

Membre depuis
18 sept. 2015
Équipe favorite
Canucks de Vancouver
Deuxième équipe favorite
Canadiens de Montréal
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Forum: Armchair-GM16 oct. 2015 à 21 h 29
Experience is one of the most important aspects of having a good hockey club come playoff time. For a stacked team like Tampa they have a real opportunity and I just think that had they had some experience to match that of Chicago's they'd be real solid bet to win. Of course you could argue that they garnered that experience after a long run but this is still a very young team, that being said I still think you need some winning experience, players that have gone all the way. As for the moves that I made, sending players like brown and nesterov who will be good future pieces doesn't effect the team as much as you'd think because they can be recalled later and only get more seasoning in the minors, and weren't really big parts of the team yet. As for the trade with Columbus. of course they might be overpaying slightly, but if and a big "if" they have a shot at the playoff like most other teams they might fall victim to the constant overpaying of players come deadline day. As for the trade with the Boston, I go to my earlier point of having winning experience. player that you give up in Boyle is a glorified 4-line center who doesn't contribute much asides from a somewhat physical presence and penalty killing ability. As for the first and 3rd round picks this seems reasonable for a solid agitating top- six forward. Marchand has a winning pedigree, and was clutch during the 2011 playoffs. I can guarantee that a player like Marchand who thrives in the playoffs would be motivated to come to a team with a great chance of winning. As for seidenberg, injuries have tarnished what seemed like a solid parinng just 4 years ago. I still think he can be effective in a reduced workload which who would get in Tampa. In reality the move provides depth, improves the team for a few year as the contracts coming back aren't long term, and most importantly add a winning presence to the team. This reminds me of the Canucks adding a player like Samuelson who had that winning experience with the Red Wings and contirbuted come playoff time while with the Cancuks.