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18 mai 2022
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Forum: Armchair-GM22 oct. 2023 à 14 h 1
Forum: Armchair-GM22 oct. 2023 à 11 h 7
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>pensfan21</b></div><div>Agree with mostly everything you said. I think the bottom 6 being low event hockey is fine for right now and definitely no reason to panic. But I do feel it will have to change at some point. I think the bottom 6 will look very different after TDL. I really want to see Poulin and Zohorna get shots down there. I think White would be ideally better for the 4th line. He was good enough to play on Florida's throughout playoffs last year so he's definitely good enough for ours. I do think the bottom 6 though will have to start to chip in offensively or have some high energy players who can change the momentum of games. I think Eller, Acciara, Poulin, Zohorna is a good start there with 1-2 more players to round it out at deadline maybe. If we can fix 3rd line and get a defensive defenseman to protect our net I think were a legit cup contender.

I do wonder whether Rakell gets dealt around deadline. We are just so cap strapped right now I don't know how else we would make a move given everyone else in top 6 is untouchable. If we used that 5 mil to get someone like Vrana at half retained and 1-2 more bottom 6 players we'd be in really great shape. I don't support this at all right now, I expect Rakell to bounce back. He's one of my favorite players on the team. I just wonder who else Dubas would move at deadline. There's no one else we have to clear for cap space that would be a realistic option. Just a thought I had more than a recommendation.</div></div>

Very interesting take on rakell but it is definitely valid. He was so dynamite last year but has been so underwhelming to start this year. I think he will click with smith and geno at some point, but if not I think you have to take him off that line. Rakell looked very good on the third line during pre season, what if we tried that, or else tried



Regardless I think dubas is already looking for our Ivan Barbashev.
Forum: Armchair-GM19 oct. 2023 à 14 h 23
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Penz87</b></div><div>I think the bottom 6 is being criticized by a lot of fans, but last night the bigger problem in my eyes was Chad Ruhwedel. One of the goals he screened Jarry, one he got beat wide (he was trying to take the body which was the right play), and on the penalty kill later in the game he was in front of the net not trying to move or stick check anyone. The third was a lucky rebound off of Jarry right onto the stick of the redwing player but Ruhwedel wasn't helping. I was comfortable going into the season with him on the 3rd pair, but after the last few games POJ (he didn't play good last night either) and Chad are NOT a good pairing. We need a legit 3rd pair defenseman for POJ. Whether that's Ludvig, T. Smith, Ouellet, or even Fedun.

I would be okay with White playing on the third line for a short time, but after his extremely underwhelming preseason (in my opinion) he should have a short leash. And also, YES can Sullivan please sit Carter. I don't understand his obsession. Last night with less than 3 minutes left he threw out the 4th line...why?? I get the top 2 lines needed to rest, but if that's the case throw out Eller, Acciari, and Nieto. Or anyone that's not named Jeff Carter.

Carter is not the single player dragging this team down though which is improvement from last year.</div></div>

I agree with your points about Ruhwedel, the only question at this point seems to be do we see 1 or 2 of shea and ludvig next game, given the news that letang may be injured. If Letang is out I bet we could see something like

Forum: Armchair-GM10 août 2023 à 16 h 28
Sujet: kane
Forum: Armchair-GM10 août 2023 à 15 h 17
Forum: Armchair-GM10 août 2023 à 13 h 0