

Membre depuis
22 juin 2024
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Forum: Armchair-GM26 juin à 16 h 53
Forum: Armchair-GM25 juin à 15 h 47
Forum: Armchair-GM25 juin à 14 h 48
Forum: Armchair-GM24 juin à 20 h 15
Forum: Armchair-GM24 juin à 0 h 29
Sujet: Ullmark
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>FriendlyGhost</b></div><div>"Gibson is bad because Anaheim's defense sucks" isn't a great justification for grabbing him considering our defense sucks too.

As for the draft, it's pretty rancid this year. Detroit would almost be farther ahead to trade up and get in the upper tier or trade down and grab another asset and still pick in the same tier of players.

Honestly, I'd trade 15 for McGroarty straight up in a heart beat.</div></div>

Like I said none of these goalies will do anything if we bring back the same d core. Look at the bruins roster and ours ? Ullmark wouldn’t change anything and would likely have t be kept for 6 years instead of 3 for Gibson.

I think we can get someone good at 15 with all the dmen selected prior. If anything we can always move from 15 to 12 for like an eiserman. I know a lot of ppl complain he sucks and will be the next zadina but I don’t think every goal scorer is destined to fail and I think a potential line of eiserman larkin raymond could be a great one.

Connelly has huge upside and I’d take him if he’s there, what’s the point of drafting these locker room leaders like kasper danielson etc.. if we can’t surround someone like Connelly with these guys to help him. He’s still 17 not a 30 year old with no hope of turning things around . What if catton drops? .. think someone good can be there . Like mcgroarty but rather deal the 2025 first top 10 protected obviously ... with our luck he wants to only play in Detroit and the jets will have no leverage
Forum: Armchair-GM23 juin à 23 h 54
Sujet: Ullmark