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11 juin 2023
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Forum: Armchair-GM5 août 2023 à 22 h 57
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Garak</b></div><div>Korchinski - Yep

Kaiser - The rest of those guys might have more pro time under their belts, but they are all relatively the same age or younger than Kaiser. I doubt they force him to Rockford if he out-plays Phillips and Roos. In his limited NHL time he looked like a stud in the making, and I could totally see him beating out the competition in camp and sticking.

Reichel - IDK about all that. Davidson, Sorenson, and Richardson have all said they either like him at center, they want to give him a long look at center, or they straight up think he is a center. Most of the people that talk about him being on the wing don't work for the organization. Personally, I think wing is where he will end up in the long run. But there is no harm in giving him a long look there at this point in the rebuild. The only thing he really needs to add to his game is winning faceoffs, he has pretty much all the other tools and tendencies to be a center. He could probably be more responsible in the defensive zone, but I think that is more a matter of what they've asked him to do, rather than a question of what he is capable of.</div></div>

As for Kaiser, if he plays well sure give him a shot but if he’s as good as or worse, a year in Rockford wouldn’t hurt, it’s his first pro season after all no need to throw him into the fire. I just think Roos(24, Expiring), Vlasic (22 expiring) and Phillips (21 expiring) who have already done their time in the minors have earned a final look over him for now.

For Reichel, again he was a Center in minors and Sorensen did praise him for that but he’s mentioned getting drafted as a LW and playing wherever he’s needed. Also, he had all his success at wing last season, opposed to when he played centre the season before and had little to none. I don’t see a problem with AA playing that Center position but either way it’ll be one of the two playing Center next year, I just think it’ll be AA based on the fact that Reichel is more likely to play wing in the future.
Forum: Armchair-GM5 août 2023 à 16 h 18
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Garak</b></div><div>I could maybe give my own long winded explanation of what I think. But I think you nailed down most of the important stuff. I only have three big gripes that aren't even that big. Like exo2769 says, I think Korchinski needs to go back to Seattle. I also think Kaiser will make a big push for a spot on the NHL roster. And, third, like you said about Bedard getting a long leash at Center, I think Reichel will also get a long leash at Center too. Both will have guys around them that can take draws in important situations when needed, but otherwise they want them both to be centers. Then down the road when guys like Nazar, Moore, etc., come up they have competition for the job and it isn't just handed to them. Any of them could always move to wing.

Otherwise, great job on this! It's really anyones guess at this point how things will ACTUALLY end up. Lot's of guys could play anywhere in the lineup depending on performance, chemistry, coaching decisions... It's all up in the air.</div></div>

Korchinski - Completely agree, he’s getting sent down either way unless he’s the second coming of Bobby Orr.

Kaiser - he’s only 21, and with everybody else that’s clogging up LD and on expiring contracts (Phillips, vlasic, Roos I think), I believe he’ll get his first year of pro hockey in rockford, no need to rush him.

Reichel - I believe it’s been mentioned a couple times that they want him as a LW, as for the reason why he barely played any centre when called up. Nazar and Moore being in the system is only more reason for them to get him adjusted to LW where he played great mind you last season. Obviously he might play centre but I see his chemistry on wing with AA as a better fit for now.

Obviously I could be wrong, I’m really interested to see how Davidson handles that top line right side this season and that centre rotation, but either way it’s going to be electric and I’m just so excited for the season to start again.
Forum: Armchair-GM5 août 2023 à 16 h 3
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>exo2769</b></div><div>I'd keep AA at center. He can always get moved over if he doesn't perform. What you're saying about previous usage is 100% correct. I just agree with this post that AA really seemed to find a solid role as a center. He was contributing so much more than when he played wing. I'd try it out. TJ would take the dot if AA gets tossed. Heck, maybe he takes most the face offs?

I'm in 100% lock step with the team above with two exceptions...kinda

Donato and Kurashev might get swapped. I'm not sure Donatos played much RW and conversely Kurashev has been given A mountain's worth of chances. I'm not saying the above can't happen, I just think they went out and got Donato for a reason and he's not a 4th line grinder. Maybe just a LW rotation?

Also Korchinski, I'll admit I'm pretty stubborn on this opinion, but 9 games is fine and good...BUT he's got to go back to Seattle. He needs to develop his 2 way game better. No reason to rush him to the NHL like Boqvist/Dach. Take your time like Reichel. Allow KK to physically mature and take a greater role on his WHL team. Then go play for team Canada again and take a greater role there. Let's not forget...his WHL team had FIVE nhl 1st round draft picks and THREE 2nd rounders and THREE third rounds, with a host of lower picks too. Insane amount of NHL talent. Aka...he didn't do it by himself.</div></div>

Yep completely agree, give korchinski his 9 games at least then decide to either send him down or keep him til juniors, either way a short stint. Only reason I put Kurashev there is because obviously kurashev plays left, and with that (expensive) extension I’d imagine they give him better than 4th line minutes and give him a final chance to prove himself, while Donato is just there to fill holes, I’d much rather put Donato at a position he’s played before than send kurashev into the fire on a bottom line.
Forum: Armchair-GM5 août 2023 à 4 h 21
Forum: Armchair-GM5 août 2023 à 4 h 3
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Dekes</b></div><div>For that second line why not just run Johnson at Center?
He played Center his whole time in tampa and was rather decent at the draw averaging between 48-52% and is defensively reliable.
AA was never a true Center really even at his best in Detroit he only took about 300 draws max and was below 42% and they don’t need Reichel to play Center as they have Bedard and Moore as their top 6 centers for the future. Guys like Greene/ Thompson/ dach can fill out the bottom 2.

Pretty solid big 4 so far they have for the future though
Reichel- Bedard - X
X - Moore - Nazar
The speed those 4 guys have is ridiculous</div></div>

Yeah that future is looking stacked, but remember not all prospects pan out. Saw a post the other day about Dallas’s depth chart, and sometimes it’s the ones that you expect the least to surprise you that end up becoming the stars. (Not that I’m saying nazar moore and the rest of the crew will suck though)

As for Johnson, I just don’t see them splitting up what worked for them last season with reichel at LW/C and AA at LW/C. I don’t even think he’s played much RW at all with the hawks as a matter of fact. I’m sure if Johnson were to centre them they would’ve tried it a couple more times last year. On a real note, FO% isn’t exactly the biggest issue for next year, that comes with time. AA has the speed and size for centre anyways, it’ll be fun to watch forsure if it ends up happening.