

Membre depuis
18 juin 2018
Équipe favorite
Canadiens de Montréal
Deuxième équipe favorite
Avalanche du Colorado
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Forum: Armchair-GM14 juin à 18 h 41
Forum: Fauteuil - DG25 janv. à 18 h 11
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Billy316</b></div><div>I'd hold off
This Experiment of Florian Xhekaj at Center's taking off
While this is happening he's now 6'4 200lbs like 2 inches and 20lbs heavier then 3 months ago
He's using all of that size too and playing some truly impressive hockey
Unlike Arber he didnt have to wait until his final year to bust out , he did it a couple years earlier
Even his growth spirt came about a year earlier then Arbers.

He's a top Goal Score, Agitator , Fighter and Hitter
He Cycles pucks on the boards like Armia but at 19 years old , he's already that good.
He's a hassle netfront and gets a lot of high risk area goals down low while fighting off players.
But since moving to Center he's relied Snapshot which always creates juicy rebounds if he misses

Dude's Great Defensive and a Penalty Kill guy
He's getting some time on PP now that he's at Center and he's been gaining ground
He sits 4th in the habs Non Pro System Depth Charts scoring list on

Arber i followed since his first camp and i was one a few people who said he'd jump to the NHL
Which is something i rarely say and very rarely think is smart.
That said Florian is that guy you put with Slafkovsky and **** get real !
He'll create so much offensive chances for Slaf while collecting Rebounds

Mesar is doing amazing but needs to add Mass and focus on his Craft
But he could legit be a top 6 Center option

Owen Beck since being traded to a contender has been i'd say the top scoring OHL player in that time period.(last 6 games went from just over 1PPG to just over 2PPG)
He's an Ambidextrous face off Center who's Troll/Agitator/Pest/Big Moth type player somewhere between a Marchand and Gally
He's a Momentum player who's likely never going to be a team Caption or anything but he could become a key part of the future for sure

Farrell , Heineman and Kidney are transitioning to Laval
Overall its going great outside injuries

But i wouldnt move any of them for a top 6

Matheson trade for a package
Then i'd trade Harris and part of the Matheson return for a good top 6 player if thats the goal

I'd rather try to Re-sign Toffoli in the Summer though
No matter the team he and Kat talk about missing MTL and the Fans on Twitter
Toffoli was great for us but wanted to play in the playoffs
MTL is in the middle of a rebuild but if he could do for the other kids what he did for Suzuki/Caufield that Stanley Cup Run
Then i'd go after him</div></div>

Toffs needs to come back. St. Louis will love him.