

Membre depuis
13 juill. 2021
Équipe favorite
Blues de St-Louis
Deuxième équipe favorite
Rangers de New York
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Forum: Armchair-GM15 juill. 2021 à 2 h 28
Forum: Armchair-GM15 juill. 2021 à 1 h 19
Forum: Armchair-GM15 juill. 2021 à 1 h 11
Forum: Armchair-GM15 juill. 2021 à 0 h 59
Forum: Armchair-GM15 juill. 2021 à 0 h 51
Forum: Armchair-GM15 juill. 2021 à 0 h 43
Forum: Armchair-GM14 juill. 2021 à 23 h 43
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>ON3M4N</b></div><div>consistent pre injury. He's been injured two years in a row and injured the same shoulder multiple times. Shoulder injuries are not kind to hockey players, so there is going to be concern. His production over the last two seasons averaged out to a 17 goal pace for 82 games. That's a far cry from 30-40 goals. Could he return to 30G form? sure, but he could also be damaged goods and never reach 30G again. $7.5 million for a guy who maybe a 30G guy but maybe a sub 20G guy is a HUGE gamble.</div></div>

He hadn't played a whole lot in 2 years and wasn't playing the same role when he returned. If he's used appropriately, gets a full camp and time to get back going he's a lock for 20-30 goals without being much of a defensive liability, can forecheck, win puck battles and has good play making ability. 7.5 is a lot but not for the upside/production you should get. Obviously you have people look at his shoulder very closely and make sure you have a bit of confidence that he'll be good to go. He played enough to atleast show he's not broken already and showed flashes of his extreme talent. His contract is only 2 more years so in that regard it's fairly safe. You could have some sort of contingency thrown in to compensate if he reinjures/way underperforms. And if his shoulder goes bad again, it would definitely be an LTIR so you'd atleast get your cap space back. I honestly think he's the exact kind of guy/contract you take the gamble on if you're trying to put your team over the top.
Forum: Armchair-GM14 juill. 2021 à 7 h 27