

Membre depuis
13 juill. 2021
Équipe favorite
Blues de St-Louis
Deuxième équipe favorite
Rangers de New York
Messages dans les forums
Messages par jour
Forum: Armchair-GM10 avr. 2022 à 22 h 20
Sujet: Next Year
Forum: Armchair-GM19 févr. 2022 à 13 h 24
Forum: Armchair-GM19 févr. 2022 à 22 h 7
Sujet: Honest
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Tarlam01</b></div><div>He's currently injured but may play tomorrow. Blues does have a hole on their left side and a 1m Chiarot comes in really handy. It is an overpay but Chiarot is the type of defensemen that gets you through playoffs with his physicality. David Savard last year got pretty much the same return even though he was actually more costly in terms of $. To have watched them both play this year I can tell you right now that Chiarot is indeed a more useful defensemen than Savard. Remember that teams do overpay at the TDL even if it's not the pure value of a player</div></div>

Oi vey... so much just plain wrong here.

- The Blues want a 1st pairing guy, not a wildly overrated trash rental when there are so many better options out there.
- Chiarot has been utter trash this season.
- Savard's return was a 1st and a 3rd, not a 1st and a 1st rounder who has only grown in value since being picked. Not the same at all.
- Savard, who has a better portfolio than Chiarot, was traded in a seller's market. This year is a big buyer's market.
- The Savard trade was a bad trade. Everyone knows this. You can't pick a terrible value trade and pretend that is the gospel of all gospel comps.

Besides, Army does NOT have out 1sts for rentals, and certainly not for trash rentals. This is no secret.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>DucharmetheDOMinator</b></div><div>Chiarot trade is fair.</div></div>

You simply cannot be serious. And yet you definitely are. Get real, bro, that;s not even remotely close. Chiarot is not worth either of those pieces, let alone both.

Good grief already with this nonsense.