

Membre depuis
10 mai 2019
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Capitals de Washington
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Forum: Armchair-GM30 juill. 2019 à 16 h 28
Forum: Armchair-GM30 juill. 2019 à 15 h 55
Forum: Armchair-GM25 juill. 2019 à 14 h 8
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>pharrow</b></div><div>I never said the cap issues is on Oshie, I said I don't get why they signed him till he's 38. I don't care how you flip that, it's a bad contract unless he retires early.

The real problem on this team is there is no youth. You have to balance out those older players with some young fast hungry players who are on the cheap and got some skill.
OV is gonna be 34 this year, he's not a strong skater to say the least. Oshie is gonna be 33, Backstrome is 32, Hags is 31.
Vrana the only guy there under 25, and he's 24 this yer.
Holtby is gonna be 30 and he's gonna want 7-8 years on a contract probably at big money. My god, no. Be paying him till he's 38 too.

This team needs to start injecting it's players from the AHL and hope some of them are good. They can't go out on the ice as one of the oldest teams in the league.
They are probably in the top 8 as far as age. The only one of those teams that is even remotely close to good other than washington is Boston and they are trying like mad to inject youth into the team.

We all know the core of a team is going to age, but you have got to find ways off adding those younger players to the periphery. Washington just hasn't done it. It's one of their biggest cap issues.</div></div>

The Caps don't have NHL talent at forward in the minors right now. They did a nice job restocking this draft, but it's going to be a few years before they're ready. And Oshie just put up 50+ points, and there's no reason to think he can't do it again with Backstrom and Vrana. You're obsessing over their age when they are all still very talented players. Yeah, being signed to 38 isn't ideal, but it's what it took to get a guy who came off a 33 goal year to sign for less than $6mil a season. The Caps are aware that they do not have Ovie and Backstrom forever. They needed to bring in and keep NHL talent now instead of waiting for someone to MAYBE produce from Hershey. As for the cap, it's really just this year that's a problem. Next year when Holtby is gone and they don't have the performance bonus overages, they'll be in good shape.

The Caps did what they had to do to win a Cup, and as far as I'm concerned, that makes every contract worth it, regardless of age. They're still going to be very good this year.