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22 mai 2018
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Jets de Winnipeg
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Forum: Armchair-GM23 mai 2018 à 11 h 44
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>PegCityWhiteOut</b></div><div>There's no way they sign Lowry for that cheap. A high percentage 3rd (some teams possibly 2nd) line Centre who can shutdown first line forwards...somebody would submit an offer sheet higher than that. Same goes for Helle as well, with teams desperate for goalies somebody would offer Helle at least $5M.

As for Mason, unless you're retaining salary I don't see any team paying $4.1M for a guy who was hurt constantly all season. Especially with guys like Hammond, Bernier, even Ward who are going to come cheaper.
Also I don't see Stastny regularly putting up 45 to 50+ points a season taking an almost 50% paycut. I know Chevy is great at getting team friendly deals and Stastny and Wheeler are close...but $4.5M is wisful thinking imo. I could maybe see $5.5M or $6M.</div></div> 4.5m for Statsny is a baseline. With additional moves or an 80m cap ( my projects are the min increase to 78m ) they could give him more. I am banking on the comments from him during post game and locker clear out day, plus adding in that he is one of very few players that post deadline in last 10 years that has moved his entire family to the city they were traded to when they were pending free agents. All signs pointing to his willingness to allow younger guys to get paid then talk to Chevy to figure it out.

Based on the moves I proposed, Lowry is the 4th line C and receives a salary that matches his role. Now there is always a risk that someone gets offersheeted, however it rarely happens. Most teams keep away from that game to keep in good faith with teams going forward. The trade of Mason is a move done to make space on the cap in case some team is silly enough to offer sheet Helly. If he is offer sheeted ( which requires him wanting to leave which is an aspect your not considering) the Jets would instantly match.

Yes all are cheaper, however besides Ward who is 36, Hammond and Bernier aren't reliable starters. Despite being injured Mason showed signs of turning it around after the first couple bad games and teams such as Vancouver may be willing to take on a contract for insurance on Demko. I only included a player from Canucks for the fun of it, most likely a trade like that is Dumping Mason and taking a C level prospect from Canucks to put on the Moose.