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11 avr. 2016
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Forum: Armchair-GM29 juin 2018 à 13 h 1
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Propeller09</b></div><div>I am not saying it's true, but I read that Krejci and Backes were both asked to waive &amp; and they provided teams.

I heard Nashville for Krejci and STL for Backes.</div></div>
I would love for this to be true.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Propeller09</b></div><div>I like it and had a similar one earlier (let me know what you think). <a href=""></a></div></div>
I happened to take a look soon after posting mine. A lot of similar ideas here. Love the mock-up.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Propeller09</b></div><div>I do think it's too much for Klefbom. I am not a huge Krug guy, but he has a ton of value, especially to a team like Edmonton. He is Elite offensively and him on their PP would make them scary good.</div></div>
Personally thought GMs elsewhere are going to be in a good position to get a slightly better deal if they know JT is going to Boston. They're going to want max value for helping an opponent get the unconditional top 2 forward lines in the league. Off-loading cap is essential to that. Maybe the picks can be left out to get it done, but they're deep down the center and I think a good GM will take note of that.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Propeller09</b></div><div>Also - I don't want Schaller at that price, I'd rather see a youger kid get the ice time and save the $ (Bakos, Cehlarik, Kuraly)</div></div>
Completely fine with this scenario.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Propeller09</b></div><div>Donato should be in top 6 as well...</div></div>
Agreed, but Boston has 4 young wingers competing for essentially 2 spots (less if a guy like Skinner is added.
Forum: Armchair-GM29 juin 2018 à 12 h 48
Forum: Armchair-GM29 juin 2016 à 22 h 55
Forum: Armchair-GM21 juin 2016 à 17 h 15