Forums/Trade Machine Proposals

One franchise for two elites

Créé par: Bee
Publié: 16 mai à 10 h 24
Plafond salarial: 87 700 000 $
Journées à la saison: 186/186 (100%)
Détermination du registraire central: Cette transaction a rempli les différents critères exigés par le registraire central de la LNH.

Logo de Flyers de PhiladelphieFlyers de Philadelphie

DépartStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Sanheim, TravisFlyers de PhiladelphieLNH-6 250 000 $011---0000--
Konecny, TravisFlyers de PhiladelphieLNH50%2 750 000 $011---0000--
VariationEspace sous le plafond salarialFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Initial503 572 $1939654712
Variation9 000 000 $-2-2-2000
Final9 503 572 $ (↑)17 (↓)37 (↓)63 (↓)4712000

Logo de Maple Leafs de TorontoMaple Leafs de Toronto

ArrivéeStatutSalaire retenuCap hit effectifFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Sanheim, TravisFlyers de PhiladelphieLNH-6 250 000 $011---0000--
Konecny, TravisFlyers de PhiladelphieLNH50%2 750 000 $011---0000--
VariationEspace sous le plafond salarialFormationSPCListe de réserveChoix 1e rd2e et 3e rd4e à 7e rdPJGAPMBA%EFF
Initial18 530 333 $163265239
Variation-9 000 000 $222000
Final9 530 333 $ (↓)18 (↑)34 (↑)67 (↑)239000
16 mai à 11 h 15
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Rejoint: sept. 2023
Messages: 26
Mentions "j'aime": 4
and what's Philly getting besides reamed?
16 mai à 11 h 26
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Rejoint: nov. 2023
Messages: 1,168
Mentions "j'aime": 177
I assume this is supposed to be for Marner? There is 0 chance of this. PHI likely not willing to give Sanheim for Marner straight up. Let alone another great player as well.
16 mai à 11 h 34
RIP Garth Snow
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Rejoint: mai 2024
Messages: 585
Mentions "j'aime": 148
um i asumethis is for marner but it might be an overpayment
16 mai à 12 h 53
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Rejoint: mai 2024
Messages: 49
Mentions "j'aime": 7
konecny is a ufa after next season, will want big bucks. marner signed to an 8 yr ext could make this worth philly's time. might have to add a bit more from leafs side to make the philly fans happy. picks/prospects, i know yall going to say oh he plays with mathews but he wasnt with mathews as much as people think, he played with tavares who potted 47 goals while playing with mitch, his numbers are also down this season from his high ankle sprain where he missed 13 games and still had 85 points. pernnial 90-100 point guy who plays pp/pk.
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