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1 mars 2018
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Jets de Winnipeg
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Forum: Armchair-GM22 juin à 23 h 8
Forum: Armchair-GM18 mai à 21 h 22
Sujet: Jets
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Windjammer</b></div><div>The first one works.

Carolina says no to the 2nd.

Winnipeg says no to the other 2.</div></div>

I think Carolina may be OK with Perfetti for Necas because they likely can’t fit Necas under the cap if the rumours are true about their other priorities, and Perfetti can be bridged at about only about half the AAV of Necas’s next contract. Plus, Perfetti has excellent advanced stats including solid defensive metrics, and Carolina values advanced stats far more than most NHL teams.

The Iafallo trade is a salary dump by the Jets. At $4 million against the cap, the Jets can’t afford to pay that for a bottom 6 forward given the other moves I have suggested. Therefore, the Jets would need to lose the $4 million cap hit to make everything else work which is why I think the Jets would be ok with this trade.

Chaz Lucius is skilled, but behind in his development due to injuries. There are other young forwards that are above him on the depth chart, and I believe the Jets’ scouts think Barron can develop into a reliable two-way top four defenceman with decent size, and he’d likely pair well with Samberg now on the bottom pair at an AAV that works for the next few seasons. I think Lucius makes the most sense as the prospect going to Montreal given the Jets surplus of young forward prospects and Montreal’s plethora of young defence prospects, so I think this trade or something similar is likely quite realistic, especially if the other moves were to happen.
Forum: Armchair-GM18 mai à 21 h 14
Sujet: Jets
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Windjammer</b></div><div>The first one works.

Carolina says no to the 2nd.

Winnipeg says no to the other 2.</div></div>

I think Carolina may be OK with Perfetti for Necas because they likely can’t fit Necas under the cap if the rumours are true about their other priorities, and Perfetti can be bridged at about only about half the AAV of Necas’s next contract. Plus, Perfetti has excellent advanced stats including solid defensive metrics, and Carolina values advanced stats far more than most NHL teams.

The Iafallo trade is a salary dump by the Jets. At $4 million against the cap, the Jets can’t afford to pay that for a bottom 6 forward given the other moves I have suggested. Therefore, the Jets would need to lose the $4 million cap hit to make everything else work which is why I think the Jets would be ok with this trade.

Chaz Lucius is skilled, but behind in his development due to injuries. There are other young forwards that are above him on the depth chart, and I believe the Jets’ scouts think Barron can develop into a reliable two-way top four defenceman with decent size, and he’d likely pair well with Samberg now on the bottom pair at an AAV that works for the next few seasons. I think Lucius makes the most sense as the prospect going to Montreal given the Jets surplus of young forward prospects and Montreal’s plethora of young defence prospects, so I think this trade or something similar is likely quite realistic, especially if the other moves were to happen.
Forum: Armchair-GM19 févr. à 12 h 24
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Windjammer</b></div><div>Neither Walker or Seeker are worth what your are offering and aren't an improvement on anything the Jets currently have so who caress if they are available. They're 7/8D that in a perfect world without injuries you want to make healthy scratches.. It's a trade for the sake of making a trade

Konecny, while a very nice player, is only under contract for a little over a year and is a winger. He's a luxury not a need. There's no chance Winnipeg offers a young top 6 player and moves a top 4 RHD to get him. It gives the Jets another expensive top 6 winger while killing the depth and defense in the process. The Jets end up like Toronto, a few high end forwards with nothing to back them up.</div></div>

Walker is an upgrade over both Schmidt AND Pionk.

Seeler is an upgrade over Stanley, and he can play LD or RD, so he’s a perfect 7th defenceman.

Perfetti will potentially end up being replaced by Barlow and McGroarty. Perfetti’s lack of size and speed limit his ceiling. He thinks the game at an elite level and has tremendous vision and anticipation, but ideally he’s the third guy on a line with two big, fast and skilled players in order for that line to be effective as a scoring line.

I see Konecny as a huge upgrade for this season as a scoring winger who’s also around next season for the height on the Jets’ window to contend.

For these reasons, I would think the Jets make the trade if the Flyers are willing.
Forum: Armchair-GM19 févr. à 11 h 26
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>MisstheWhalers</b></div><div>Chibrikov looks quite good in the AHL and that Habs pick will be around 40th overall, they'd be crazy to pass on this due to one year of Schmidt who's still a serviceable dman.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>jetsfanmike</b></div><div>The Philly deal isn’t realistic in any way? Care to elaborate?

Both Seeler and Walker are reportedly available and Konecny is also supposed to be available if the Flyers are wowed by the offer.

Wagner for Seeler.

Lucius for Walker.

Perfetti, Rashevsky and Stanley for Konecny.

Pionk is there to make the money work. Also, the Flyers are trading two roster defencemen and one roster forward, and that’s what they’re getting back, plus three prospects.

What part isn’t realistic?</div></div><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Windjammer</b></div><div>The Jets aren't giving up that much to Calgary to make a lateral move for a rental on defense. The idea is to add depth at the TDL, not mess with one of the best defenses in the league and not get better.

The Philly deal isn't realistic in any way.</div></div>

Also, I disagree swapping Tanev for Schmidt is a lateral move.

Schmidt struggles on the PK and that’s a Tanev strength. Tanev can also play higher up the roster whereas Schmidt is a (very good) bottom pair defenceman.

This also removes Schmidt’s salary from next year’s team which is when Scheifele and Hellebuyck’s raises on their new contracts begin.

Calgary gets a serviceable NHL defenceman who is overpaid for his role but with only one season remaining on his contract, plus an early 2nd round pick plus a very good forward prospect in Chibrikov, so it appears to me the deal works well for the Flames too.
Forum: Armchair-GM19 févr. à 11 h 14
Forum: Armchair-GM19 févr. à 10 h 59
Forum: Armchair-GM17 déc. 2023 à 22 h 20
Forum: Armchair-GM17 déc. 2023 à 19 h 45
Forum: Armchair-GM17 déc. 2023 à 15 h 47