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25 janv. 2022
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Forum: Armchair-GM23 déc. 2023 à 20 h 8
Forum: Armchair-GM2 déc. 2023 à 2 h 49
Sujet: CBJ swap
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Ktownchef</b></div><div>I watched Chris Tanev on my favorite team for 10 years. I think I have a fairly good idea what his play style is like. Sorry I didn't sum up his entire career in a couple sentences. But here... Tanev is a top 4 dman and a pure warrior but he's also 34 in a few weeks, pure rental, and offers little value beyond his own end along with being injury prone. When he's healthy he's a huge addition to any team if you have offensive dman to compliment him like say for example a Quinn Hughes, Weegar or Hanafin. There is that better?

For the record I don't just criticize here I just give my opinion. I do compliment people on here when they think outside the box or put up a trade I think would actually happen. Clearly we have a difference of opinion and that's ok because no one benefits from sitting in their own echo chamber with only their opinion. Last thing... I'll use the form how I want, thanks.</div></div>

I never mentioned Tanev, but I agree with your assessment of him. I don't mean to be hateful, but I think it's unfair to single out the return to the Leafs without acknowledging what we're giving up. My whole goal is to improve the roster without trying to skimp on assets, and sometimes the balance is hard. I appreciate constructive criticism and feedback, but the way you framed it makes it natural to be defensive IMO. Your takes are not unreasonable, so I'm hopeful I can get your honest opinion on whether you think the assets we'd be sending out could bring back the assets we're acquiring. The echo chamber is what I'm trying to avoid, and I welcome thoughtful opinions so long as they're conversational.