

Membre depuis
13 juill. 2021
Équipe favorite
Blues de St-Louis
Deuxième équipe favorite
Rangers de New York
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Forum: Armchair-GM7 nov. 2021 à 7 h 52
Forum: Armchair-GM7 nov. 2021 à 7 h 40
Forum: Armchair-GM7 nov. 2021 à 7 h 24
Forum: Armchair-GM7 nov. 2021 à 7 h 13
Forum: Armchair-GM7 nov. 2021 à 6 h 59
Forum: Armchair-GM29 oct. 2021 à 1 h 30
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>A_K</b></div><div>Berube was spot on: didn't have the legs, chasing the whole game and took way too many penalties. It happens some nights. Avs had the jump, they usually do.

I thought walman was fine tonight. Had to take on tougher minutes since Faulk had to sit in the box for 17 minutes. Lost an edge a couple times but made some good defensive plays and breakups. He needs to be in the lineup when we play fast teams but I'd like to see Mikkola get some time here soon too. Perunovich wouldve been good to have tonight, the Avs were sitting back on the forecheck and our D weren't threatening enough with stretch passes or puck rushes, they could barely get it over the red and in.

Lines are always gonna be tough without ROR. Thomas got nearly 20 min tonight and that's the way it should be - his line barby and vladi should stay together and serve as the top line. I would also stick with kyrou-schenn-buch for a long enough time to gel. Hopefully Saad can come back and they could put him with bozak and Perron. That leaves neighbours-joshua-neal/klim</div></div>

Berube definitely hit all the nails. Hopefully they clean it up and I'm thinking bounce back Binner victory Saturday. Agree with your thinking here. Love Walmans game lately but it's strange to watch such a great skater lose an edge as often as he does. Happened in camp too. Scotty P is looking more and more appealing though and Mikkola definitely needs some game time. Really like the idea of Mikkola-Parayko, Scandella-Perunovich
Forum: Armchair-GM22 oct. 2021 à 12 h 13