

Membre depuis
16 nov. 2018
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Canadiens de Montréal
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Forum: NHL26 nov. 2018 à 10 h 35
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>ThatGuy</b></div><div>Yeah, couple things:

1) Ottawa is actually a really good hockey market. I can't see any scenario they move especially to Quebec City, which is essentially Ottawa (government town) with 1/3 of the population. CAR or ARZ are different stories.
2) I think Melnyk will try to resist having the Sens play there but I seriously think NHL would have to step in??? I mean it would be a bad look for the league, and it directly effects the fan outreach of the sport. Having the rink downtown would draw in people living in Gatineau Quebec which would be huge.

Also, rumors are that melnyk is looking to sell the team. But the asking price is waaayyyy too high apparently.</div></div>

Yeah I would agree Quebec City is essentially the Ottawa market but smaller. The only way a team moves there is when an owner with an unfavorable arena situation decides to sell and the QC owner group comes in to buy the team. That said, the league's owners would much rather moving a team to Houston since too many of them see "total market size" as the only stat that matters. But I could also envision that Houston is going to be the city the league's owners flaunt to get unfavorable arena deals out of the city taxpayers (at least in the struggling American markets, Canada seems a bit better at resisting this). "Take this deal or we're moving to Houston", etc.

I don't think Melnyk ever moves them out of Ottawa, but if he goes to sell I can't envision him caring too much about the intentions of whoever is offering him what he wants. But, in summary, I think the league would care very much where the team winds up. I think this is less the case with Arizona, Carolina, or even Florida who just have had way too long to make it right in their respective markets and haven't been able to.
Forum: NHL23 nov. 2018 à 17 h 21