

Membre depuis
24 avr. 2022
Équipe favorite
Maple Leafs de Toronto
Deuxième équipe favorite
Penguins de Pittsburgh
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Forum: Armchair-GM29 mars 2023 à 9 h 27
Forum: Armchair-GM29 mars 2023 à 9 h 27
Forum: The Box27 mars 2023 à 18 h 16
Sujet: Appeal
Forum: Armchair-GM25 mars 2023 à 10 h 47
Forum: Armchair-GM23 mars 2023 à 11 h 21
Forum: Armchair-GM22 mars 2023 à 14 h 35
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Boltsbeathabs</b></div><div>The first month of the season they were 5-4 a 91 point pace your seriously saying that's a hot start? Are you delusional?
Show me where you said point % you didn't you might have meant it ,but I'm not going to try to figure out what's going on in that nonsensical head of yours right now.
What part of the regular season means nothing as long as they make the playoffs is to difficult for you to understand. It really is that simple for TB they are clearly in the playoffs and will again beat Toronto in the first round as everyone has done since the lockout missed season.</div></div>

Are you telling me that being 13-6-1 or 21-8-1 to start the season isn't hot??? How do you not consider that a hot start?

Here is the proof:
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Boltsbeathabs</b></div><div> 104pt pace 3rd in the division hmm <strong>last year 110 3rd in Division Stanley Cup Final
Year before 75 in 56 109 point pace 3rd in Division Stanley Cup Champs
Year before that 92/70 107 point pace 2nd in division Stanley Cup Champs </strong>

The regular season insures that you make the playoffs and secures things like matchups or home ice advantage or if your team makes the playoffs in the first place. Until puck drop of round 1, game 1... RS means everything.

If you seriously think Tampa has it easy coming against Toronto when flat out, your team got bailed (you averaged 3 power plays per playoff game your team was in + clear holding which would have prevented NP's second goal but whatever, I'm getting off topic) where Tampa got worse and Toronto got better, you more than likely won't be getting what you think will happen (key word think).

I love it when other fans bring up the Leafs when they have nothing to do with the argument/insult me due to me disagreeing with you bc then, I know that I won... so thanks for reassuring me. I'm done with this BS bc I'm going to try and be more positive and I can't deal with this amount of stupidity so, if you are going to respond, just reread this for your answer
Forum: Armchair-GM21 mars 2023 à 11 h 20