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23 déc. 2022
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Blues de St-Louis
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Forum: Armchair-GM25 janv. 2023 à 20 h 15
Forum: Armchair-GM24 janv. 2023 à 18 h 24
Sujet: Sell fest
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Jimbo1119</b></div><div>Your justification is exactly why 1sts get traded for guys like Giroux, Chiarot, etc. But if you go back through the years it would be interesting to see how many Cup winners did add a rental at TDL….my guess is far fewer than the 50% or so late 1st rounders who become relevant players.

I watch as many NYR games as I can- and I guess as long as Shest is on his game they can be considered “on the cusp” , reality is they are not on the cusp-nor 1 player away.</div></div>

The other thing to say about 1st round picks is that even if you hit you probably won't see that you hit for another two years or so if you're drafting late in the first round, which is not ideal for a team that, on the cusp or not, is sort of in a win-now mode.

I guess the thing that I take issue with is the aversion to spending the assets when my view of the situation- and I'm not a Rangers fan, so you know, what do I know- is this is probably your best time to use those assets. The likelihood of winning after trading for a rental is always going to be low. The likelihood of winning after you don't trade for a rental is also going to be low. Only one team wins, that's just how it works, so I feel like framing it as "so many teams didn't win after spending a 1st round pick on a rental, therefore spending a 1st round pick on a rental is likely going to be a waste" is extremely limiting.

I'm not saying it has to be Tarasenko, but I do feel like if the Rangers stand pat and use both of those 1st round picks in the draft this year, that's malpractice. I more or less agree that they're not one piece away from being bulletproof. But I look at this team- especially their forward group- and I'm wondering how many more kicks at the can their core really has. Panarin at 31, Kreider at 31, Zibanejad at 29, Trocheck at 29. It just seems like, ready or not, you kinda gotta go for it now, because the likelihood of a drop off in fire power in the next two or three years seems pretty high. If you draft with those picks and hit, what's the team going to look like in two or three years when those picks are difference makers?

This is all doubly true considering they have two 1sts. They can spend one and pocket another for the draft and pretty much break-even no matter what happens in the playoffs.
Forum: Armchair-GM16 janv. 2023 à 13 h 50
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>PuckLuck_77</b></div><div>Lol fair enough on your "spin the wheel" take. There's a reason he's the guy I'd go for at the moment. What kind of prospect are the Blues looking for?</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>STLBlues17</b></div><div>No idea tbh</div></div>

I generally think the Blues would go for "best available" but if they're going to target prospects they have to be looking at defensemen, though I don't think Mikkola is going to fetch a defenseman of consequence from the Kings.

From a prospect pool perspective this makes sense- they have Neighbours, Bolduc and Snuggerud as prospects who are all on track to play NHL games in a top-9 role, with a likely top-16 pick in a forward heavy draft coming down the way. They have two goalie prospects putting up good AHL numbers this year in Zherenko and Hofer, with Hofer likely to crack the NHL full time next year. And on defense, they have a highly skilled but often injured and quickly aging Scott Perunovich, and then three guys that are likely to top out as bottom pair defensemen at best in Loof, Buchinger, and Kessel.

From a current roster perspective investing in a young defenseman makes sense too- we have a goalie (love him or, like me, don't) who is locked up for four more years with seemingly unlimited rope in the organization. We have a crop of strong forwards already playing well. And our defense stinks.

Again, Mikkola is probably not the kind of guy who is going to return a prospect of consequence. I feel like if he's traded we're talking picks and/or guys who are included just to make the contract limit work and have little upside. But generally speaking if I was targeting someone from LA, I like Grans and Kirsanov as defense prospects, though they're not having the best seasons in their respective leagues. I like Samuel *Unfortunate slur in his last name*emo too on the forward end of things. Obviously Turcotte and Spence too though don't really see a scenario where that's realistic.
Forum: Armchair-GM12 janv. 2023 à 14 h 48
Forum: Armchair-GM12 janv. 2023 à 14 h 57
Forum: Armchair-GM10 janv. 2023 à 12 h 35
Forum: Armchair-GM10 janv. 2023 à 13 h 4
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Caniac2000</b></div><div>I get that, but this isn't 2019. Brent Burns won the Norris in 2017 and was acquired for a lot less. He also has more term and has been a better player at probably the one position on the ice equal in value to centers. Looking at last year for example, Florida has up a future 1st and a good but not special prospect in Tippett for Giroux. Giroux had also been healthy and was having a good year. The 2nd is only 5-8 places off where the 1st ended up and it could be lower. Philly do not look like they will ever be good. Suzuki isn't the quality of Tippett, fair enough. However, Fensore and the 3rd aren't throw away items here either. Then you look at ROR's decline, Giroux's higher cap hit, ROR's injury...</div></div>

The issue with a Giroux comparison is that Giroux basically said "send me to Florida or maybe Colorado" and because he had a full NMC the Flyers were kind of tied by that, leading to such a low return. Had he been available to the entire market, Giroux's price is much much higher than what he got. The Blues won't be tied by a NTC unless they give O'Reilly the luxury of picking his destination and abiding by that- which they might.

You can also point to centers with lesser reputations (though better seasons when traded) like Stastny in 2018 and Hayes 2019 who got more than what you're giving up for O'Reilly here, and got more than what Florida gave up for Giroux. You can also point to Toronto trading for Foligno or Tampa trading for Savard or Florida trading for Chiarot- teams that ignored the poor performances of those players and talked themselves into the intangibles and payed high prices for it. Not defending NHL GM brain- those were dumb trades- nor that I'm saying that Carolina would do that, but if we're predicting what GMs will do, I think those are just as valid as what happened with Giroux.

I get that the injury makes fans hesitant but I truly don't think the injury will make much of a difference in the eyes of NHL GMs. He's projected back before the deadline, and LeBrun already reported that some GMs look at the rest he's getting while out as a positive (again, not defending NHL GM brain here). The things that will hurt his market is his own play, which has been mediocre, and whatever happens with Horvat, who I think most teams would rather give up the assets to acquire (and understandably so).
Forum: Armchair-GM7 janv. 2023 à 14 h 55
Forum: Trade Machine Proposals2 janv. 2023 à 17 h 15
Forum: Trade Machine Proposals1 janv. 2023 à 22 h 59
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Augustus</b></div><div>I wouldn't say it is quite on the level of "carnage" lol. There is a fair point to be made about two 1st round picks and three possibly high quality prospects, Leafs fans know better. If I had perhaps explained my side better, I would say that the 1st round picks will be essentially high 2nds, from the perspective of the receiving team (as deep a draft as this is projected to be, usually the later 1st rounders blend in with the high 2nd rounders in terms of the value you get from the player). I just couldn't see all three of those assets, particularly Parayko, being exchanged for that. It certainly is a lot for Toronto to give up in terms of their organizational depth in prospects and overall, just didn't see it getting that much, particularly with the retention on Parayko. 8 years of retention is not something GMs are willing to do unless they're getting a player like McDavid, or chance to draft a player like Bedard, in return, and they know they'll have the space to do it because they're going full rebuild and trading their high-salaried veterans for futures. I bet the Blues don't blow it up just yet. They can afford to wait and see about next season on a guy like Parayko.</div></div>

As I noted, the massive amount of retention pretty much eats up the two 1sts. And those three prospects are B or maybe B+ at absolute best. And they're all tiny, which is rarely going to interest the Blues. And then there's all the trash they don;t need, which is still more millions in cap and salary expense, a ka more subsidization of Toronto's Cup ambitions. And then you have to factor in the cost of replacing Parayko. It's absolute carnage, pure and undiluted.