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1 mars 2017
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Blues de St-Louis
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Forum: Armchair-GM12 juill. 2018 à 18 h 50
Forum: Armchair-GM12 juill. 2018 à 19 h 8
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>BAC</b></div><div>I just have to disagree about Jaskin. I hope he proves me wrong, but he's shown nothing (outside of international play) that makes me think he's more than just a guy. Nolan has contributed to some fantastic Kings teams, and demonstrated his consistency with a great season in Buffalo. So he's not a goal scorer. Not every player has to be, especially in that role.
I don't see the Walman/Mayfield deal as "giving up on Walman". Walman is wasted on this roster. Moving him for a player that will be more useful makes sense--especially when you consider how Schmaltz lost value riding the pine. The Blues have too much defensive depth to keep hording defensemen. At some point, it just becomes a diminishing return.
I don't question what Fabbri has--he has amazing talent. But he also has limited trade value, and lots of health questions. I get why the idea of holding on to him is appealing, but even if he's fully healthy--the Blues are loaded. Having talented wingers like that is a luxury, whereas having a dependable 4th line center is a necessity. It's about what makes the team better right now. We can afford to think in those terms, because we're already set up pretty well for tomorrow, too.</div></div>

Nolan's advanced stats are terrible and he's Thorburn 2.0, saying he contributed to the Kings is a bit misleading as he played like 7 minutes per game that year. Jaskin actually contributes to possession and defense. But we can agree to disagree lol.

Next year Gunnarsson/Bouw are off the books. Walman spending a year in the AHL and stepping into the 3rd pairing role next year as LD makes sense to me. Schmaltz leaving is fine, there's no room for him.

Limited trade value makes it why we shouldn't move him. Lowry is definitely better than Barbashev, but not really enough when we have fine players to play 4C. Very replaceable position (though important).