

Wings 2026 champs
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17 juill. 2021
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Forum: Armchair-GM8 févr. 2023 à 12 h 45
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Patrick0426</b></div><div>As I watch it mostly looks like injury related. The teams defense is injury depleted.</div></div>

A team doesn't end up at a 0.261 points percentage without having massive problems in many areas. For me it all starts at the top with the turn over from Murray to Verbeek in Anaheim and GMPV bringing in Dimaio to be the Gulls GM mid way through the summer. Didn't give that staff a lot of time but in spite of that they really cleaned house on Murray players (the veteran types, not the prospects). This is also Dimaio's first time sitting in a GM chair so of course he's got stuff to figure out about the job.

Then you've got the coaching staff. Sommer felt like a lame duck guy (pun not intended) from the very start and again I think that ties into the timing and Dimaio hire. They didn't have a real chance to get a "good" coach so they just threw an available re-tread at it. I'll be shocked if Sommer is still there next season.

On the player front you've got injuries. Ericksson Ek has been really bad in as the backup goaltender. Mahura getting claimed by Florida also hurt the Gulls pretty bad. I have to imagine that Verbeek expected either Josh or Colton White to be in San Diego and neither is. Why he waited so long to trade for a Del Zotto type guy is a good question.

And then you just have the weird gap the Ducks created with their prospect pipeline. Going heavy NCAA for a couple of years then swapping to heavy CHL is just awkward. You need more balance across the CHL, NCAA and Euro leagues on a year-by-year basis.