a big help. Dude was god awful this season in the playoffs, so I highly doubt he helps us in the playoffs. Especially when we are losing Manson in the process, are defense gets incredibly worse and the goals JVR might score doesn't cover up the goals that will get scored against us with Manson gone.

Fowler is a top pairing D on a team that has been one of the top teams in the league, even with Randy freaking Carlyle coaching. He's more valuable than you make him out to be. The fact that you think Theo is worth more than Fowler is baffling. Ducks would never want JVR back if he only has a year left on his contract, he and Fowler are both UFAs next season, I would throw money at the younger top pairing D than the older one dimensional soft winger.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Rodzikhockey93</b></div><div><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>HockeyNM1510</b></div><div>Why...
Both of those trades are horrible.
I guarantee now that some leafs fans are going to attempt to make that trade now since it was posted.</div></div>

Leafs trade is fine. Anaheim get a top line LW to play with Getzlaf + a decent bottom depth D for a young defefesnive RHD. Tampa trade is bad tho</div></div>

It's terrible for the Ducks. We have Ritchie and Rakell who can play with Getz on the left side. We have ZERO use for a rental winger who wouldn't even play a cycle game well with Getz and Perry. Also, Manson is worth a hell of lot more than JVR. D&gt;W in trade value. RHD &gt; LW in trade value. Cost controlled RFA next season &gt; UFA next season. Value wise, JVR doesn't sniff Manson's jock strap.
Forum: Armchair-GM5 mai 2017 à 13 h 17
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Laynious</b></div><div>As a Leafs fan I think you Anaheim guys are overvaluing Manson a weeeeeee bit. Everyone is overlooking JVR. Trade is just ok imo but lets break it down a lil bit:

JVR for Manson - Close on value but I give the edge to Manson. Hard to compare with two very different positions

Carrick, Lindberg, Leivo for Cogliano, Jones and a 5th - This is where the trade evens up. Leivo is going to be a very good 2nd liner. Big body and very young. Carrick is a 2nd pairing D most likely a 4 guy who will play bottom pairing minutes in Anaheim. Also young. Lindberg is also a big body and a bottom 6 guy.

Cogliano is a smallish forward with some skill but not a 30 goal guy like JVR. Toronto seems to like these types of guys. Jones is an ex London Knight and our Asst. GM owns that team so he knows what he will get with Jones. Big body with a bit of skill.....Bigger version of Andrew Shaw.

Definitely does not make Anaheim weaker. Shedding some salary and adding big wingers and a ton of scoring for a VERY good shutdown guy and some salary.</div></div>

Oh god, I haven't seen such a wrong post in awhile. Where to even start...

Manson has more value than JVR and it's not even a discussion. Manson is a top 4 RHD, physical, puck moving D. And he's insanely cheap and will be a RFA at the end of next season. JVR is a one dimensional winger who is not a consistent 30/30 player, plus he's a UFA at the end of next season and they would be no way the Ducks could re-sign him; so he would be a rental. Manson &gt; JVR and it's not close.

Carrick would be below Theo, Montour, Larsson on the depth chart here. Literally zero value to us. Leivo is going to be a good 2nd liner? He's 23 and barely played on a weak forward group in Toronto. No thanks, no value there for us. Lindberg is another meh prospect, not worth trading Cogs for. Jones is a better prospect with higher upside than any of Carrick, Leivo, Lindberg. Also, Jones is jsut a bigger version of Shaw, LOL.

Also, you don't know a single thing about Cogs do you? Current active Iron Man leader in the league, never missed a game in his NHL career. Which means he's incredible healthy, but he also plays good enough to be on a top NHL team over the year. There's more to being a good player than scoring goals, Cogs is, strong, smart, gives 110% every **** and is great defenvisely. He is a key to the Ducks shutdown line with Kes and Silf.

This makes Anaheim ******* terrible. We lose a key defensive player in Cogs. We lose a the only great physical D we have, who also makes Fowler and Lindholm better. And we lose out 2nd best forward prospect behind Steel. And what do we get in return?

An inconsistent rental winger for one season, who may not even show up in the playoffs like he did this season. A defensemen that we have literally zero need for. A prospect leaning towards bust terriorty, and a worse and older version of a prospect we already have (Jones &gt; Lindberg).

Terrible proposal and terrible logic all around.

Also those UFA signings are terrible. No way would I give Bones or Eaves that kind of money.
Forum: Armchair-GM13 janv. 2017 à 14 h 31
Forum: Armchair-GM6 janv. 2017 à 19 h 29
Forum: Armchair-GM9 juin 2016 à 21 h 56
Nice to see some positive feedback from this.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>palhal</b></div><div><i>I like the Leaf deal (or something like this). Bernier could offer some protection for one year for Gibson.
My thinking of the trades....have Arizona take Stoner also, they could use short term defensive help. Trade Anderson for Bernier and maybe some inexpensive wingers which could help the Ducks almost immediately like Leivo, Leipsic or Lindberg.</i></div></div>

Yeah, Bernier as a backup for Gibson is my reasoning for it, since there isn't a lot of good UFA goalies out there. Not sure if Stoner has a place on the Coyotes 3rd pairing, which is why I went with Despres because he could play on their 2nd pairing. Definitely wouldn't be opposed to getting one of Leafs many forward prospects instead of the pick.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Edmund0</b></div><div><i>I love the trades, but I think Anderson could get you a higher draft pick too. I do hope we keep both Sami and Hampus.
As far as the deals go I think Hampus on a 7 year would settle for 4 - 4.5 mil. Rakell will fetch 3.5 - 4 mil. And pirri will cost 3 mil i feel.
Overall I love it, I could live without Perron though and find a replacement from within our farm. Good job though.</i></div></div>

I would love to get a higher pick for Freddy and I think he's worth one as well, but when packaging Stoner and getting a retained Bernier, it drops his value a lot. The real value comes from the cap space to be able to keep Lindholm and Vats.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Ducks11</b></div><div><i>I can't imagine the Leafs wanting to take Andersen, Stoner and retain $2M. That means they would be basically paying Andersen and Stoner $10.25M/year. You could get a much better goalie/defenseman combo for $10M.

Also, really hope Pirri won't get as much as Rakell. He had a decent year a while back, but was injured/scratched a majority of the past season. If he wants $3M, you let him walk. The Ducks let Perrault walk and I think he was better at the time.</i></div></div>

I can agree with that. Leafs taking that trade is probably wishful thinking. As for Pirri, I like having a guy who is willing to shoot since we seem to be lacking guys like that, so if we could get him for what I signed him, I'd be happy. He and Rakell could develop some good chemistry given time. If he wants more though, I agree letting him go is the best idea. I do miss Perrault though, letting him go was a mistake.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AD93</b></div><div><i>
Solid proposal from the OP, very realistic. I'm not in love with that 3rd line though, and I think I'd prefer an affordable roster player for Despres rather than just a pick (though a Coyotes 2nd is great value), so maybe that can solve itself with another trade option.</i></div></div>

3rd line could have problems defensively for sure. Though i think it has some nice potential, but that's just me though. With Despres recent concussion, it might be hard to grab a roster player back for him, so I figured I go with a team that has cap space and needs some defense and went with the most reasonable deal I could think of for both teams. Ducks get the high 2nd to draft a forward while getting some cap space and Coyotes get a top 4 defensemen with some risk for just a 2nd.