
Brian Schlaf draft 2022

Brian Schlaf draft 2022

Cuvée de repêchage: 2022
Créé par: BrianTS44
Publié: 9 mars 2022 à 21 h 27
9 mars 2022 à 21 h 39
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Rejoint: oct. 2020
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Lambert at 2 and Jiricek at 17 lol
njlaforte et NotJimBenning a aimé ceci.
9 mars 2022 à 23 h 42
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Rejoint: nov. 2016
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Quoting: A_Habs_fan
Lambert at 2 and Jiricek at 17 lol

Gauthier and Gaucher dropping to round 2 are a bigger surprise IMO
10 mars 2022 à 0 h 59
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Rejoint: juin 2019
Messages: 57
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Appreciate the effort put into this and definitely some interesting picks. It'll be fun to se how this draft turns out. This one seems more up in the air than previous drafts.

If the Sabres get Kemell and Jiricek, I think they'd be pretty happy.
10 mars 2022 à 6 h 23
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Rejoint: mars 2022
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Miro at 11 is a bit of a stretch just due to his health issues. Many people have him falling to a second-round pick. I however think that he will go early second-round. Arizona has a bunch of first and second-round picks, so if he does fall, they will be the ones to pick him up.
10 mars 2022 à 6 h 31
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Rejoint: oct. 2020
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Quoting: MikeyG420
Gauthier and Gaucher dropping to round 2 are a bigger surprise IMO

Gaucher’s spot isn’t a big stretch, I do agree for Gauthier though that it’s low
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