

Membre depuis
10 mars 2016
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Forum: Armchair-GM20 août 2016 à 10 h 56
Sujet: TML 16/17
Forum: Armchair-GM7 juill. 2016 à 13 h 14
Forum: Armchair-GM15 mars 2016 à 18 h 30
Forum: Armchair-GM14 mars 2016 à 19 h 21
@Leafatic Thank you for your input. Yeah I only made this proposal so that TML can sign Stamkos while making a fair offer with Bozak (a market value 2nd/3rd line centre) so Tampa doesn't lose Stamkos for nothing. Even if TML get the 1st overall why not have a strong 1-2 punch down centre. 3 Years (2018-19) from now, Lupul, JVR, Gleason, Quincy will all be off the books and depending what the cap will be, they could possible have enough room for all. Also i believe under Shanny, TML wont be afraid to move out cap players to make it work as shown by the Phaneuf trade. I can see Babs wanting Quincy for a couple of years to help with the rebuild rounding out the top 6 eating up top line minutes until another is available (Max Gildon 2017 1st rd :P) . Kadri I think is near his ceiling and i signed him for a 2nd/3rd line role similar to Bozak, Ennis, Henrique, Valtteri, Couturier, Marchard which to his market value. The RFA helps TML a lot and if need be can go to arbitration.

@palhal Yeah, Tampa does have cap problems but i think they will be more interested in not losing Stamkos for nothing, Bozak is a market value 2nd/3rd line centre and getting him for 2 late 2nd rounders is a steal. Namestnikov, Paquette, Nesterov will all be signed to bridge contracts. If they can unload on Carle then they will be okay. Again, for Kadri TML has the upper hand with the RFA and can go to arbitration if need be which market vaule is from Bozak, Ennis, Henrique, Valtteri, Couturier, Marchard etc. Quincy is only signed for 2 years. (can sign again if need be) TML needs a veteran guy to round out the top 6 eating minutes helping the kids improve until someone like Valive, Loov, Dermott, (Max Gildon :P) is ready in 3 years time. You dont want an Edmonton scenario happening to our young Dcore. Defense need time to develop

In all I believe that TML will be another bottom 5 next year(Drafts Gildon) and needs time for development. Who knows after that .. But i beleaf that a playoff team is in the makes :)