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27 mai 2024
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Maple Leafs de Toronto
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Forum: Armchair-GM13 juin à 10 h 15
Sujet: -leafs-
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>svfsdv</b></div><div>Your assessment of Monahan is nuts IMO. He is just a guy at this point. Huge liability. Bert for 6 over Monahan for 4 all day long.

Knies?? Never has been, never will be? Last year was his first full year? lol And he never played on the top line a single time. Even in the playoffs lol He barely started to touch his ability in the playoffs. And was outplaying everyone on both teams every time he stopped on the ice. I dont think you even know who you are talking about lol The kid is 21 and a rookie and you are trying to act like you know him lol

McMann....I did slot him in to LW2....You didnt. Take your own advice lol

Robertson does make a good trade candidate. But they could also find a spot for him depending on the offseason moves they have....In the meantime...YOU signed him for 2m. If you didnt want to play him...dont sign him lol Im just following the moves in your world. Not mine. lol

Reaves doesnt need to be moved. You can bury 1.1m of his 1.3m cap hit anytime you want. He is a non factor.
Domi can play either wing or center 100%.
I didnt forget anything about a goalie. The 5m number comes from the moves I suggested. Which take Monahan and Janmark and Reaves out of the equation entirely. And replaces them with Robertson, Dewar, and an empty roster slot. 6.5 million total savings. With only Dewars approx 1m cap hit to pay for. Thats 5.5m left over. And one empty roster slot to fill in the bottom 6.</div></div>

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I love bert, one of my favourite leafs of all time but he’s not worth 6M when we could use some of that cap elsewhere. Our window to win is closing.

You’re trying to act like you know him too bud😂 and yes he did play on the first line near the beginning of the year with Domi and Matthews I believe. I know for sure he played on the first line for a few games. Got changed quick. So you really think he can compete against a player like McDavid, MacKinnon, pasta, kucherov, barkov and the list goes on, on a nightly basis? Again I like knies alot but he’s too slow to keep up with them.

McMann isn’t a 2nd liner either, we’re going to see who’s right and who’s wrong come next season. I’d be willing to be any money that knies will not be on the top line and McMann will not be on the second line. When we see I’ll come back to this comment.

If Robertson was going to make the team he would’ve already been playing. Ever heard of a sign and trade kid? If we sign him we can trade him and get a draft pick back… if we choose not to qualify him then a team with without a doubt offer sheet him and we lose him for nothing. Learn hockey

The reaves comment is just too dumb to even respond too😂. Yes he can either play RW OR C, he’s not a LW. It’s says right under his name bud.

I’m going to make you look so dumb here watch this….
Tell me all of the UFA’s and RFA’s you’d re sign based on your comments and my team. Go ahead I’ll wait…
Forum: Armchair-GM13 juin à 9 h 7
Forum: Armchair-GM13 juin à 8 h 36
Sujet: -leafs-
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>svfsdv</b></div><div>I keep seeing injury riddled mediocre Monahan being suggested by people. Bertuzzi over Monahan every day of the week.

Knies to LW1
McMann to LW2
Robertson to LW3 (you singed him and Liljegren but didn't put either in the lineup. $4m wasted)
Holmberg to C3
Jarnkrok to LW4
Dewar instead of Janmark for C4
You now have 4+ million dollars left to spend, a full line up, and the team isn't any worse.
(Domi to LW1 moving everyone down. Jarnkrok to RW4. Reaves cap buried. Marner to RW1. Now its over 5m to spend and only the RW3 needing replacing)</div></div>

Monahan wasn’t injured last season. You’re only as good as your last season. Also, beer is going to want 6M per year and if much rather give monahan 4.5M per year and spend that 1.5M else where. Also, monahan had 59 points last year. Very only had 43.

Knies is not a first line player. Never has been never will be. Not on a cup contending team. Leafs always tried that and it failed miserably because knies couldn’t keep up.

McCann is also not a second line player, he hasn’t shown enough yet to say he should be there. He had a good season last year but got injured in the most important time of year. I’d slot knows in the LW2 where he is able to keep up better.

Robertson just doesn’t fit on this team. He’s very skilled but he’s too small and makes bad decisions with the puck a lot. He definitely doesn’t fit on a Craig Berube and Brad treliving run hockey team. Plus, he has good trade value to get some picks back the dubass gave away.

Holmberg is one that I might agree with, he’s still young and I want to see one more year if he can stay healthy and keep progressing.

Dewar is another one that I was considering re signing too. However, I don’t believe that he wants to stay and I do think that a team will be willing to offer him more than the leafs will. Ultimately I think a team would offer sheet him.

The problem with this team is depth scoring. Dewar isn’t going to be that guy. Robertson can score but he is a liability on defence. Knies cannot play against good teams 1st lines on a night to night basis just like McMann can’t against teams 2nd lines. Nobody will be willing to take on reaves contract unless we give up pick. Domi doesn’t play LW only C and RW.

How about goalie? You’re forgetting j signed a goalie as well. Not 5 mill my guy
Forum: Armchair-GM11 juin à 12 h 46
Forum: Armchair-GM11 juin à 11 h 3
Forum: Armchair-GM11 juin à 10 h 58
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>hockeynutter</b></div><div>Montour is available and he is actually a good puck mover. Liljegren is a good puck mover and still young where he can still develop into a true top 4 as every year he is one of our best dmen with advanced stats. Yes he is still inconsistent but defenseman often don't reach primes until 26-28.
Last the trades if traded at a deadline is good but we must remember that teams will do everything they can to reduce the price of a trade in the offseason. Kampf is more likely to generate a late round pick. Jarnkrok probably 3/4 the at worst a 5th. If it was the deadline then yes a guy like jarnkrok can probably get a second and Kampf get a 4th.
Back on pick moving route, Ekman Larsson is a decent pick mover, Dumba is even better than some of on our list. There may not be elite options but there are options. Even on trade market with Chychrun. A puck mover does not need to be elite like Makar just needs to be decent where the guy is capable of 30-50 points a year from the defense.</div></div>

Montour is a great option however the leafs need to get a defensive d man to play with Morgan Reilly. Lily has been wildly inconstant and he’s only been best on advanced stats because the amount of games he’s played. He’s injured all the time. 26-28 was about 10 years ago but now, if you’re going to be a good d man in the league today you show your talent between 23-25. Quinn Hughes, Cale makaar, moritz seider, Evan Bouchard. Just to name a few. Lily is also not a good puck moving d man, he’s far too slow and bad decision making. All of the trades I made are completely fair. Kampf can get a fourth NP and jarnkrok and a 5th for a third is perfect. Although I agree that some of the PMD are good options, key word SOME… we don’t have enough pie to go around this year as Tre would say.
Forum: Armchair-GM9 juin à 13 h 17