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21 mars 2018
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Blue Jackets de Columbus
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Kraken de Seattle
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Forum: Discussion10 juin à 12 h 56
Forum: Discussion9 juin à 18 h 16
oops i haven't logged on in, like, a couple of years. alas.

honestly, i have a lot of thoughts about this.

- first, i certainly am not going to blame the Davis brothers for cashing out. they and Dominik started doing this because they liked doing it, and there's nothing wrong with the idea of making out and getting that bread while you can, if someone offers up enough money for it. so, genuinely, to <a href="/users/Banks" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@Banks</a>. <a href="/users/Jarvis" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@Jarvis</a>, and <a href="/users/Ryan" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@Ryan</a>, congratulations! you all deserve this. don't feel bad about cashing out.

but CapFriendly wasn't founded strictly on the idea that all of this salary information should be publicly accessible. that, i think, was part of the idea, but it was really, again, because Dominik and the Davis brothers really loved hockey, and this was a way for them to engage with hockey in a way that they enjoyed. we all assumed that this site would just be up forever, but the reality is that, again, the concept of making this information public wasn't ultimately the overriding guiding principle. i don't think there was ever a specific promise to keep this site going because of the principle of the matter, and, if there was, well, enough money will make one change their mind.

it's vaguely Twitter-esque, in that we all assumed that Twitter would just kinda remain the public town square of the Internet in a way that was agnostic to the whims and desires of the people who have power, up until Elon Musk bought it. and then we all found out that, no, that decision was never in any of our hands.

- i can't say i should blame the Capitals, either, if only because there isn't a rule in place that says "well, you can't buy CapFriendly, because it's the public salary website for the Hockey Internet, and, without it, what would we all do?" it's obviously a smart business move on their part, but, because of that, all of this information is imminently going to be gone. just because i can't say i'd blame them doesn't mean i like the move, though, and the Capitals' FO certainly has earned some of my ire for this move. in general, if i'm going to point fingers at any entity for blame, it'll be those with power.

the same thing happened 7 years ago with General Fanager, and, again, i don't blame Tom Poraszka for doing what he did. of course, we didn't spend as much time batting an eye over it because CapFriendly was already there to fill the void. but now that CapFriendly has had time to fill that void and become a ginormous presence on the Hockey Internet, it's become much more of a problem, for this publicly available information to suddenly be yanked out from under us.

- because this place is likely going to be shut down in a month, i've decided that i don't particularly care about running afoul of the forum profanity filter.

this is one of the reasons that the mother****ing NHL is still a goddamn Mickey Mouse league. Gary Bettman and the league FO think we're all a bunch of goddamn idiots to be treated like mushrooms (i.e. kept in the dark and fed on ****). they think that we don't need to know about player salaries because it'll just get in the way of the enjoyment of the sport or some ****. CapGeek, General Fanager, CapFriendly, and PuckPedia exist because people want this ****. if you build it, they will come. and yet the NHL is stuck in the year 1924 and won't ****ing make any of this **** public, if only so that team FOs can justify hiding behind their ****ty excuses for not being better. the reason it's important for this **** to be public is so that we, as fans, can hold teams and the league accountable for ****, especially when it comes to things like players getting paid what they're worth. and, if all of this information disappears, the people in power in this league can go back to operating the way they used to, shrouded in smoke and mirrors, so that they can do things like suppress player salaries and funnel more money into the pockets of owners.

this is why we need this information, and i hope to whatever deities exist out there that the next set of people who erect the successor to CapFriendly can make a real promise that they're operating their site with the primary purpose of keeping this stuff public so that we can hold teams and the league accountable for their actions.

Forum: Discussion3 juin à 16 h 26
Forum: Discussion4 juin à 0 h 50
Forum: Discussion24 janv. à 17 h 23
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>BeterChiarelli</b></div><div>It was something implemented early in the scandal to avoid rampant speculation. It's not something we need to maintain, and I leave that to the collective.

I'm still not 100% comfortable with pointing fingers until it's confirmed (press conference is on Feb 5th) and nor am I really interested in a bunch of comments in AGMs or discussion threads along the lines of "X team declines because [player] is a sex offender". Twitter itself has been a cesspool since Dube, Hart, and now the two NJD skaters took their leave of absence from their respective clubs.

I present this only as an honest question and not as an accusation, but is that what we should be fostering here? I personally don't value engagement and clicks over much more focused discussions and the only real discussion of importance the hockey community as a whole should be having surrounding the 2018 WJC team is "what can we do as the hockey community to make sure this doesn't happen again?". Vitriol and anger over the five names in speculation isn't doing anything effective and if anything just opens up more avenues for flaming/trolling.</div></div>

TBH I'm not for blindly giving infractions/deleting posts in regards to the WJC unless it clearly breaks a rule. Simply stating an opinion on it isn't against the rules IMHO. If someone takes to the next level of saying things that are derogatory that don't have any pertinence to what's going on and just meant to shock/flame, etc, than yes.

I think unless Banks/Jarvis suggest otherwise, we should take our opinions out of the equation here altogether. Are they breaking a rule? Yes &gt; Warning/infraction/Delete. If not, you need allow for a certain level of free speech.

As much as I get the reasoning for wanting to calm it, there isn't anything wrong with Rampant speculation. The whole point of the forum is to have a discussion (within the rules) so that everyone feels free to contribute. If users are having a discussion in regards to the speculation, there isn't anything wrong with that. Once again within the CF rules and our judgement will have to come into play obviously.
Forum: Discussion24 janv. à 13 h 32
Forum: Discussion24 janv. à 16 h 12
Forum: Discussion24 janv. à 16 h 37