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6 mai 2024
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Maple Leafs de Toronto
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Forum: Armchair-GM1 juin à 1 h 17
Forum: Armchair-GM31 mai à 19 h 24
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>palhal</b></div><div>I don't hate Marner at all. Now, I don't think he worthy of an 11m contract...but that's OK. I have never said he sucks in the playoffs. But he should not be the 9th highest paid player in the league. Why would he light it on a different team? He's surrounded by Matthews, Nylander, Tavares and a top 3 PP. He'll never be better statisically then he is now with the Leafs
But you just don't understand trade value. First why would Marner waive to Nashville in his contract year? He's better to stay a Leaf and pump up numbers.
Why did you trade one year of Marner? So you could use the departed cap to sign two UFAs to term. So wouldn't Nashville be infinitely better to keep those young assets, sign two UFAs (like you did) instead of one year of Marner.
It's kinda funny that to many Leafs "homers" want to trade Marner to spend his cap better on other players and get picks. But no consideration of the other team (in this case Nashville) for the construction of their roster. 99% of these homer Leaf trades never show "the other team" and the additional 10m (in this case that Nashville ) and how it's fits into their salary cap.

I think the reason so many Leaf fans want to trade Marner now is they think they entitled to a return before he leaves as a UFA. Take a look at the roster you just posted, You signed four UFAs from other teams and didn't give anything to obtain them.

And please no silly extension talk. They happen so infrequently, especially on year out from being a UFA. 94 points, 48 goal scorer Forsberg gets paid 8.5m. Do you think Nashville is paying Marner much more than that in an extension?</div></div>

I see where you are coming from. I guess a marner trade only goes down if a team believes he is worth that 11.5 m +. Colombus was willing to give him that years ago. Maybe that has changed who knows? I just believe that the skill that marner possesses, it is very hard to find, and that indeed he may only be worth 8-9 million, but teams are willing to spend that extra 2 million to get him. Toronto has too many of those players nylander and matthews) and cannot sustain another one, and they need to let one go. Teams recongize that and might try to lowball toronto, in which toronto can just keep marner. If nashville even just offers those two prospects and a mid pick, id probably say yes to that anywyas. Anyways, I personally think it is reasonable to believe teams would trade a good bit to have marner / the chance to sign marner. Now for him to waive his NMC in his contract year might be a stretch, but maybe he does it if there is an extension in place? You say those extensions dont usually occur, but who knows, Toronto always finds a way to get strange things done!
Forum: Armchair-GM31 mai à 19 h 0
Forum: Armchair-GM31 mai à 18 h 53
Forum: Armchair-GM31 mai à 18 h 50
Forum: Armchair-GM31 mai à 18 h 48
Forum: Armchair-GM29 mai à 16 h 18
Forum: Armchair-GM11 mai à 5 h 58
Sujet: Marner